USED CARS-11 RELIGIOUS SERVICE DIRECTORY MILTON GOSPEL HA Rwy RWARY ORACE ANQLI NEW LIFE' 306011tang SI. N. ROMAN CHURCH PENTECOSI-TAL 878-202.1 CATHOLIC PARISH l0ý00è.M 139 M&M si., 317 Main SI. E.,!Milbn CHURCH 11:45 à.m. - sunday schocd 878-effl 878-2411 OM THIRD UNE 6:30 P... Mm Timise: Rev. Mark McDermtt (lai. islà, Th.VM Rd à Offl Rd r IO BAHAI FAIlli "Courtes y is , in the primary station, the lord of ail virtues" -Baha'u'Ilah - THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA I<NOY. MILTON 170 Main St., E. 878-0101 Minalr -. Ibo R.... ffd Lewis, B.A.. O.0. Diaonuat Mînlalar - M"i C~he SuilI 8784m SUNAY FIUAUAY 28, 1993 0:30 ar.- Aduil BOU. Slnd', B:46 amn.- Gradus 7-88 &4g" Scheeli IltO arn.- Morin Worip -CIwcn cbaisif (Acai 3 -Or. > -Nursery (Infenta L5p Io2 yfirs)m W aid ..po..ael ai & AJIeWE Co r OUR LADY 0F VICTORY M_, ST PETER*S CHURCH Mi0 0. 1. sa as».. astI Tabla. ta. c,.,,.. casr fais, "i-aild &..S ST. PAUL'S 123 mm . ai james , Main, Ord 10:30 ar.. Lent 1 Morning Worship & Sunday Scho Sermon 1>90. 'Caiciis or Wldernes? 8.amuofci Bi9Cau. Open on Powsly -Muich 0 Felanay FOW V lé 28,3 pin. SERVICES Sunda>' 8OOiam. 10:30 am.n Thsrsdiy 10:00 arn Bible Study - TaSsa> 7:30 p.rn. Prayer Group - Wae diy 7 p.rn -Eveyorie Wekom. - GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH latr allaton uH. "Mi 8&2M W. uslconis you <o fms wlti Us ai: 407 Pins Street Next to Milton Libriry 10:00 m. - SurKdnSchool il:0 a m. - Morsng V*3)Slip 6:30 p m. - Evarsng Service ThLesdy 7:00 p m. - Bibl StLudy Nfiler> and o.leqribOn for b-4a i-on E VMpm*9 liau -wu .Th.e Osurci. Tiot elbai For Vgal' Ai.. Dainel E. Rogge, Seioar Piasor Mr. Robin E.W Fosuir. Voulli Piasor SUNDAY, FEBRJAR 28, 1 »3 9:45 a.raining In Trah 4it a m. Thel Appinltaient WM Go *PMtf OUla TIE O' mnae C.a (As 02) ad*.. si'ea (Ag.a 34) 6.30 p m Ee-nei avmipeuc Pay 'amO CLAME* Ki ckà{>) Vi P.(AN*Ns 6121 WEONSIE8AY <7.10. 8:15 Pli SaTURDAY (8:31 - 1111 AR> *YWMj AT HEAIr 596301 MINU WOMBN I'S lum iKAmi.M OUR101 aCC.! OF LM6' TIIDLE. S VI BiaiSa> Schoai (il &M) 10.M arn. Sunda>' EveniSemve 6:30 Béncta> Mondag Sariie 11:00 ia. TtaiS>'Enem6nSariie 7:30 p.rn. Services Cwfenly Bei.s HbM At: "PPR MM&Ot. AD. à MY. MU (NOM Eau Carne> For mm mieh. eua 333f678 "Love Me! Heal Me! Forgive Me! Send Hel" HOLY ROSARY PARISH MISSION Sun .feb. 28, Marcëh 1, 2, 3 at 7:00 pm with Fr. Justin Bailey O.F.M. Si.nd-y ...........Cod Offers Us Ille Gift of' LÀNe MonclaY ...... Cod Offer U% HralinA in Jesus Toesac . .oc <>Tr <..........GIO nU Thse Gift Of Pardon WeddÇe,&Ly.......Cod Sends 11.% Forth To Sha, erIis' Mission MontisiR Mass% at 9.4%) an Matchs 1 & 2 followrs hy Scripture st,,cdy in the l'arsl Hall. MlarrIs 3 Scrilture siudy a( 11111) arn. Milton Bible Church St. George's Anglican Church, Lowville taieléal et "s efflm - la L.W è1e Sundy, Feb. 28 1993 On Gualphs Une. XWa fnith 09 De"y ROa THIS SUNDAY Pastor: .MICn.w.for ironcuit $h78-1363. 1&30.JinilDeMirii* l u#s.. Mosq.y. finails In Owga: Tii PM.. Frexl Citai à Nu"M4l - i 876-324 7.0p Th Sdw uie.. Show Battie for escarprnent the MEr rady c miu. "Hlicon txpayer lxi wunt a tax The, NEWC coMtid "i lte NMC Finuial ccnsdcrdon asidle s is a cmoie end blosélbcdlamcy llalcflsboksaonwthIi bucly accialimmbl for ils nalings. ton.baoed lep t Ecrpe Thon saapporing lise NEC often vnmnent ftomed (KEEP). als acb-1owldd10 Il hml fiall but IhleY feu dui ecaupaiient couti bc feu zpping iuI Mntai b-cus govesud by à colhections Of wîdçIy devielopoisent but=e mnay csuplc. vavyi enw rides if, as In suppocting havig HAito lake UieNEC sulgests. lthe rcgiona w over mach of the NEC toit. regionail county gavermnens along st control chiaire«a Peter PonMoo sued th Uic eris IllOine promise.. i dutt4 Macina Gunice, a KEEP shoed bc Stime &Md of 1oça. -pobi.. Nd g NELC regional auionomy" in cscarinent papouls %muld le"I in a --dog. Ph-MtR& paich aNxeh" Ici land tac dut Cerent NEC lent m ulnes w sia acuidsrey dlie iaiegity of thie es. change *oac iota", Me..Pontervy caypmonî sysic. sud. Hadion will ooly telle ovethe NI.Rm oSmcd tril poieit. ode atof'i E fin tio, mcdiods ini whlch IMine and the plictio c *foi topâ vralo parts of develoffcce con- Buinto ouicl Y trfom die NEC. chaige cmuid Se to .. flic>'he vurtd in addliional cmi dcvccpmnL" * frei $155.00 te, $170.000 yealy. Baba H-1-11,. spcaking for e <Peulng on how much Provincial Proici O Wuer ~vimnen* assontance wWd bc availsiblc to the ~Resoics <PO ), a vHlton agen>'. onvionmeia lc=kjby Quecs PuIt sublidizes NEC VoQ sit! ail w opesations, bat probahi>' won'i do s when the majoniy of coninuc as muich if Hilton tltes Ocer, M. n iemii eajonmcd Mi NELC. pousi- RinlO tdiat tion. Haion cud boeover approxînsuic- -"Ils going 10 cois mmr mony- Io ly $37.500 if dic Province grantcd have Halion taire oven NEC fane- repin<at govcrnlSlt Uic uthot Io lbon alite warncd. clorng con t n- chargc e eapnient devellqinient limies relid by regioi a&lW aios