90 ACRESA PLACE WITN SPACE 90 ARESSffarafei -wo i sulie - 5 minutes f0 401. STONE HOUSE quiet country. 314 ecre - unique customr buoll BANI( BARN bungalow - flUraI decor - Ca -fn kilhen~ fomldining - 4 ffedroorn, master ensuitee PRICED TO SELLI Summer Comfont - air condiiooong, pool & TO VIEW CALL CAM GALL. patio. Ouge Sufoom -Cozy Winter folre- 878-205, 876-932 place. high efficiericy gas heat OeIl Yvonne 878-2095 RESTAURANT eslîblished. 60 Seat establisft- liquoir licence, 2 thdrm. Cpi., plen- pioential for rigt purchaser. à SPECAL WALK TO TOMN room bungalow. eat-in kitcftun 50ew countertop, loada of cup- REDIJCED ASKING $M99000 S, brightý living room, new bathi- 7.000 sq.ft. industriel building on 1.9 i. To view çaIl Bob or ain. 878- acres, 550 sq.ft. office. Càll Yvonne Christie Ct 878-2095. IAN OLIVE Advertieing. Ne#l Olive Ral Estale Repi An Who Does Il: SOeen LICAIIC Advertleng la am"pt on ele coordlmr policiof lh e edootieWg N-c ooeupd by om ervw.eoau mmn, - *011 e a reeaoebe r (Menager) towce for Signatuore. COI 010 lis clUmedi for, but mhe belailc i mhe aiewllwnii ee dru Boyle be pied for ai MW eppicehe rate, The pibo.ý a camreron w reservee meil roilto b gonze and r*jct Pubiilid Wy In mhe evwol 0 f typ The Cadm Champion ftelo gouda or sevAo ai 191 Main Si. E.. goo* or servicea MW1 MiNon. Ontio LUT 4Ng, AdOeIleng a nier. 8711-2341 rnmp biaiodao., et ar JOC CTT REAL ESTATE w P mi "ll al« A"&oeclti of Canada. *14 'ytur of a eran i &W llmmi TI Conal.irIy a*don ,puelnd due " kbny nUSed vifment, " Mêny m eue*tom " Memrber of MulaI Uleêy à SOMM Bombues, .164t .444 INcý 878-1526 = r *C)u n t xy: ide C MPBELLVILLE RECLTY INC. 4 Martin St. 9Ô Main St. N. ilton Campbeliville 75-2294 854-2294 C ooooo WOOD 0.01 0,> 001, 1111.901 NO N .5 . o.no. a t ha ~uul 010.01. -Mo.4 wooai392-y. sase- bOT ar al~u. -aa ri ~ 1,0 *o..r 7t. -m 1- ail4., 1 ào. ilm »00 *9<*I000>hnt01 L-. Cii - fl Iý 2- TomN 11PECIAL. Wi.GN 5 NUTIUT. ooo10. 00.0, 000000 l.C. 41 OF UP ~i Z 0.0.01004 n.Ciod 0.0.. - he-d.p .Pdow ma o.le - 8111 a Pu m 4 am0 am La" 84.00680.0.le .4P - ..00y-Ao.0 -J -10 000,0000 Cd-wwmNe 1 ~00.05.4500.40 O a àko.4 C 1 C-p 50m"çC 18.0010015 aaffC m.. bm18 A 0.. Fm. cm MEDOUCUD H ORSE FARM, 30 staîl barn. training tracc original - farmhouse wlth large addition. Ideai location in Campbolfvlle. File C-50. REDUCED *47 ACRES - MIJST BE SOLO TflTUN UN~T S Beautiful hardwood bush baimrnla o. - liai .ba -~0.cwoawu.'npo located min. fromf the Village 1- Wàplda,à wIl.2a o* â l.0 i. palla Aa ho.. No. oo f Campbelville. Don'I miss w. c..o.. o0 $arni. Cali c. l o. ths one. Ask aboutç C101.~ Ç,ountrywide- SOLD ..TOWN AND COUNTRYj SPECIALISTS SYLVIA BURSEY - OWNER/BROKER 'I OPEN HOUSE -SIJNDAY JANUARY 24,2-4 PU 35500 of gaeffol m@Mo Nb1. pasture cr*M1 end raled 18000. f000 lw b. Wi.101.804 bie lami1. 32 alisdire 01.1 aud opffl aa 00.0 Ti.hemrr le - reen 80. oosal gmto10as so Ou 000e1. H toituk 3.ai se i W" Or 0 400 nm, Tub**od émondait bilen mm101,000 dainq r0 t4i0 fai. l-w lew00 Tii..se 0.180.001 TeOiw wwu. P0o et40., Saad m, FM00.000 MI00ý .wUl oN Cw,çfelAb. No. 5 SW«oed, JUDY AND SWB COTrEN NUAX NEALTY WUGSAI*7 M. (519) 88100 ON GUELPH pa*ca Boo. aotvew et aime wrong pric., mlot be Il OY a OM Iot f0il and JsRIt #le Q Ç~îes. 5181. S. m tae t100e. 1,2 e. t.0p1o1 reàtfut te e m. m"Un a. 0.0 - 1100100 1/ 12 -101 Mm.0.. lb. taie 0. Cali Uenit ilite. P." et c-0- ilPAGA 0.0 ai.