Chronic<care beds scarce, no9 solution is in sight Halton's ratio f 112 beds per 1,000 seniors is called the lowest in the province ~L~ELLY glam picsw; cf vousia d s d ijvrptlue alououau plaeets wu a fuil 39 pft cm.s thell peopl k mta1 s he t corn, _md dwàadlg.opeigu fSr deaili la Halet. ft=Me «r 0 .- All is long-tar belde m 911W. tnuny but we lmt nos making any wlth de palesa. ,cmr boms 776 la boom for the apd Ouly util destha are belle avail- prmues." . ElerIyýSbcono care patientsa ut The tave von dédnt empbesi Md 104 inius oqelal. la ls the aNs." Ms DOnnly sid. ilisgton cousclor Doug hein& shuned oui otbfahto Region speeific action tom LWi cennittaté Iodit rtio cf ie tu peuple over Çivec due counch. *"odwte ragions Greenway saud dit lack of locus on because tbmetacn't eneugl beds te - ill thy wisaad io do wuled fla age 75 i the province. Ma DoelIy ne beccunlng quie eteitorial with long-terni inst.tutonal cure could be keep thsCns closerto1 boule, dit wai thsy sec m m Cinuging criit pc1s oui. liue." - dismirous. To suggest wt clin regienal heaJth sid social services diau Wdll gaile nununeuus as die Wbile Haleo avertilss 1 12 bsds Marly cf Rlatton's eldeely are have fewer bied or mor frail elier- confutse u oId Monday. alled pcpulation swells pet ioe assiona over ele 75. the plisaed in tIaUdi d-Norfdlk. Wel- ty is jusi net a resut. lhe probltm Judy f~ay. the executive "Our buai aid saff gels ut batI provincial averalle la 150. alli saie , lingéln Çuunty and Kitchener* isC moving ont. l s mncreasing and ie directo kWted Plcessaent Coor- ais obligation 10 being ou, concertsa- *'Ut am t inu" deficiL" The Wateloo, Ms Donnelly tutid. as acominunity amt L i~esng it dotaticon eries, appeaied befote aid observaions toe cou mty, si or seuaion sa aut nucb.em ne lueegh Familles ftequ6idy have hit yet" j the ccsuuum tdeth witb boardi Ma Donslly salt. T'hetmop blle m.ticies0 . Peel is %bive but te accept the distant -Whtn you make dtiomatt on chas CaroGotimg te prtutnt a tie eItily and tisablsd &IdI cur sscond lait Ci Haiuh0u- bavett. where you art going bo 1Çft yiaar dol- lhWmnwoes is Osuseles tom dit bol- "Véry oftt e ilcontes diên t0 a lars. yen need,, to recogrizt Ltis Cht Hwy. 401 crash jams traffic -e. NU~en ncet4y -dhest criais situation andti wl <Itake -frail elderly ormnnty amt Mas n nos@Wtobelpus." anylhing. anywhere. IM r o"e ndire ed'MsG &nsa. Eâbatbonnd Highway 401 wus Ambulance attendusses and the In 1991-92 die walting lest for betis- - -- Cloutd fot a short dîne yesterday Milton Filt Deturm¶nunt 60a Ioya averaged Il pet ueon, &CIC of tht le le .1 .9 Wp 9 motnung whele rescue crews woxed ter door open te tescu an occupant, 418 ~Who securei accom-, to pull alrapped occupait fromna cet un tdm 9:20 arn. accident. whict md4moX (24 pet cet)hbas! o following a fonI-vehicle accident ciqieti pas of tie lhway for about go oufNdlb tgon. Ms Don-~ lit collison occuarreti dicte 30 minutes aIl backed up traNc for nelly said Thau 24 pet cent figure kiloattres eueai oldueslph whtns Iwo hents. *h benclinMbçn ta recela mncdis, a, car travelling on due westboutit At press tinte, injfues wert teeing anti by laelib ut-cf reglon Il ghway crosseti du centre ditc in d0tescribpd as toi lafireteffng slipptry conitions anti hit two -Thte ititotities cf due motoisw hWl Bein cr ndamtrd«. t m h beurles Kd'concert-Sunday l'the ar 1e11 sente tickets Iet for Sunday's zm pfe ucby the Beirdo Breote. tht seconda cf twe concert& dis sesson preenei #y Milton permning Arts for Chidru. Tlle due kptnthe Kitchener ares. Sandy MacDonald anti en soukls, am professiàna iescs whe perfotui a ai assente of music btm clin- sial mandelin and baroque te rock. Thty uu conventional inutnimt*; - guitar. saxophone. violin. recorderamd flue - but SouIls ofitn us mln- lTe Beirdo Breter queçialize in humotur, ueaking deçfu ilg - ide thtrw acky. songs. lTeir show qqpeaj to ail ages. Limitet tickets ant avpâl th e ddoor Iuary 31. sta ceaiof $8. Th ir- concert es ut Milton Baptist Chuci &Wd begiles ai 2:30 ps.~ For informaton on the tue-ps concert sertes contact Pui Smgth, 87É-3 t46ý Frday, Jan. n9 RURAL ARE" > - AAP * dninlire *Loblawg IN-TOWN IL RURALE *BlWay , N-TOWN Pmrtliaq *Opbery CIRCULATION DEPT. 'V V V. 'V V 'V V V. V~. V V. V V. V V. V V. V V. owfl CLOSED IEIIPuudt SUNDAreMONDAY & UESDAY 'OISCOL4&ir First 100 Customers mecelve a FREE Loto Ticket Carnations, Coffes, Cookies, Balloons White Oak"R S. 327 Brontë ROIS 878-7720 #,878-7404 HOUAS: lit" Tmu ......S. VMd1am.f& FIL 8-0 SR ................. 86 Sm a ...t..........105 a