h Iyour heat-gomng TaNks WbyoedoaYcha n o? eogyiau Tomey bomas eainu pulsa felow âmes polis I Air Lualqa: EMM nr u ff CMks WS ou for mp to 4Oparcofba m l m a M éeyo w own dSfl m oer oeilh a hadi. nd teo oul r a lIWl plastic Jvageishi béf and faut lm till polenulai laak poinits. Chicki dhm m"d edges of wledowî ond dcix. dia clectriolcadet oukad bmsaiowds. Cm-lkieg and *wcalhosffpping wtD head off escapina enuh dollai aMd cul droits. a 1 tl: nie basqica çai h. responsibla, for Up Io one quale of yons hemu oils. Chackt fer i.f ka aloog d ill PIM pand vrad plunbing ami ulaelical serviceeumSes. Am the beader Weil iiisuab&d wiih a th dibasomen. insuile prcpeay. Il paya in conifo, 4Md livings. Before you have Mb huemenl, coider have you hod yous fuzeiie profenionaly sevviced receady? Aille: Voit miglu have incremsed ie level of mosula- lion ie dhm alic. but dr1 you check fer a giood air-vapo barrier on due wumn side of the insulaion? Wirm. houschold Mir can escape inm the attc dm**g peneu- tions amand ceiling Iight fixwres, exhhmal fins, dme plumbing stock, tflopartluition walls nid a poorly weidiestrippad allic haich. Reinember la check diii lte omu etlation is adequale. Windows. Do you have well fitting double glazed out the window? wùdidw or pmputy himoalad aam? Io dh. wmweahouulpla i §M Ème u ian m adm--'ti Mabsly esAli a kMy bae m uapgrda or rqtlace "o. Windows. ftvw *0t vuley & Coocm ai muD efficent;wààdowsbf hMgW adcbile. If yua homme dii mn do «Belm b emgy fint= lmU da't dequsi. Vo. cm pu in Ummi shape dii Get'ing value from home renovations Persiq u aOU Uccoiudatig mmn hon, uffluve- niet gmuiirmels wlmeàa tg te lm youw ow picaur or fSr aidug valme ta you uedce la ciahe circonslsec k lsa iwisa chaice fur invesognL he f«i sWàtop a m à oal quiliàc conneulor for lhe rigt fée. l'e mn reliable source ta do so is usal- ly on the buis of tefrri by friendi or relatives. En- mte ltaibjb lu4hm die ibiity o ineel icesuing nd bondi requweients and lock for i memnber of a profiessional ammcalioa orremodellers. Iti la tient la bie seai estunsées of whieh you cae compaa buiiling spaciflealio. laitons materals ândflime tu conqplel ie job. When makini dit conipauion. don't iamilesly sune dia bowest puce is th. beiL Loch for reson why the P--vry. Countrywide- FOR SALE CAMPBELLVILLE REALTY INC. 14 Martin St. 90 Man S N. Milton Campbelville 875-2294 854-2294 nm oe cownwv CHAM JUS? A LITLE O IH n..644n 64nnvnoog 6 . n2nnnn.9.01. 10 Lin. USbwonO1.onn »d -4.14 hnonn AN 2-S6. - dw.q.k à-. FR MM a- e100ý"'. HORSE FARM .,~ 30 salî barn, training track.original farmhouse with large addition. Ideal location in- Campbeieville. File C-50. II~If MUST BE e*r au Omin M P alflé Beautiful hardwood bud 111 '. y "0MV ~~0 ~~ ~~ located Min. fram the Villag I'. . s*.f- ç.oo.n of. a Campbellville. Donmisa cbQo5dUS cnOb z5M tis one. Ask about C-101. In.,.on 44nM!C n4 41 =mmTU LING A, S~u ommo n 4*0002 . 046. nno 0,,inâ . *. A * ..bn. Pb b064. e.o M* "4n M. 56W. 0aSo Fm141 6 C40 Countrywide- SOLD ..TOWN AND COUNTRY * SPECLALIGTS SYLVIA BIJRSEY - OWNERIBROKER 2 n.- S2. _S= 1 23 ,9 1 s;'59,9 1 S 1 79,900ý 1 $134, 1 S219,90Ô-----l 1 $1,250 M