Love of horss, drawig, led to new cameer Self -taught artist specializes in portraits of horses ArMa Deithi Oftn o4 Wl opsuwmg4n babe F504 by ORAI4A RAINE Drive murs -nm -wbl §V KAREN SMITI4 -Te ChamionW Debitie Cioldrng doeanlt nanti Wîing accasesi of rntsîng business wîtli pleasare. Thte 37-*ar-old equine artist is te fimn person t0 admiùt sb'*aalng a carer out of combining ber love for !gotre wit ber ability t, tirai. Tik eWauly, streigt, md unique- nets; of borses anrata ber to the angimais, wbicb are ofientibe subjecl of ber work. Mns. Goldsng's famuliaity isîith boises frips ber pet Ibeir peesonality ant spisit on paper. .T.%y're just mnagnîficent animas." dbm says fro. ber Wilton Drive bone. "Anyonm wbo bas ever ridden borsas neyer loses tbsîr love for tem." A native of Montreai, Mes. Golti- ring, began drawing aboat lihe taine tigue site staret ning. isten site was 1 1 years old. She's neyer gfOwn uked of Uin bobby. 1 just can't walt le deaw." site says excitedy. *'Tie igne (bat 1 do do il it not long enougit.- A seil-taught artist, she learises drsming skills tirougli trial and e,7cr. wile aith sbm î5itilim becota- îng involved4vitb tormes. Starting out as i maember of the Pony Club, Mrs. Goltitng went on 10, grooming. training, anti slsowing bunlters and juggipers. Ste bas also owned magny borses. Alitrr leasing ber sales carrer go stay bonne mitit ber sons Brait six years ago:she tiecideit go porsue ber bobby a a business. Using nuinly pastels but soma- limaes pen *bd ink. cbarcoal, and watercolosr. sbe also tiras dogs aM cals. anl lMi rscently tumed ber talents 10 wilifr. patlculary wol- ves M bald eages. Ctirenîly, mite ta kepi basy dong çoandssîioced portrait. watt site has oblaled ibrouga word of otoutit and modemt advertuing. Il% flot uncotoion for a client Io approachbeWr tâith a pitotograpb of a pet mdc bire ber go draw îî, says »st. Goldring. Ste sitahts gettini Cbiisuna orders in August To keep. up. s draws evety day. umually for about sven or eigt boari. Her consioned portraits. unfasmed. range in prace froni $75 to $MOl depending on the size cf the drawing amit work involveci, The artist's original workv cao We viewed et Batr*s Sackdlery in Jior- by, Fox Coveri Gallery in Netemar- ket. as well as at ber borne, where site produces nosicofiter drawvings. Mrs. Goldring bas lived in Milton for te las( seveai ycars widt ber bus- bad Dan CAROL M. BROOKS 0155. 111-777 75l-0017 L".. 825.4U5s Bell sales v at Carrnval Ben C"nd ewtloyees wil bring tlteir travelling sales uid informiation centre Io der Vanter Curnival tonsatot (Saturday). Crews wilI be able to. pro- vide saine-day installaion of 'certain unils purchases ai te convenisi equipnteat van dt will We isatiomedin the Meinortal Arena pagtung lot., Staff wilI We able to answer questions about Bell long dis- tace packages and other ser- vices. * IIorts DoQsirc qe 14K CoId Diwnond Ewyin& YooII cept. r beM tith thre- eioaite 14k ycIv put damosd csMs6 18sd..- w Avaîlable ExduiveIy AL p Mnny Oder Vdentinc- 8"wCm In &cwel 876m4367 JEWELLER - GEMIOLOGIST . 0 Milton Mall 0 M. E. 5mrncir ,Ccericd 876mG EMS