Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 1993, p. 6

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OPINION IBîox 248. 191 Main Si. E. Mtaso [ST 4N9) 97U-2341 Tî,rîîni LUne Ri21-3837 Classilied Advetîsîng:17 3(1 l an Oliver Publisher SNeilOliver Ail ,tî,nglîrnr 0' Janse Muller Eîh,r Karen Hilasa r-i îlo uae Teal Casis 0fff, manig.-r Tim Voles Prîvlu 11-Mnae Ma. Con.b c=qien. - WSiadw end ThlégMishbnd Pilulea, Pi*ibg" à Odebiot LWio cai id> obe 1 Uih i i iFlu N. AdoaOUae Aies. .Ust Bal -« Bite Ous~,o Bue *w pztat. Owuoihiomui "Me'.qrus Ausd.i Week. Ul.dy Thés Wii.à Miiose ~EGWm & S-e. Aiui tir lb. Wadn. Pal.liooug Tho W.*. ffl1es, iWd IV VauVsn Lb".e Swerseogt Moto. TOiuy* Sino and Uit- A*d..ls a acua is, niies f«M thut, n in . ai f a tare. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 @W aia dwg. . a t~aiO dolisa S bu piud ford OU pm gla i. WlTh pkidisMmes nSaff Ils nitt A civil pay equi*ty formula_ Spend your say ouf (if dei Kîck-sf art I le economy. If you or 1 t ried Iisi approaci lthe banik,% would seize our assefs and lie coours a.ould f ake our chîldien and force us n gunder- go pychmalrtc tberapy. Think about il voot have a famoly mnce of S¶l).(ll) a year bul you're op io your eyebiails iu debt and your jol is in jeopdy Wlisf do you do? Do you buy a ries car and insiall a swlmmlng pool - crease job,?t If ifs night <ce flhc goveuima sliy isn't à igli for ust Thse onily says bo save money as fo spend les fhan yoo eain. This only way mo reduce cosl s as lo reduce spending Wliy cuill the îhîckheaded bureaucraLq figure ibis osf? Oui goveitmcnl's idca of redocing cool s is go lîmy off flic litle people, Knock off mile go, ai $15 nid bouti sig cItons flic road, fixes flic bioken sater mains or delîvers lhe mail. You know. flue guy whoelictually does somelhing. What about tlie siugs? Wliy does goveninlcn hiave one management siafi fce every îwo ce ilvee worcers? Wluy are ilie aies mdic benefifs of fliese people flic best in lhe country' Wh§ does oui fedieral cabinet requise Msce as, tnany caiînet nllnisîîs us flic U.S. press- dent? Are the,"i people really thag încfl'icient? We knos thcy are foc, expensîve but nos one polîticai purly ai any level lias% beens able tu do anyfhing about il. lere's fie solution. Cui tileir salaries by 25 per cent. No more of Iliese 0 per ceni and one per cent hoîd-ille-line budgets. If tlicy doig like the resulîs thiy cmn iiy thue mail sorld whlere lliey wilI fid fhaI feu, gf ilens stîl conte st lin 50 pet cent Io 70 pet cent of lsucr rent mines - glial is if illicy cmr flnd a job. Cui ?5 per cent in pay and benefis to ail civil servants caming nmore Ilian $30.000 a _~ycar - no layoNs. or rirtings. ils limne <ce a lit- VIEW POINT lie reverse pay equily. The pitise secte lias; bornc flic krun cf titis recesso rdl thie public sectcer las lienled Zero increases aie ns gond esougli. If cvcrycne doses i Icasf the %utie job, flis à 25 per ceati ncicase in cosî performlance (productivif y> AIl previeus aitempia ut reducing govem- ment cosfs have lien bandiid solutions to0 a 'major' kerrceage flic privale sectoi needs somne lrcitiling space fo catchi up witi govem- mneni copendillires. The objeclive should kc tisa everyone kecps bis ce lier job, cvn ai reduced income. unfîl economic iecovcry as a rcalaty mnd not a fg nient cf morne ovcqpid ecotiomrdil imagina- lion. 'is scenio coutl acually bic rcalized la the public seclor wîith undoublcd gnashing of teeli,. sînikes, peltiions mnd sbo knoss waia olker formns of revoitf Is fis realaly? s llis sli se liave f0 do? Gîve mie a beifer ides. In îalking sîfli many civil servants oveî thk pasi numnler of weka. ns one disagreed diii liere is an ovecahsindance of fat ai the top skî liaI lhue b ai the icliol board's "pleusure palace'o he Region's "green monsmer". Even Prias Minister Mulroney sid the civil service is fou, big and protnasedl Io reduce il. Instead ai giS. 'ie chiefs outaumber the Indians ana se nccd a "tson-style mca pally mdsi sot more of thk Mad Htiers. Tougl igfîes, fougli peoblerno, losigl sols' fions. Coping on a cruise: when it's too fat 'I survivndl a Caribe cruise. 1' slould bave tiiose word.. pcinlcd on a T-shirt. Sadly. I sas nol an ideat canididame foc a cruise. Firsfly, tkere's the farstul ont bis Io spend limne on a slip (aà moviag one, no lest). Sirnce 1 get motion sickness on a swing, 1 sas exîremely anxious about kmang ai oea, Aciually. 1 fared Weil mn fhaI respect. Apart from one encning nieur the end of elle clue es the set sus a (mille rougli, 1 managed fa keep mny mentls doen. Sirice if iurned out to0ki Sîmcb smooh saîlmng, 1 was surprtsed ldut for scieraI days afteî thk mlip, I fels dirzy mnd dis- oriented. As soo as the libriry opened on oui fim day at oea, I borrowed Iwo bocks bol souri dis' covcred ftlug cruising along sus a senstion sirnifiât Io mcwocing slong in a car snd my cyco mnd simnacl quichly rekelled i the wien sord. So rnucb for my plais o gem camight up on %,Omne rc"g mnd wriling. AI] wsos loti; liubby mia bll bocks eîl mie problern. White 1 arn aware thuag cnumves car dîNfer, Iblis parlacalar ose would ippeal go peoplle sbo lîke mo pany. sunbalke and sbop. I do sors of t hose. Il asmoumids me fIai in 1993 people are sîll eager go cook ikîer skia in the anrelenting sain Are tans stitI so socially acceptable? Sonse of thk pasiengcrn losi a day or more leier holîdays becansecf overepsr . And ikae tkere's shopping. Before se'd reaci a port, d1k cnuise drectoe wouid infori ON THE HOMEFRONT inlesled pasugengeel of baillasses they wouid Ilnd i cach of oui stops. Hubby and 1, nunwhlle, ucooped up thec first t-shirts we ccaios eonnd packcd thcm asuay for oui kidi. Oui cf ler shopping excursion~s scie equaily unevenful. Evert before se boaided il»t ship i Fi. Lauderdale. bubby sas rushing &round tliam Plich cîty ise" oadf supeilue. Oniy houri belote. when sie scie ai dite Tcifommo botel. lic liadt billon open à packai of coffne ai uh irie lime breiking a front soath off his top denture. And bis gise sas i honte in lus brieféiase. Ai Grand Caym Iland, se found flhc neuaies drugstore foc bandaids Io covertoc blîisters. l nïîst have been libat six-mile hike Ihroughlow fane d ilong tlic beach. Wc also, lricked dosa a ssore thuIth flcales fiequeamed shere 1 boughes a spool of red f hrcal f0 repaie flic sia on my backpack. No ciquisite per- funics. unique jcscilciy or ciller bleasures for us. Pagnyin a mredi ouf f0, bc ose thing liubby How to spot eating disorders Eatindi diisurders am more previlcoti mnd mor wadeîy recognlocd dia ete before. Ose, bosever, is not vcry obvioas amd dif- ficuli to deted, choug li îs effeclu car kc traurialic. Bulirna. mosi commors in scornage girls, in- PSYCHOLOGY voines an obsession about fond and body nNT E'0 scîgh 'lic buligmic will fypically "bange" IN TH '0 mnd fken "purgc" - staff karseif îfli sn- credible quantifiles of higji'calccle food ains fken gel aid of the <cd mrough the use of langeous dealli cmn ccuî, thoagli if is mame, laxatives or self-indaced voiiling. flulirnics Iromn infernal becdig ce a ker aîlack. ciii consumre as macli as 50.000 calories of Psyclsological problens us prevalenm mn fond ai ose lime, amd mray purge several simnes bulirics. Feelings of infcrioeily, los% of per day. fricndsliips, obsessive Ibouglus about food id Bulîrnia mi very difficuif to detect because liîdîng the binges/purges, lears oif viralty iisy tksce girlu bav"' mor icisfic vies oif a soi. social or group situations, especially shie nul body seigli and oranage to lead whaf whkre food sali kc seivcd, sali casse cbtic, locks lîke a relafively normal fle, including daily sfoess in dm bulitnic's lîfe and prevesl or boyfrmcnds and going Io restaurants. Bulirnics dcstroy, mort social relamionsliips. also maismaîn a rclîiliveiy normal seigm mnd Fortunéatcly, mke aie nreaments for bululas, appeirance. rillg <lrim couniselling, support gioups We have lcarned thtg biîlirnja cars kill. Finis, 4'(&gcrcaex Anonyrnous) amd psycboghkmp, the bulîmic rnay se blood i liet vAor-c îitfealiztion. If is possible. lliough ns sooul, lien expetience more amd more frequenl., dea. WI.am Ibis syndrome. Firsi, bowener, lthe dmîzy spathi Ohkr sning signala include prob aifi mail kc idemtîl'ad. bsw blond sugar, unbsalaaced electrciyfes, evn A special report, IicIping Children lhtvîugh calcium or potaasium deficiencies. min' Crhii. cdîfed by poycliologist Lews Lîpsiît ai B,,tn University (1988), lîsîs specific tipis thu parents cmr look for if 1kcy suspect a cbîld e to abandon sh ip griay bave uisa and I dîd nom have in coronn He-was in bis 1. Look a( bote offen, lios muci mnd tela clemeni sociiing (mnd spending mosey) ai ski cals. Docs sie eam a big breakfast ai 8 a.rn dm casino or iii anc of the ihip's bans. lic also' fkgn bave a snack at 9 ar.'. Does ike cal an <oued bis teay pooluide for dancing mrd bog elfrememly large amounl of fccd i ose ail' calling. lic came tid fce bas mentorable catI, fmng? Doco uba cal predomninangly siceetç or sinning a gesuine leather bcokmak bcaing cibohydrfeu? mhe slip's nme.n 1. lv sks obseased wifi lliness or îmîuional' I, os the o1kr band, "rlait @rounid the y afraid of falness? deseeled promenade Dech miien luded for oui 3. Dues site bave a scar on lier bmrdl Look cibin. simflng i oui picmuie sindos mdgi above the knuckles on lier firislichre fingers gazing out ai mkese arad. s"m skycilcbing a for redsess and scratlches. If skt is fbzowing movie on TV, ce rnaking an eiiy niglit of il ap ficquenfly, kir lingent ad hnuckies teili 1 made a major nifake in ordcring vege- probabIy kc cal or scraped by kir mcdli. casins disbca foc the enening neas. '1'ky 4. Domu due bave sfained or spomed clolli' sursid out to kc bonsng PM aniagànative - ing? Thic bolloons of shirts and the sboulders vegletables every niglif awinnslng la a non- are gond Places go lock aller die comes oui of descript tomato sauce. And il look me balf an the baîircour. There may kc saler uplassks in bout mo estd e encemous %crai cf uilad pie- lIkie &TUS. messied f0 mer nigilfy. 1 neyer thouglil 1 couki 5. Aller relurntng fromai he bafliroons. iî sbe gros mred of silads. Obviously, du chefs bat qary-eyed flushkd in the face, or have wem neyer baurd of rice, keani mnd gran. Need- bul Ske wili oflen clean kiscîf off aller leis f0 suy, 1 didn'l pack on any positio. vomnitling. tlile mke redness. fcary eyes and 1 could have exercised off any anwvanîed fal fluiîgng resait (rom the pbystological sîrcîs su thk limness îoom thug ficafaed thelajesi in ber body goes chrougli wlicn vornimming. wcigilf equipmeni mnd encîcise machines, tn- 6. Dcci sie have a cliroflic soie limat or are stead, 1 cliose the aiolics clisses. Teying tc, kir mollhiîn a %tatc of decay? TIbis cAcan results folIow the fancy fotiwoeh mnd complicited <rom excesive voriling, irn traversenas proved goe kdiiilenging. 7. Doca %îk abuse diuielics or laxatives? l'or backhbosme nos, enjoyiag the crsre If bevetal cf fkese sigrns arc precit you and fresmness 4f an Ontirio teinier dit i now sbould immedlafely consauls sim ycur farnily reaiie i peefet over the affilng kifn of the doclor or a mlerapislcouinsellor sho ipecial- liopici. And l'rn none die baivier mnd nos izsin eifins diiordeti for adviçe on liow mc the daor iui a bie iser buiide il th yOili ciild.

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