No friends of à frImm SMALA. en paga a 3 rovidqs lb hughest levels of aeufa- non anon& unai finm. I lte more competieuve bankung markets surit as Alberis Sas- kace an an Quebec appeareti mou ceposive 10 inil bonisses Sneeds wheceas vucews onsevc mal business chug., issues in be roeg of te country were fac mmi negiiive. pr- tculaly in Ontumo. ai di. Northwest Teffleores. With CFIB's publication of dieue sueys, soute finuiciali nsttutions have alerngted to improve. Saine have annougced a "iteeze" le their service chare whmch mnay -sound fike a bigdea but realy usn't when ~'uc ider thai lte charges had bUesUhk itoio lthe bulq luefore thse free wie, uttplemenied. The -freeze- aise routinel> .ip-.0@ plied to only lîsteti services" deceplively ignoning ttuany oliter set- vices tised by busintess. Busînesv owners continue g0 feel gougeçi by the semîngly endiess array of fres altached ici Iheir bank- îng acfus tuesý WbiIe modcstsîszed financial un- stluutuions arc genuing lthe mess4qe, lthe big banks generally have persusîI cd 1wmth theur wt&Npmcai hbb RHMPN 'Mri Ü1agreat deul of The way it started pingress io bc made tun reaching oui Tht roni MIII Pond aurfaoe ufl*hceys muIly baginin i Ceaida Th@« emasitulas aM pby- ici îthé smalIest miemrnes of the Ing dmt garn nmcit lte marn mer a« di*f oas auWxgt. Cau- bsinesc anniun_ _ _ AS TCOUNTRY! IESIUWE MSj? Mai MAs? '92 PlM~sl ACCaku, 4 tir, bie ........-10,M1 '02 Dodp Ugd.1I 4 dr, sifver .............10,M1 '90 Dodp Spirl VO, 4 tir, sllver .............. M '9 PlYM&sji Vo'u LEý, ~Ms $èu/s 11,M1 '89Ny Ioudl GOesnd Voyna LE, «F t bbi ............... $12,w0 ALPS NOtRH ÉND NISSAN 619 MARTIN STREET 878-4137 koitplaco. luROS&*W PIussVg, g bib CIrl . ..... $%M0 '88Dodgap ostk, 4 drgry .......... 8010 'SU MUOLI, 4 tirgray ............ % '8? Dodo. Cuie mga, Ned 0 199'S5.5 19 HONDY 1991UUR 999 '795MADAB0CKP7495 1900 1992 TOYOACMIE 9995 MMN<CMS161900 Cali our friendly. sales staff for details.