A hîstory lesson ~for our youngsters 0nis corTenpgndoni was inviied toi sreilk Tuesday atumbioo ta hisiory sui diiaiPerey W NmeuY School asti their ltachers Benaia Doifng aid Judy j9 îV Eherripaecher. Ti10 speaker expWueti te masy changes in rural living duing lber lifetire and hued rary articles feont he ircay 1900os aim C) afi MAGH items tsclutiet a moustache Csp à W sue.shaving mucurling irons .hae pin, sale cap. undiisual hutte; plaie. wouden putain airer. laie, Iffl) uutograph book. Crown l) ibeto deeti titeti IlKl - Provncne of Upper C'asada, candie moiti, 1931 sil er dollar, lt pis. bronches. andi uId magaises aind plrotugraphs A hetef iristorv tessos ae pivest os S.S. Noý 7 5,nlool, aiic was a white wood building locateti on l)erry Ro.iti. eat rit Sustir i se Teacher, h,îd, in 1117 %cre Latiri Joyce. -Aniv llossrs, Maury Satin. Sîtril Soth 'ur Mcer I mrrrn <antelon. lu llr.dley.. md Jea Ras T h rîtrc en ructisitoo tIIn sal ts d eo cr tlresc sr .nudsenitir cI.rrrc in firsi. recIruid. thurd and touiril grade, and urîuaiýd. 2 et ;11 h.lidreir auidcd. Water for druuukuug tir lor ur.urhing hansds aurre,. sred huom a punîp ourl rudce ireaieu puul and clipper acre o>s the h. k 'hell lasse% acre ireIrsladitr rutradltrale iiasah ui c aueu n o o l Autor lDa, tin e.rly May ar cIras-up day 4heustudents \sarhrd a ti Tirere aalaay, a Chirnstmas councert. Valentune', partue, and a picnic ette last day ut sthoul in Jane In uht auster montirs. uld familles us uhe sectuir Everyone ipplid lunch ad a dfferesit tatou)> cdie brougiri he Wi na Ti pres. It was a happy aay la get to ksow )our neiglhbours anti really a thre only social ement for niany, A large ssoodes telephuise fronti about 1918 aar displayed aod tire hmstory of Hlion Telephone Ci. -was roplaîseti Bell Telrluiose hati masy whl- scnirers us Slîttis usually tincrors asti buriserses But several faims Cari of Milton dîtisi hase phones. Seseral gond mes tormeti a surmparly. sold %huares, ani secureti the nece.,saty equiprmnl tons of a ire. poles. etc. to give furiers telephonie service. as 32 - desugsated by tlrree long rings and ian short osles. Ail Ieard rings come sn and anserei iheurs. Tlrey calleti cirers on the raine lise hy turnirej a crash, Thre phoune, were ireavy andi weie hitsg higir on Ille wall so chiltires cosldnît play ivetir ihem. A long commtiunis ring meant a caîl for irelp and e v e r y c re .n s w e re d tie ra c a lO Bell lelepirone irad a central etîchange in Miltuit An operalor worlued ail ofier ltait tIreir oco. Maintenance mns in I-lIton acre W. Ford and Cecil Paitersos hmpo The students of Percy W Merry Scirool enjoyed rire ihnîl of rîsgîsg the Subscribe to The Canadiena in by old phon.>: wscopeidi February 26, 1993 and your naine wilI be Ientered in Comment as nmde on (redit Valley ratlway. wlhcacopedn 1876 - a single truck fromt Toronto ru Gluelph.r a ulu rw It vins on this rail lise tirai Beaty station wur bhcuirwi tir influence ofthsablu dr . W,C. Beaiy. This was a flag miation where lte irais wosîti stop and pick up t .0Y faimt produce, apples, millt, antd people travelling Beuiy station burneti down tin 191& presumnably suhen a tramp, seeking Keffl you 'In thfe Know" about you comunft sitelter. siantet a fire for carmbilL Early in 19(K) tire ('redît Valley railway tend a second track adtied tard ai The canverflér. of homcivy Ouf staff i.l he sold 10 tire Canidiar Pacifie Rail way. UtIOy Muny customs have change i n lire hist 50 years Tires seings acre N~ ~e I ~ f . îI 6:30 pm .wyl Wednesday ta guarantee yau ireld ai lire heide'. home and a weddusg keart folloceti Noc Jrrost wetiig off theCcOIVO your pape. ceremonies at in a cirurcir aur a caieretifstal ai a haIl FuseraIs cere hield frotte ire home of the deceaseti. Black creMe were pstcrileteli bb clmdI.o on lire door in advise passersby tirai a deatit had occurreti oe.ce L t 878-2341 dCai lettelOibr diajlmIo, Alo a a sigs of mouraisg, mes would cear narroc black ribliont os tire CS1 ta il ou htl fi$60 leh oleeves of ihei r jekeis. subuxibe 5mft OIo~ Thme cearlei ChauV=au Situenis dtI a fisne job Éiyi ng un oltiapple Mieer loi mmt SIImdII Mari. Ounm liT N Iclosîng. ire speaker commeniet tirai the ose -room schoools aec c loseti ----------------------- in 1959 anti chiltiren vient takeit by bus Io Percy W. Mery. If cas tire endi ol Tirere really i sno tiefitile commonaiy aitymore. Private telephose lises. hyteo. tardnl any onter conveniences have changeti rural living asti often AD v.on limes ce don't knosu our seigiriours. EEH Noievce lise indepentiesily In former yeae... we needed oui seigirbour's mcauz c ocomLZ 0 help anti frietitship, WN*inter Blownout! aIis~ndWon ' Lc~ihcrandi Suiede (',oats andi jacer OE U.W10AMLTOT6EPM the oide FLIGHTLINE 853-3433 rHd OPNSN-WD OMT6Ps WEST WAREHUE8306 THURS.-SAT 10 AM TO 9 PM MAIN jJST OLS3-050 'SL Ifm LOWF "sr 'F' ý , ý 1 L 'i PRIC ýjs EVER! 1