M Sunday %sp-Lights corne on at Mohawk "QiSrig Into Sum er Spedal %. 11Mhms b. Of«m« Triple The DealOn Heil Central Air Conditioning And Furnaces!" %ci ___&__a____aW e & lu4odussa Il mauWir e oeIl. ad «WMebderMmhM 3jmd 7:0.lPdOMgLHoOF 1. Célé R" .. o lulbladuypwh.d Mim Vouthfii Pwinoeo mbd >Aolwk P.d.g son. sill L u W Ntb plu ns oe YW S m mcd& yumd uhi. OM ug ut"MMuwry s.mhiy, àm~ 28 Md CWWM u m*8 noed kg Aei hm àouedywllv 4.ft &Apa Il md dMb.3000Q"mnApij 17. Idgêae 3. Diwomh..i Som. apmd usin le YulM lb" de Mm. qdqe mmu wce* 061- fmbe.udeui Js 1*01 cuit hhs a Fa. 0,us loy Ducs Nmeuts F&mdy Phew4wh ib.~oaeJUl01b.uq~b Liny' MMes Va" Subi. ud -uma Ehsd.D.w. aui yew gday. MAsy 23. lm soi uhh.mUmecie. PM' Dis Tbimtwq VdNUin Camwad Sasum Pm Mure aS Ibs evd Md Hioiua8-~ykynh~oitPUCh SuisL B"I C"( U dms ROWi 10 OM OU bqm fore *0 di I§ il df betUa. DOU. Nul Amai. Cie Cm*o ulcs Foe sho, siqu loy CIns WPotn P1 ui ei aunly &mm a am sSpecluls ho apsui Wak Uns ye oh III. mi h sd tab forl 4M Il 8 Soud iie. SIgami t-25 w U e » d subg gom b4aySou 2. M&ahulo Pbeh Suim " fur (ai u olà à On Sid. àMAC 27, M * feAmm S Siuds, in du nulM of bdy whh du md Yul. 1-1oda nil ma $MMaoiiu ai" Pd% a PM-- Sumduy buy 23 imd Aiu &hdam.gosyh Fe Faile noeud -m- , . >u b*lo nil hmu à Naveacmmd.vssyml&u md mc" ni b. meb apc ig î l 'à~ cb"uy. Rou..cudi 954-2M5 MILTO0N a An"A RIESUDEN BAILEY NEF411NG & O UNG3 A Wrio OF A . MLTM LM I8 LU.OLTO, b.LOT 2x7 PWON! 878- 4021 FAX 878-15M BE E NERGY SMART CHOOSE NATIJRAL GAS Whether you are replacing or converting your heatm*g system, --natural gas is the smart choice. *ln fact, neturai gas costsless today tlanit dd in Apil 19831 *naturai gas high-efflciency fumace is Up to 94% fuel efficient. *Add a central air conditioining system and you will have home comfort year roundi " Complet. your home comfort system witti a natural gas rentai water heaier. *And because natural gas is die cleanest buming of all fossil fuels, irs kinder ta the envlunent. CAL N WND MA MNO'PA YMNM FO09R 90 DAYS Gs MOWRIAù LTD. TOM UWLEY MI1AUCA INC. MAUXCI MCWIA loi Aw W.e.mk ah IL. 11k nm 7U Us L L,111k 878-2381 878-1979 875-2700 Filr yu namelgU u n.Ot ..u, pw yuamgin a Mmnih (h. Gu IHWW ow dqwq~ig Uik 40.. a 1- m don" » le meow- *l ne &0uenu. If bey l. on n à trip Io lie re il b. à 9moia 7 P.. &C ~ m MMd à, OR fflank ibdo si Putieg Mdl $1 s " h21. à'* Wn0 h à mdn inlurc - misa H'IEA'IT i Iiij