Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jan 1993, p. 5

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Mulkewich defends'against cuts Dy RS KLLY, The Champmo Burîington Mayor' Walter Maille- wîch blasted propoiied sociat service andi business Idkieloponient spiending rolibacks ai l-falton tegional counrcil Wednesday, sayîng oaier areas should inslead 11e targetîrd for th1e cuis. He found bath an ally and-an op- poneent among his fellow Burlington represeniatives. In supportîug Mr. iMulkewich, Bob Wood warned ofla -hiddieî agehida to dismantle social progrants, But Doug Greenaway characterized funding sotr social services as contnibuling tamipayers money ro cha-uîy iuthout thetr con- sent. Rcgional counicîl 1i ssheduled to approve t11e 1993 budget untîl tat- Foebrsarry. and only prelimiuary meetings regarding dîfficuit financ- ing choices have raken place. But ai 011e of the enrîtesi sessions las week. th1e heailh and social service comminee recommended slaslung SI 50,400l in regional grants 10 eighi communîty ser'tice agencies. th1e ra- tion.ile being tbat îliey are large enough In weaiher th1e fundîng loiss ln a foliote-up Mseeting Tuesday. th1e commituee revîseil ls stance. in- steaul haling 11he proposed cuthuck In $75,21X) and spreauling it oui among 11 of the 43 oulside agencle% Halton supports 10 sorte degree However. Mr Muîketeici dclesn'i uan money slphoned away tromt the grant programo hialion's budget resiesi commiîtie. which wili eva- lutte the health and social serices commtîe recommeedaîtons. ua-ns gi, hjick Io Iregionail ltaff andl ay. *shere aîre you going i0 find th1e *Monley t0 puat th1e thole $152.4m0 iback in.- 1c insisied. '*We're going M0 have I0 gel oui; *pesoiies utraighl., Mr. Mulkewich said. "To take tehai amounls io, a broad-ased approach is flot reaiîy helpIil In aeyone *Th1e worsi twn budgets le cul are busineus developrinent and social sier- vices.- Mr Mulkewich snarned. The regional business develppnn of- ftc", i alleipting In mnre, an econormg renesual hy Iurung nesu employers 10 Halton. yel s faced wilh a proposerd 14 per cent decrease front ils 1992 approved budget of $673,401. 11e poîitierd ouI. *'The mal Inident agenda is. Ieis go ai the soctal services budgets uonii we gelnd of themroMr.WodawJ * have soute semaos coincera, about sortie of ihese culs." sud Oak- svie counicîllor Stephen Sparlîng, lie suggested tn.sîr.ui that council- lors Jouit ai taktng th1e money oui of the roads andi attlitîe% budget **One of th1e decisions I h1ave malde s, litai perhaps th1e speniding of lis dollars for chanîî. and thîs is teha mte are ialking about. is al funddmen- ta] disagreement ith my philos. ophb, councîllor, (ireenaisay satil Th1e regional funding -,as ong. îeally intenidei as red mlottes. lit gel Ihings tiarted, %oi he lîoups siuld fundraise lier tont heur oisn, b heatd [Fo %ugesî this sas intcnded ils -ced mortie y i,1 oithe uitdrtaitding the i. ilfhttifli ha, tir lîI iregisinal I sîiuttails hase,* Mr %Mut.ewich replicil 'WC gel a1 big bang Itir ot huck Ils% ut Ivesiment Ir% font a gît c-ni as tIn charil) IaIs ille os1.yiir Ann %Itîls île aid the discuassionu .utiouued Iii *pre. eutpliug the budget tîrosess sînce thlerc s, aill mai11 work to 11 doue, "Soutie tf ibese otiîon% may 11e one, Ste chooe nulto1 execute' Iwice a year lte itahtim Region Conservation Authonty sv sproc.uing 11he nevvs aboîut 11he nicai eîîsiion- tuent thrîîitg .ý nets lahîid setispaprr l'île tirst lise oif iooni lit sInseocil Cltuinîin-i In addition to providing itimrtation about I iaiîoU*s natural ensironnl. 11he publication is111 serve as a guide t0 prograuts. ser- vices and facilities of the litai con- ersaîlion treis tutu îîî<îîî ci auninclties a sol monnai catendar of eseras lthai lits doizeus of faiiy actis îles uaîlable ai HRCA propertiers front lanuay t0 th1e end of June The publication also has mIore titan a doen soutchets wîth frec passes t0 11he parks; aud discoi tît cn ertailn serv ices. Tiere*s even a special sec- lion for citiltiren callord l'[eaf. th1e Kidïs Environnieni Pige" Blan Penutait. chairtoîn ot th1e conservationt authort! andi an editoiteal rusntributor ro the nets pub- licîiiin says. -Halton has a rich naînral itentagze (it signiftsani resýources lncluding wicilands. litresis and Oniarto*s great maIl. 11he Niagara I scarpment The authonity suants mitre people It, Inosi about lte local uttural resoîr'ces and bote 11ev are being sinserseti* lie scopie if lte abloid giies beyond Ilaltc)ios siateished il h a .sectitn iti Uhtttairi , siors ilion arias tîd lthe Ni;nar.l lscu-pnn t here ar0e lOt sine.rsatlitn aca, in lthe roince lit arI tli 4 îîmillioîn vI lItti esev e. ttil e,îîoainl andi educattitnal strii ln additioîn lt the :otoics cor. ijateti n qotlay* s irititer. fl ut tu (iîtr ttiî .111 f5 pisked ari ai aIls II.îltîn coflsersattil awi. local libra>. munîimpal lton halls andi severtl ciommnercial milîlets An> business, scitoitî or rtil oillets tsishing lii dîslrîbîîîe the tablidî cala do il ii bsalling 11he auîhority ai 136-, 11914 w* w? àot mail EVERY SUNDAY SUNDAYSHOPPING NOON TO 5 ?M UPCOMING EVENTS .JNUR 199 MLTON SPRINGERS , KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS %A N4W - Car Ralie HALTON *LINC' -Englist Langiaage Instruaction SPORTS REGISTRATION 1993 CAR SHOW MILTOWNE DISTRICT GIRL. GUIDES KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS -Car Raffle MILTON LACROSSE REGISTRATION t: Food $50 CBOOSE FROM COMBOS ITO07 WITH CdUJPON Pick-up Only *ExpiresJanuary31. 1993 Buy Thfee Gombos or More il Gel A ý dl FREE 1993 Caliendar FMer uEUWe ANI'TU (silo 0 MMUJ 878-,5717 -w MILTON, ONTARIO MILTO8d 818-3900 Rle Environmental news. and local*events featured in ne.w tabloid CULINARY BREAKTHROUGH IN MILTON! Qiiiet4. almut unnoticed lte fasI Oriental restaurant one 10W0 rates 'excellant . tau appeared un Ton- ls ruisine rateus mtn Me best ot Toronto Vegetableu are foresh and cnsp, mesais; and seatood are generous anld lte sauces are simply on a class above anylhing Mitla.nasted belote Yau w-ont1 fond healed lrays or aging, lîmp foodn ïroy sauces fÉteryrhutg ns cooiîed troetir ands tender seconds belone îetappeas in front o? yu M. tCwojr sern4 wnn dro hors standards (ho s te quiet unasuutnq Ctsetoweî in the background). Cht and no A4SG, Fuier Havtng gron-tî up in Canton China, Mr-. Klonka shîtt rt titis subite cuisine isuninalched Hon-et-et, e laiso sttmulate pour patate n-îh exelen splcy Szechuan food As mildvr as hot as your sant A deoiuiious Chînoe beern 58150 avaiabte lTe nextlten-?fsen n-mît be a g000 tonte to t-it as aeryt> donner guesi wili ieceive a et> special appetizer plate tree, on armit Thte testurant is TFIE SZECHIJAN WOK at 176 Main St Eý Tel 875-3838 EATIN. T'AXE OTDELIVERY RICK FISHER & MICHAEL PHILLIPS of i I FIRýST MARATHON SECURITIES LIMITED say "Consider ail your options at IRRSP time"' For further information call today at 1-800-263-1668 FIRST MARATHON SECURITIES LIMITED Wie offer 'THE NO-FFF SEL F DIRECTIED RRSI' *Asailable (înly through Mr FisheŽr & Mr. l'tlips

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