SPORTS 4tsofeoe; -'Tu WO» 7JU W L Dick girls join boys ait top . in basketball Bush die boys and eus cf W, L Dtck aàjule u> on ail du ralier leurs; in the ma*i Hilto elnt undeIe&ed action lia wek. vuhile the boys held inl finit eVerlanet sufterng these first tuo lusses o; the The Dick pris briguai Mrot to- garne win toeak by defeatang Sam - Sherrait 47-43 lst lluaday in double oIvmtitoe 'Top th4 cellet wtte Lista Henderson (14). Kellyvti (12) ansi hum French (1O) 01=ill Suer- mil ou 90coeboad wtt!e Richai Paddelfaed sud Crystal JoltasionN bolh wîth 12 pouis ad Melante e Tht gis made easier wodi of the McKenlie-Sntb squid TMwbury muth a décisive 37-1l wip TOP scorers for Dics were Nicole Miait Il». Kelly Ivens (8) ans] Meghsu Ssetratt aiso tuas] an entier tine facssg Brookville lluuris]ay sud q cao away on the wtmutng ensd of a 37-1l score.w Melasse Davenpoti andi Crysta Joston each score] 8 for Shefrai and] Came Johnston scotes] 6 Hsgh scorer for the lâst-place Brookville seain was Kerro B. wsth & Sherrats ns in fourtis place in tht staninsgs Shetratit neve upi Shtrratt boys botittes] toto second place when shey defeates Dtck 35- 2e lait Ttsesay and] conutsei thesr mîssssng ways wtth a 38-29 victoty oser fourth place Broolivîlle Thursslay. Kits MacDonald contributes] 12 second fer Dick mile Adam Rogers also countes as a top secret addisg 7 ans 14 points respecsively. Jases Robinson chalkes] up 8 for Sheffi t. the match with bide. Paul Looder (8). Scott Kaufmm (6) aud Peter Kielo (4) mere Dick's top scoters Tutaday. Iann losimg con- test with McCeuJ-Ssnith Thuriday i b a e top scons in tht clone 33-34 match A rb a e mete Pais] Loader (13). Steve Turner M&is a~ 1k~.~. 01 Mma Ulgq C"u hall bMt illi toff lie a siba coSilatn in (9)1.51 Scott Kaufttu (4). UtaIna. br.i ahia a y. TM. lN" e ft Palhlies Mur"h* nian Leque stnii-finalsamE Tueaday 99bti Cu", Artsplace uout-paces com ti on mn jockey %té! umenBig eUwod.mwo was voeed the OJC's leadhng smo- Bill Roino n d the invincible Aruqlace e-dom cltc92 ,sie h starso *a so ht e19 Ontri ynoldioiu coltMv cf v '92 ll Robiunson Jockey Club Amnada banspet lai VtdueMda wi5 volesi Ille Molson Expot Trameri of the si Mohîawk Raoeway. YôF'ew. usrly defeasdng ctîlleigues Bob Mc- Aalsplâce, 'mc by Bob Mcîssoàl fo 6eJSSau» ompsew an Bro oisesc. B ATRobtisn tsud 139 winters ad homes to boutait -n ndehéud *92 mau mlh $2.1 million in ensma,. $932.000 in camioan m m tein $3 mil- Preudential as votes tde OIC's lead' liou in Biiese niuL a. lms mou f stallion daism s e ic ots atend i ae mg freshinu pung colt of dmt yen aBer Aberwro the ma uaitmi choi s the $mn a rmets i th e Kmdsergarten Stres, Nas- MiCs Paclgliomn cf the Yeu fer '92 sid Biffi WeJlood wu volai the OrCs Boie sutwya Sishe the Mâtro. tIim and Mto dieov.ubeladugdclotu Hotu of du Yen. tn of die Yeu fioerberrng sgucoulul 92 for SM9, 197 inlennings. Ansplao's Wnoimble saso .cadd à coqWpg la bothd 6 me d anla d àlv4u Deug Brown mas honoured lun the OJC's sueep of te MolsoS Exe Picîang Ste and. dqmtaue. ver cie Yeu fore te fBAh coacuslvt die $222750 Ciam"a Pnclg Derby et Wellwood ftmsd 28 wislame and hob <c Tht 37-yersioid Oshawa nuve sAlve Gmssuood alaa miti a Bouet Ckaun catnugaoS61300 v i Îagng22 vi. wem d oes I m<an $32 mil choW4tijP ai Mohamk Artapimt maines te mnd homes tu S447,000, luchdi% Amâtra in partie etimlugs on t6e OJC circuit sn OUCH! Two losses knock Mêrchants back tofourth place speatis id Thse Charpi A combinatmon of key tnjuries and slrong cottpeitmon his co.q dit Milton Merchants their hold on second place in dit Ceniral Ontario Junior A West Division stndings. Alier takug a btg 7-6 victor, over the Bsn- ltngton Cougars, aist Monday rvesitg. tht Merchants coulin't bls] things togther oser the weekensi ansd look back-to-back losseb, firsi ny los. to Burtsngton 1 houx Frssay eseutng mrd then a luson 1~,- defeat as1 the haus; cf the sevents place Georgttow.n Chtysler Raiders Tite pai of losses dmop Mtlton mn founth place andi gives; thtm a 29. 1-2 season record Thse lusses conte wttb tihe Merchanis sufférinp a sumber of Le> injuries incltsslng ail-star rear puas] Mtke Murray, forwar] Jason Ritcbse. tram captais Daser lins andi forwani Adamt ~This has bers thse rnost snjury-rssdlel. suspensio-id]le] teiam I'e coaches] to oser live ye.trs,- sidu coachs Rick Bisce Saianiiay nupht tn Grorgetomu - "Wee bers %sraggling ansi I'm nos happy wsth the w.ty thing, are poing Tonsht's gaine (against Georgetown) -as a slap in the face to u,. but perhaps its tise best ibsng that cassis bapçsen becausr 5fr1 il u wr sers] ta get huck I riday esening', msrsh-up visth tht Cougsr, wSss. asbusist tram begissin>, ta end] wîth hoslà Milissn nesinîrider Carne).. <uintao and Bar- lingtî,s gîs:sie Tos] Irelan] Irugglmng Iliroag threc penods (il hi, oftence ssni ntuch bnlp troSin eiir dJefensise autsi Ilîîrlinpson'% l'su] Fin pus biN cool on ihe ,ccarid firss ai 3 %6 of ils. îpening persmit witb s ssnst shot bus MIil[Wt Jarme Janjevich cane tract wssb a ii>,y ai Il 36. wsth asists tramt Mite Murphy an] Stese Racco Cosipir Greg Coliîns settns] ose laie in thse penoil ta gisve bis tram a 2-I ca] afiter thse first Eoch tramn score] tibrer more tînies is the second frisse of action ta keep Burlington ai a ose poil ailvantape. Ss.onsng for the home trams were Janjevscb. Travîs Rîggts mnd Clan- c> Seymouir wile Ad]am Copelansi, Scott Bramwell sud Mast Bell noiche] goals fat Burlington. In tht thîrd pernod. the Cosigars score] twa qusck goals in tise (lest hall cf action to bère ama>, with the wss. as, mdl as tonte rospit bouse hockey mnd a lot cf work for the refereç mnd linesuen. - et McHANU on pame 2 - club awards 1992. Brttdern Cromu champion No Ses Pluas mon the OFC's troffssg home of 6he yeu award while Ratuerizi took the trootug mue's lion-heuned nue Slusly Daiiy. alto s Bredm Clown champion, uns rcoguized as the OJCt Pacing Maro ie Yeu, Odwse pacent honoanss Wtt!: Suncha <Bec Yeu Olsi Filly Pacte cof the Yeu). Hop Irish (furet Yen Ols] lly Pact f tht Yer), Stay- mg Togeiîà (ilirM Yen Oîd Cold Pa of die Yeu).~ met usiin Image (Two Yen Olsi Filly Trouter of the Yeu); Image cf Beasity (flire Yeu Ole Fdly TrOMe Of<de Yeu). EnIl (Titee Yeni Old Cols Treller of<de Yen).