Worporate bonspiel te benefit hospital foundation t: Lcalbusiesss w da lng boa- The fins 6mw wlI kc n 9 &m. aid Petter Susioun antan of According Io Mt Stewart dieu nll nUl fnture Canada Trst vs. acIC Ie oi n dem curling riai oet Wednes- wiithi second event geting tailler- thse bptai Fouidation bonrd Mdl banot fis-tins curltns on dhu rn Racer'u Wgc vit. ltiatetwn Heneur deytan reiu ffanda for Miton District way ai 1l amn. Tir winatta wîll play the curling club, num lu auri ftbruury 24. Dicktns va. Papa Mitas; Scaitll Hospital Poumiaton. the winners outid laours -wli play lam siponaso at wel as dons i flM acru diran nUlàstu ibm Bllon- Moving and Starag vu. Furitmg. nthre nul ke 16 tenans spansored lasers in aecond round match-ups ai prts and auction incus. AMl the ing chullengers: Morts Ead Niatai Colli, icay Dunetrs land by lieu budmes ia the day-long I pi. und 3p in. food for die dey bu alo been sup- vs. Wallao Poncera, Bumck, Calglac. Solîcitars. Iboospiul as Milton Curling Club. Spectots art encourmged io cirer pliS froeotcha . tiniglolte ConTravel va. IGA; Pnycis weill wtar ltae pltuchln on Each sponsor han plaid $200 inta oin tri sud taiie pair in a sulent Somnie o sponoor u t neeing Kilmn Flawce vs. Delicouef; theâr bocs, csng tbm nais af the Ia 1main nid players uat misa exptcscd suction. tiscir on playes rhum leran are Relents MiItowDO vs. St. Clair Paint tein sponoar. ta mtec donations ta dmc charty. Event co-ardnaors Ben Stewart sponsoting curling club mnees . mud Paper. Tie Il &.nt clalltnge C n u t n cuts save ~~ school board $1 million o c t @y ANGULA DLACKURN Ôal ai Io Th ChaMpion liIson Bani of Educatton dioec- lot Bob Willitans is iaakttsg ta cat sanie $72,500 per yttr consultants' pasitians as a wuy ta save S1 mittlmon by nexi yen. Mr. Williums sasd b's tisa. laok- ing ut sot Iilliîg ti leasi ose snpernnsdeni's position as it contes open next fal Mary hourd staff ocre an bard ai Thursday's board niectsng tai ber tMr. Williams' ira reports an staff YOU HELPED MAKE JEEP CHEROKEE THE BEST SELLING COMPACT SPORT UTILITY tEHICLEUN CANADA'S HISTORY!* *Air conaaulonîng *Leather Wheel aAutomatic Transmission aCommand-Wac 4WD * in sreering * Roof Rack * 4 Litre 6 Cylinder Engine la Rear Wiper/Washer Ask about otiier speclaliy priced options. te From Your Local Jeep' & Eagle Dealer. M iBard on RL lis Regtsteatln Data, t9u0 tissougs t992. *'rlte isclades Cati lacis atready dedacicd. Cati Bocis lu fus lmtte oils nd biclde GSF. te effets frone lassa>' 56& » usd1l iermnnat b> cisyterCa"sd Lltsltd. Resaieu sttside etigibte for Cati laèci ortn Dui aiealer ouests>' ont>'. This P off e ls apae and emsa kc L md nis tit offre.« h putce excludest eneo. regiutraitoi. freWîht and taxs. Frelgi:tseiÈ C= $50.00. Dealet ay> oen fior les. Set deirfr=eul ,rargautration - aose on supeimses- dents and ose as conssuttans. Wîtb nusrats <tiser supern- tensients' retireirits coming for- ward tisrosgls ibe decade (seres of tise 1l ssperistesdents raay retire isy lune. 1995 rith ira atisers paies- tiully ietîrisg sn 1996 andi 1997>, Me Williamts also propowes a fsrtiscr rester af.senior staff ta cater Lai ta tise isoard b>' tise auisam. 1994. H-ornver, it ras rn tise area ot cas- suttants tisas snte insediate trastres wcre pruposed. -Fissrcial peessares tri reduce tise ramIers ot staff rn tise sysiem is tise pnimary asoisatar.' Mr, Wîltiamîs saisi. Offerirg a 383S pet cent reduciior in constitatise staff. Mr, William' sais ise -rongsi> estîssied" savirgs rastd be in tise osier ot $t million b>' 1994 Tise reducisr ssasîld see 16 posi- tians elimînaiesi - six tisai ocre redued theougis attrition te t992 ansI a fsrthte 10 as tf Septemnier. 1993. la 1990, the bard upprosesi a revsstn af Instruciional andi Scisool Services support staff tisai lecoin- menes a total 84 positions oser linter budgt yenrs. In 1990, 78 of the positions ocre appeastd. As of Septeinier, 199, dtter wcre 64 positions. Theougs attrition. ix of tsase positions were eliminsteti bmingimg tir total ia 58.. Aisotiser 10 nul be elinsei b>' fibis Septeniber if Mr. Williuiss'ness reorgtutirationsl plan is oisaytd b>' to stecs Matnc VALUEt a SERICE VOIJ CADI muin ONi FO OVSI 30 VEU WAITH OUR 95005 SION FOR THI WEEKS SPEO1ALB. 700 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 878-8171