E- .1 Some car stereos can cause hearing luss NOS PLAMIO a& à b 1 811 2 O 3vI fflon WsIEI . niT lm1 OW N Pffl14, baseCellaa 10>pack upsommd vêt- lot Occigll1i anodiCy ah«l as bons Mid UManti f sagai Ulmq ponio t hla nis. ewi lir enre puikways to-Ilie brai. Loti pamnci e 5e evsl au s ainases dlaniqe and evoelly naUâUlMU o cacu boL 4y s*o" dÉmu MWt celle. dmi Wapai aur ME ilm" "a I notice a rmgmng hil tic trauinaisn of mm*d éo lle moii llb. dm1 a tew blurs, sai brie. Wlds lame. 1mm »d mm IlEN umsbd a mm si ma lmaimier Ceiles e desoys, »d lie dul ia tye aïf15 mm pose c-. ais lus woom fOcam M -, cun repmoday, *a e tmçoeuy lm as nae cent bo MWle nuttcaly, homm puwnuL à @osmuoed ieumg lkm is par- Naom dbou"9s oil bearmg aiwly sMeliL ud puinsy. Iio damtage ommE Wba can we aIl do lt miniise within die lamer eu wheoe dmoamss lie karda of noise? Due mam oh.- of seuoey reoe4aoe catis (cellodl hm vicia solutio ls ta ava" IL If lino colla) aie ocod.i Nonnally. aiemait c f va. hamoirs ycu cant cula -cm oqi yOEfoua lev. <w - ports -aol. - g-4 maWmalgt. itai lao s leur puoe.bt& Fisuly. bchen wof une rd"ai leat ersançie if yon mua c~lV. ildez gota l~ a = Zle-t2a two fait mms Likewla. if somwma cm hmu lie sil: on yooe %Wksnn lise yoa lave die vaocm [Ct lie. Sam car seitelle me cspof0 produiacn soind .acasiy Iaehi dia will datueurai he-Mn miin minules. Remmber, die bouader dm n",i du leus lame il lita I Came a par- *DENNY'S TOURS DAY ANI) OVERNIONT BUSToufis a. 1 3-9 Actan 853-3641. BEAT TIIOSE WINTEA ULAOIS - WITH- A DENNY!ý TOUR . 'I - l" oi Mya hoaFt Ill Sffl0 P>6 ".,mM-n, liaili llIawa' an d 'îlvmnSh.w F,4, 17 $50 (x> pp 4.oîod th, Wurld in F(-d41 2 1;[IIp Spîgh.. Coi. Ladly, ICK F-OR: Blue leys ln Ckrtn and îdCiqwa Tulip (-aha. Floida Troe.w6 Lak. .C-gr Spri.g Frival Bienoa, M,..un ntunky 0-rhy N..,hvCln 1 loliday Wokoad, 16 Da 24 Da 4 13. Da3. 5ý 1,29.00 a 2,123101 y, 43310> V. 713(01 y, 12900 v. 43900 0-p- -ni. RiCK FiSHER & MICHÀEL PHILLIPS 0f IFIRST MARATHON SECURITIES LIMITmD say "Consider ai your options at RRSPeime" For further informatiQ)n éall today at 1-800-263-1668 FIJRST MARATHON SECURITIES LiMITED '/0/ (1(er 'THE NO-FEE SELF DIRECTEL> RRSI' *Available only thruugh Mr. Fisher & Mr. Ilhlllips 111~~~~~~~~~~OE [eHeO~~ :~i. i UAOYSE:0 u RELIGOUS SRVICEDiRETORY HIS9.0KEN MIILTuN USf'ý hL 306 Ortano Si N. 878-2022 10,00 ianm - Breakkrng Brad il 45 àm -Suntlay School 630 pm --Geo 0Service Widalidy 7 30 pm P,. k4ieng and Bté. Puidong W.1i 1dpwae. o.n.~0ie.ai. h-W set -4 Mda~aei ihAkrt 28 . My calamkty ls My proiadénao; ourwardly il lis fire and vengeance, bust inWIPJ wka il li ght ansd mercy.' -Bailala- ROMAN CATHOUC PARISH 139 Main SI. Milon 878-6535 Ma Timei Sel *7ts5pým Sun 9.00 î.tO1030 4m, 12 ooa OUJR LADY 0F VICTORY M-i i 10 30.. Su.dw ST PETEA'S CH-URCH * ai AUTiali $ ST PAUL-S UNITED CHURCH 123 và.5 iljame, Motion Ont 878-588 10:30 ar. EpiphArey IV MQrning Worship & Sunday Schooli Sermon Tille. "By Whose Yardstick' SpoaCas fausa Curzon Februa5y 741 - Pot LueS Luch Milton Bib le Church Meeting ai Sain Sherrat S&lioo 049 Laurier Avenue (ai Holly) THIS5SUNDAY 10:30 amn Cellibraeca in Praisa Mesaga 'Hapy are lb. sail.' 10:30 ame C4w3wl,s . kMruaris Nusry Avavanlbla Miall '93 a Rieur begiqaag with Gaod! Pouta JIn otara 876-»l43 ONACE ANGLICAN CH-URCH 317 Main St. E.. Milon 878-2411 Ase. Mw.4 Meoinait 1030A.. flua89y 1000 am e b% 514 - TomMY 7 30 P n M~y Gro. - Wsassidy 7:00p m -Eyoeu Wana GRACEWAY BAPTIST CH-URCII PCor: waer M. mMs Ml uaais youo 10maai .1 m et: Nid Io Moic Lhry C003m -SuttiySdo 1100 .m - knutg vécirsh 630p m - OwwgÇSins. Ou h 001, Fatmiw* THE PRESBYTERIAN ~' CHURCH IN CANADA à KNOX MLTON 170 mtain et. m. 8764M0 e l mdaw Mm.i Rd Duo"nC 078-4878m SUNDAY, JANUAAY 31,10lm l'As &m- am" 7.8 a met Rd ..O0s.Moes- wu malat A Ai Lve svaRY-ra WELCOIdE ChusS hoo iAgIa1 3- dOrade 6) * Nasify (kissil tp laS 2Y-) ~ Whitchiu scea. pd. PENTECMSAL (1>219JANAR 35*1,19M5 Suaday Schctoo for ait U« 1045 . m Tho Appelli.it 5181i Gai NniyCar@ (Ages 0-2) Chédre<Va Clhonv( (Aga 3-9) 8:30 p.m n wm Rvin vulgaat Roiy IIIIJIIICAL EswNMaT am0 CLARKE 65.ras. Cave (Agis 0-2) Kide ClU (Ais 3-5) (0018PlamaChoir(Agis -12) WIOOII8OY (7:01>11:15 Put.> *4110 Piayr il SMi S9pdy Nursery Cure ProM.cid (Ages 0-2) KvFom ue(Agis 3.10> LUghhoi. Jr HOe IAaatrY (Affll.1l- 3) PROYNOT(7:20 P.>. Fotail Br. High P*aaty (Agas 14-19) SATURUOY (8:309: 15 As.>. Satuîdoy Maman Prayar Mu.Sag NE1W LnUmm 080 MMv Oaa Thursdsey a morte (Agis,.> "M! ENLARGE VOUA CIRCLE OF LOVE* Vwrgi fasa 0.0.a attendeatCe MOkL LEPAaE RIEAL ESTATU SERVIES LTD. 878-101 SATURCAY 2:00 - 4:00 PM 289 Cou. Blvd1 $289.11w. sata ROp in éienfdancé ROYAIL LPAGIE NII 811?!snul1 La 5ATUROAY 2:00 - 4:00 PU $CS8.00. Cajola D. Oraissat . aindance REM"X MILTOWNI RIALTY COMP SUMNAY 2:011- 4:00 PM 6011 Fait Court? $182.900 Lon DunCan In allendane ROYAL LEPAGE RÉAL. MTE? §EMME@I TO. i7"-101 SIJNDAY 2:00 -4-00 Put 788 Fmobel Blod. Il19..00 Carola D. Buchworth. attaflanle REMA" .TOWE REALTY CMN. S~OA M..0-4:00 PM. 507 Vwa%' Crunt S234. Audreyp Niai camedsc REIM" MILTOSMI RIALTY COU. 353 Wowam AsCii. ShiQil Gray StIn.taa RM«A UTOSNNIRALTY CmU ama180 mmm hols. iesoha. anodlier ao pwcaaon aà Io ma- Mille dit leagl of lian yau'ro ex- Amfly.ti bo p àslina in lis fera of ommnrcî ou plugs Cu suia. Its a pood in t pircia or tomIo ta rock cS0otf Huffl proaacàsa ows youta eajap na.sy witivaies wlout dm riti Ilepu- ltapeuly, wili an inoee.s we camailme *do tomi Protix oile ieilig. Lot's Al uy le mMime aiE Caniriatian le Oie ove-pamna &sOA or MWPODbolbl. Cali Mehrida4la rrie Yo.,r Srats Trd.yII