I ~1 *1 i Maxîmizing your RRSP Mrwih is a shared goal belween you. the investor, and the firm that you chosise. t n my day te, day busines, 1 arn .iked many questions, a e of ishich t woutd hlke hi siiare. ,tlows dst start a selt-directed RRSI'? 11w irtstitutiîn yîîs hase choses Wili .siPPlV VOIi. .ith the forrs and a,,îi youiicmlt ung ihees..a'. weil as cilfer ads cc on the mont appropriate invest- ment. 1cr your ,weds. May I inondr existing RKRI' tu, my self-direciad If lSt" Ye. you nead iinly sigfl a fonn suP plied ty thvrr ittc.e and tht>' ssi>diith e'.t, (an 1 croate an RltSi for ni> six)um,. or make contribution>. ttc bis or ber existing URSI" Yes. Any contributions wili be deducted frnm ycar irînuai con- Ir ibution inait, and are deductible frim your taxable income. Ths&beneit cornes f non incomne siiltcng at the time îîf retîrement, nihen bot, vour tas rates arm hkely toi 1w aia i rdsed rite When r'. the dcadtine focr con. tnibutîin? To ctaima dîduttiocn fucr thc, 1992 tas year. the last date sb March 1, 1993. Contribu- tioîns for 1993 &as lie made tnîns January 1, 1993 4o February 28, l9y41. Wci the hemr monitoïm fomiegn holdings beld wîthîn my RRSP? Yes, 111e> ssii! c<înstantty moni- tor your SEiila5t to ensure thât foreign.holdingi. do sot exoeed the speccfied limit. What is a RRII'? RRIL' stands for Regiptered itetirement tncome Fund. Il is ont of tta options opait tu you tu pay your- self income at retirement. It works by spreadcng income psy- mente oser many yeurs, thus deferring and tuductng applica- hie tant. Hopefuliy the lins you choose cas arrange a RRIF for you. Investors mont Peatize thît vols ail RRSPS ame created lequel.' Educating yc&srsetf by asking questions and considering ail your options is crîtical when choosing an RIfSP, Remember, maeximize ycun financiai securîty b>' imples>tnting sonne iouind financial planning. ,Thieves kit night club " fta eiana Police deaMves in BwUstua Md Criii. StOPPes nre alun for dia publis mumo aà W1mufyiog the panai ruqian- aiN for a brea-jo ai a nlht chub. On Jan. 31â 8:g45a.ns.. dessing staff udvnt die NRO Nute Club a 400 PlansRd. lau BruitSiuai n Duigln loial, bale an th. comeati block antenetr wall which bed lio due secturd rooney tec ubue thot an ign of fwf&nty Io die exécrieeetaIles of die building. investissions beleveMthe culprlts in dûs incident hid imside the club ad nuy have laid knowledge of urina seua of die club arie alutnad. Once 1kg culpnits gained acceas id the. naney racnt. del, sicae a large quaily cf cash. and ledi baluid dus coin along aviit a number of rock concer> tickets. Irere io esraiption of suspects available as the culprts veste gotne allen die ckuung staff arrived. If you have an>' I*uifnuioa lAi tends 1o ai aest in, ibis or My> other case. >s>u nay be eligible for a caSh uwtsuoly Np" Io $1.00. Pieuse cati 1-M0-668-5151 or 825-TIPS "sl' 825-M77. gtub 0 ti' W"Fii 9.1t ANUlm ne MTTUN OF< utale mii oula ~ ai u IsIautqMuialp Amioas. logem Pralnes if ntoto. Noces t fuub iuev Siw bi..wel-Éa.W W«nSt.a 1s aiS J lp ia al msNl. h«-. - isOê« la O.w F. wi», u Si. 555 b-mn C.-nn k1. hO ds. iM " ta iS a , » t at iUný pl, a, nm 0" ".. hg55 'W~ Siý t.. àSa SaQ sa p tai bn 1O5S - ,oant oanonal~nO Mun am lmdma "5.. vis-e- Almm y-aw uis.Ucn ~ ~ db caal. paS us lan a.. lmS 15 I NTIEcooAN*dOT'a OW Rateplayers; of Thoe Tomn of Milo arm mtnlne #W N Fure Instislmiert of die 1903 Tax BU le due on Fmry 26,1903. 1Ta, paymmnt.tanwst bie rmmlvm i N Tex Oros en or befof Nil due dater avaldW pérafly Lalo paymn charg of 11/i4% wl be chargmd on Oie Wia day of delaf id on Nh logt day of mach 'calendar mordýin de Nt dm114 coutims. Il Il N resonbi Kty of Nh ratepayer to @reure # the taxes are* paid by th due de m in Nt mvemnflh N» bMle &X rmcilivmd es mimd. Taxes may be pa d et Nt MH~ and Campbmtv9m braniches of The B"i of Nova Scotie. (Thel le a $«l service charge) Thorino OST chtaged on taxes. If yo u require informatioin &bout taxes, plean conat11 Treaewy Dmpaimmntea 878-7211, ext 147. Treaery Office busi- ness hte" are, M:3m ta 4:*30 M< Monde Uiroug Frldéy. DMu squad fi>pds loaded weapôns in car RCMP &eg sitiailoficr ud 90lSid -t ahih alueiof POUCE BWTTER The suspects, Vmta i cmac- Siniaer% mile cree. lion veille c"li traSlckl war mie Iliisn aellen spoi tua ia- busted mmu thae valica as dus Mar- vestiged due substance uithdu dliStrei restaurant ai 7:30 p.. Laurier Avenue bridge and (bond it iThe arreati incdded du samine of to hca - "lioted incident" of laaded seni-auîanoiaic pistoli» gapsoline induh vw4r, polie s aid. Mam ohargedti tabsoed Car thsft chargesi An 1S-yer-old man altts chuged A former restident bas been lait Wethicidy witi pontlessian of churged in cennactien ait. recent stolon p' opel y anime coller olten- thefli cf cars in due Milton aiea. ces in cennacin wilh crimes ai a A 1981 Mtroery. recovered in local sdhoci, , Quebtc. aas stolon front Stales A culpit siole keys front EC Avenue in early Deceniber, and a Dniry HiaIt Sckool and used dia.t to, truck was reported stolen Ire. gain accuse Io facilhties ai the On- Bruie Street eauser tItis nsenth. îio,Stsee cosnplex ad stea equip- A 22-yeor-old m, fornedy of ment. l'lt Milton resideso was Kingsleigli Court, races theft char- ckarged urider due Young Offéoders ges. Act because hae vias 17 yeuse old at due litte of die crms . Equipment iahg A 33-year-old Newmaskt mn a loi cufrntly under constrhctiono n races miichef and mettuit wilh s Fiha' li wcspon charges in connection witk The gooui were stolensometie an outhuuut of violence at Don during the carl>' morning hours Cheiry's let inenitb. Thursday ai the lot - a vagin club On Jan. 19 ai 10:15 p.m.* a manl under coinstruction - jusi soulh of tbrew dte glasis bowls ai a tantale No. 5 Sidtroad. employec ocîthe Miltoit Miilets- No sign of fonced entr> vins found courant. She ducked te aVoidi bainsanmd the sierrm systern laid been dis- kit. and the bowls hit a glass sign. conoected. police staid. Sinawhtd smashing il, lights« were aIse lefi nt due scelle. Equipavant stolon A pick-up truck patked ai a Wood- ward Avenue resideoce as; thet Wr- gel cf thievet wko broke it and stole- $2.525 wortb of ftrning equipent on Friday. Gua 4n111 iisveatgated A ceofpeaI Commercial Street youth centaçtod Haltest police Thutsdiay aller notacing s gaslmno- type substance an du surface of the Entry may hase been gained tluough tht adjacent Hard ItaI Cote. said Dei. Sgt. Mike Kingston. Charge laid in fight 1% 31 -ycar-old Ontario !itteet man races an assault charge affer a 30- year-old Mary Street mmn ai punchtd in the moulb as Papn Nick*s Hoiel tarher ibis ntonth. A serbal argument hatween tan men rtsulttd in violence at 11:30 p.m. Feb. 5, police said. DOG TAG LICENCES EXPIRED JANUARY 1, 1993 YOU HAVE NOT .YET RENEWED VOUR LICENCE OR IF YOU HAYE RECENTLY ACQUIRED A DMzm TAGSAYsE PURcHAsED IN THE TREASURY DERARTMENT NOYO TrO VUMOLJEOWNER UY-LW 1984-1 Il baga 18m @Y-LAW 111- prohiba oautlle on any Tom elmit duhtngt 80 winge montht Sun hi Aii ~ b.a te hauts et 2,0tn and 7:00 ama Wifis By à% l I ~.i Mtant M l olicei a1u llt &auPF ranns i dWUaaiubo <m ud aawbwk.Ywucoowomb J. & S 1111. P. mm SELF.bIftECED RRSP QUESTIONS AND ANS WERS