hktdmu CmmsutyN.upeerVoL 134 No. 31 waUiqmSDAY RDRUAIY 2&~ lmS .3 High sehool gets $437 million facelift. Renovations will greet students thisfaill at Milton District Hlip,&hàol !V KAREIN.I theaare ai weil as additions go tte librsay andi rescindes sucb00computers and .odier Tie Champion gu4lance centre. electaoaac eqùlciameit. "Our tope la diai i will providi a ietting for l>*ÇV=n40-etre track, wtlcb Witt includc Alter a six-ycar wall, Milton Distuict HigI students Io kmeintoo (ho new century." sai.*,ii drautn system. %yill be buli over dmi Scbool is getting dmi biggest ficilif in lats bis- school principel Tom Adams. current tracR usiatg lis base. ie wue WiIN le tory. Th llcurrendy modut library wij.he sai- feod Ôfi. .Accompanled tty a $4.7 milliosn prire tag, ditional 2.000 square fee 9&4pEe where stu- "AJI-weadber tracks seeol 1o atuct tnolorized spgradng ill includi a ncw track anti studio dents will h. sbll.4se modem mrcc ' * uoà REtO VATIO# on pesla LAf sentence for murde.... A 371-year-old - La~Msced te Hf. in prison inl dmt Itl eds of a Haléon His woonm Whto wià sbot as blm borne just noetb of Milton. -Keith Bel rdaie sbot bit gWfdtets lCmy Thomsopon, 30,.in the eye et dieur reatedl fain- boue on Elabil Uni, a"oit f hieine Avenue. lHe plièdsd gulty to secoad-degrai munier et Milton provicial court Tbursday, shoully before being sénaed. Foiey of Brampton, Mr. Bewtidge la re-. qulied la serve 10 yiais of the semence bifee i en apply for paolie. 'lii ji' bïm laabmlumy fous owniog a flieset %I couple lied just moied Io Hula. HUIs dites ieeka before tlic lue 26 shootirt cf Ms Thontpson. wbo buas tkechilden. M. beekirdg wu qvbsed the niaI dey ais colaotmWmtcf Fem"elcPul. 'On t. Comnji .Box 451 Y Newspip, OARVI LLE, Ontari, L6j 5AB NEW&Idls Hockey player chgrged with. affligt A hlngouihockey player faces; assaut! charges fl- lowla.g the Febnjary 12 flght ai Memornal Arena where a Milton fan wàb lut in Mhe head wIlh a llying stick. mhe game, belween the Junior A Mlftln Merchtanta anti Berliglon Cougars wae jusl ending wlien s fight broke oui betwee fans ln the stands. ln reaponse It he ft, a ployer thrmw bus stick intc the atand, tnjurlng a Mitton fan' A 20-year-old Mui.e Drive man reoelved thme elichea aller the sticl> alaslted hie face. mhe 10:15 p.m. flghl oes. ltd andi about 20 fana worm lavolvetl. ) Following an invesigation, H~le police dwaged a17 year-old Hamilton t yWuh Thursday seth assaut caua- ang b"duy harm andi asauit vâth a weapos. He sa sdtedted tc0 appear ln Matton youth court March 5. What lhoe guys lae ln haîr. lhey malte up for ln modal - gold medale, Ihat See Page 16 Features Police........... 4 Dateline .........13 Sport..1. 6-20, 23 Cindffld...21-23 Rui Fâliate . REl,RES PWpa. Ycu OeW Tas Retuin wm L5tmuio- U411114 il . cou: As M d. t= - lIS-tit PbWa1m*mwla T1ýowncouncillors 1 expense6 d4yrpancies prQmptpolicy review ft M ULLYIn addition £0 dien waming aitout diacksni The Chaimpde coUcagues. M. Kisitz defeasbed hienucif, . sayîng lie chargcd mileage on a **fia rase Mayor (lord Krantz moved, quickly to and Mha il wus "a bargain .as tu as die Towen bimult loquians lirons Ward 3 counci[Wo la cooned." Mai1on Howard ait politiciens' expenses MIs Howeard said appewuinces led one tu test week, saylng lie didn't want t0 e bel 1eh naie oC f us would have ose own elected officials inspectint s cd Akdio' Individuel policy'* regarding olileatte capta- claimts. Me. 111 would hope we tdon's get loto dus Municipal councillore bave a sAiary- duddng on one aoulie. h douo' wodc." bmafits packag worlb $12,379 per yen. Mt ltowass's sbeat florai iro tis subject one third of ichich lu tax frai. As Mayor, Mr. tiqu wh a quisy about *die eey differ. Kmunt recilves $36.915. witb dmi -u i amima for conféenucea mfd udleage" proçouiena lax break, ln addition, ail IcUW. by vious conrillo. - elecid officials niay claies conamnues. "I moi wonng wbas the pollcy, wu," trmave d oàbo e4esiu resisi 10 Ma Howard conduused. "WIy would milcag municipal 1uis coul Ut ta be bigli? 1 jas doS know wbse lb. Maydcjbjicegnrddm I-h die oe P IL-I. uPO e