Sairgent Farmis batm two Up i OMHA p1ayoffs SsagtPiDmau clànd a Onumo Mina Hockey "aoc"So tousby MW e oeu an effort musding bis way imb gth ithe b win wbili Milton lied 26 ai tite 5-3 vic'ery oser Pom Penry in the BD playoff round. titi viltry. Kmu Plienrg sco.d a plii Perry delienci. Medilous aced oppouition. secondi guna of their qurier fina Milton enlied dit bud-bien con- powezplay Soid "le rediticun a tite pair wben bi stole dmt puck; Garn tltsme in it ers cornai ut talliing 15 Io1 poital lied in titi point dici limin Couriiuy. hiriuen brons bibinth nehtt andi beat a star- prose to beitdu pivotai matc in the meines. mconàl Wte fourgo sooreti tht ld Pmi PunI, itoider series. Il ili be played tomatiote S Milton doninaiet play in titi fii garnie wjuter on à treai Iiiha Jeff MekL MWo 21 diom mo pick op (Thursday) ai honte. 8 pet. I - ~ ~~~~~~~period but weue titwulied by thse P or kttd a cea ire ciig wi Prgololeatie patis Erc Dreis pggyo o 1 br otnal eaîgqu~-wntMumgkadIlh Penibetion. sist rein te point aWe tang a pass position to the pack. Andrew ICirkluOd tedt à goal Port Pinry countereti teit a front Calebt Moffa. lthe stillUhdidi Wîth Brampton leadtsg 1-61n titi fron the'creee ateir taking passes powerplay goal Nuin the tio theilt. Brampton gabe ani Milton "o firsi peniod, Moitai seoreti on a sitot front Cosby ami MoffaL lthe thirti Tefmeuaid gotls inte th dfinit gaine2-1.tIntite short sie assisied by Zach perioti tes ail W4lton. aciualy il secondi Jason Ceurne>. wit assisis Satuudy in Bramipion wus a total- CM-by and Kyle Kaick. The was ail Moffai es hi icorei fltite HEART by Midearos ant Coly Bourgon. ly differtifit gante wlit Brnition Houllitan was sent inio titi ci=a by goals in te period gwîing hint four notchiti a powerplay goal wtth a wéigtiei h finit minute of Jeu Gleeti andi tekii the goalte and for theSgene. Darryl Langlione anti AND STROKE itigis sliaps front die point. pay an coasttng to a 3-I test. scere inmt the erpty net. Ryan Harper ployeti solid irnes on FOU N ATION Pom Perry too titeir orly leat Mlton's leu goal was. scoreti by Tenacioas work by Frank Fazio, defence for tit imnners wile Tylcr FOLIN AnON arly in the titird Iterii teiti Millon Moffat, assisieti by Kein Sales anti Riîk-Naialin anti Trais VanLoosen Salut,. tas solid in goal. O F ON~TARIO havtng trouble cleuring the puck Hosithan produceti another narker by Fati. Glame four teas Montiay in (romt diseu own zone. Two qtick Gante tbiee in Mtltqs ons Ssnday Next Evan Jeans teni te wotk wiule Brampton anti it teas undoubietily suas; a tiecisive 8-3 titumping of kîlling a penalty anti scoreti aller the moti excittng ganm of the yiar. I - - gBrampton. %i Milion boys suceket seme nSuc stick itantiuing. Assists Thse teits battiedti ilougit thti finit Dmnnor Package Il 5.' Ille Show OnIy $6.00 * Cali s,* 878-2889 for ticke1s. Are you a girl born Auguet 1981 or lator? Learn ta play great soccer froni à coach of 17 yeurs end fomer pro- fesuional play«r. Tryout for th. Milton RWp. Teamn Phone: 876-1524 or 637-9035 Milton Youth Soccer Club 11 Ms à polo la Complain te a dector FrIegnqy icoreti. Bramptontonk theten lu itit 12 minute. rentanng. Milieu. hote- rurî. kept applying the pressure sutith the lune of Jeans, Roselle anti Iloulihas itavtng several scar mis- Finally à hard shof by Kack was tippe i n by Iloulihai te lie the score. With itardty ceugittinme for lte teams te catch thtir breathi it a Meffat taktsp a hreakawity pas frot Ceshy andi rii a shisa oser the glose ot the Brampton goalte. T he isun goals in 18t seconds were ai the Milton boys sueuli serti as they fieldi on for a 2-1 victery asti .-1 Wefes 55tf Milton new facis lte sinner ofihe liamtlion-Burlingion series. il 0«",Wj, 19a vý4 a * Subserihe to The Wednesday Edition. of suilç 878-2341 ta subsodibe sstandCampleto the ftam belate and mail lai, ai -141BW drap off at The Canadian Champion (along e <lce *ith yaur chaque Wa $26-00 - made aut ta The Canadian Champian) 191 Main Stoet, Milaon, Ontaria L9T 4N9 - -I ADOIRESSI TEI.EPHONEI El NEW SUBSCRIPTION El IF Mkeb«aua "ay",.a Tht, uaC M»po L------------------------ ---------------- Februa 4Su 29 ,9 te lof "