IÇlassified Iorcassified Hotline 875-3300 Dealne Q ini t Eczdif Ed t on Classified Dospfay: Wed. 5 Pm Thursday il amn FAX 878-4943 -AuL AUM MAI51 lm fB.trAiD Errors and Omissions 01 Births LOEPRIC$4, Eddie and De"9 (mee Pagendan) are ecstaîîc Io announca fse arali 0f Ueir daughlar lotion Palga, aiglsng 9 %le. 7 oz, on, Januar 1M fi3 t Cradit Valley IlOsptâi. Aossauga Preud grandparenl are Ed and SyMsa Loopricli of Milton, Gord and Jeanne Pagendam cf Etobocle and Deog and Anima Dempsey Of Toronto Special nirfiau te or Waikinson and Dr, Woolford and dlie enfin, L.abour and Defrrery staff, MSLEAN, Carey and Cathy (ms Heot) are pleasas 10 afflwica te arcoal of a beaublul baby gi Nicolle, 6V"9a2 oz on Jaiuary la, 19093 ai Credif VafieY Hospital. Proud grancearenta are Dr and *ks Murra, A i4emd ftnan d Mr and Mmi Lawrence G MLea. Kaldand. Ouebec WALSH, Doug and Karyn <mee Wicldiam) icyfuWl announce the sale arrivai of their beautîful daugotr, Katrca Boaanot, wuo cm boni ai 8 44 amn Januâry 6, 1»i3.caigfsng 7 nie 5oz' Proud gandiparents, ard Verna and Wal of Hamilton, Jean of ingston., Sta 'fYdo Great -graridmother lB George TornefQ Kinguton Specai hacha go Drclck.Rn and ad the nursing staff at Mille s,ctHsla YOUNG (Comenu) Patt and Larry are averîayad to anoijnC te early arrivei of Useïr firif Cd Aîghla LaJres.4fils. 1 z.. o POCanber 1 Oth, 1992 ai 3:05 r ai IMCM&St9r Hoal Hlamilton. - If1FE 7530 Januar, 21 Mnucwran Devlsgnr su~MANUIFACTLJRERS' PRICES 11110APÎN, m-i knye a ate IIN THE AGRICULTURAL HALLI J DIUE.CT.Tl(>.Y>U fniend. talfan UcCapis alo passe miroi AT THE FAIRGROUNOS. FROM OURt FAC TORY January 21. 1991 WF.DOIN(. <.tfWffh kRIDIISMAIRti We maaytou in go maly says,' *PRI)M - FI.tIWFR(;IRIU Vil miE OhèIeE 0rutldFosy DYEABLE SHOES lefctoin vrmse tou fixnt f cau THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MUME sTylEs a tACC As Orne; unfoids anoUsa year. retNMs aACLEx Meneis n se eI $TARIM yTsfm etketou emniWILL BE OPEN ON $n2en etouugiis of armies togeiser OD Y NTL6PM DEST P18ES OBRDAL ACCESS0MES Hoid mnernoras ma in cuit fofciuer M N A SU TL6PM *Haadpleoa5a. GveOand Ms D h bFml TO SERVE YOUR * J a a a l a y . B s e G b v a a s d o r 1 h j a v a F m l C L A S S I F I E D N E E D S 150 VICTORIA ST. S.MPk 55 N otices KITCHENER 741-5010 30 Deaths SeTw tMlo inigt eOTcHBl O cFol UneII siDRo fssA veu t AINSWORTH, VI)LET ELIZABETH, Sucddeuiiy nires Southi of 14th S.deroad Ccd 1th Sideroad front 2W0 maltes cea f0 1tOO maires eau ef Bell on Taasdy, Januey le. 1993 af Oie Branflod Sc iUne The corbas icude a rsaw lo-tan. movntent surface mmO an improvad rend profie. At Gamiel Hompsi Vi Chiapin of R.R. #2. Geor- Outh inlersoctin of Bel Scitool Ccd t4tfi Siderod alternivea fond aiinments hava belan propérsd getoan in fier SMO yeux, aia of Osa lata Rer inclumng elOuir mafalurnng ecmtfing road locaton or Ou refioval o thaiSl Scheel Uns og. Lomg Ainsarthf oad f ieruc huhaud Tom A Pubic Iniformafion Canre cff ha held Cf thé firma mdi Place indicatêd baba. Backgoround iforme- Aldanson of Wbflav, nid Floyd and fo ils ldon hes been asIemied amdl prefsmunary plait Jive ban prepared. Thoau plans may has san nt Jean Brigdea of Thomasburg Loved tie Information Centre chars Oue Toana steanCd confiant Minliha on hacd te expiain Ou pro- graiasdlie of Keniand Jolnie lfrsous md Po"ef cou m . rn"e quàeatmn and recase Commsant$. Dale. Rose and Lueanu Bnigdan acd groet-aa sur2,19 grandisoer of janf*r Joraisa. Julia. Liu an Dae mday271 MaiOson aisron and Boale. Ca and Crase Tinta: 4.00 Pmt to 0:00 Pin Biodaiý PfedbSeaed by fier breotos Percy. Location: Towan Hall - Basarnent Georg, b JO n oiiamd Sonands, "0m. ress The yroject us boule piancad as a Sctieduie C andertaiing in accordanca alni the reclire- Trafalgar Road. Northl of Mapta Ave, mants tii Ou Clsse E"fnvrcmatal Assaisaiment lot municipal roail proiecta. Sub<ect te conscents Georgetoan, <077-3631) on Tliaaay, ....n 2-4 recerrei asaà renuif of thais noce. plamning mli procad for nus praiect mnd an Ensnoncsata Sfudy and 7-9. Fanerai servéie as fiad Friday, Report (ESR) ag ha preparaed. Januauy 22 Ct 1:30 p ci ai Huictet UiJrstd Chur- tl you hava any questions or are umatiaf0 tted mnd vil Io proside commtente. pfee con. chi (MM3 Trafaigar Rod at 5 Sdaoaf). Iter- tact: ment Hiklo Cantal Norva In menory con- At.J.O. Mafthiais, P. Ecg. tiubu= Ion à0 cliaiity cg lotir cioise woiid ha ufractor of Public Worke aftpaad. Totai of Miffon ARMISTAONG, EDWARD (TED) - At Oul Milio Box 1000. VIctorIa Parti Oqura Daltict cspital on Wsénasday. January 2».. Mmm.on Onfarfo 1993, Edsaar<t Armstrong of Miton, 100100Lo T4B brothier of Atis Pnoe cf Dearborc. Micii Murray nd hii Ais Yvonne 0f Baikefloro Ccd Florencea Tfaptioca: 0787211 Cit her husbanfi Dean Gray of talion Deary ioued cousin of Valonse Truelove of Milton NEW IN TOWN? 75 î-nt.u. Prodeceased by parents Archae and Jessis e~i 5n mîcu Amoton nd siier eanPmbg a theJ LT U PU O ýWANTEO TO BIJY. Staning cbr oodlotse Scott Earfy Fanerai Houmi, 21 Jamres 5590f Mil- THE MAT FOR If for lumber. selisctive harvesit Ccccrdmg 10 by-iaw toIroîn 2-4 à 7-9p mi Fnday (loday> Funr"l 1 YOUI regulaboi. mater hardiwood saecct buying nec Service ail ha heifi on Saturday, January 23rd ,~5~ Caîl 519-696 2713 (daysl, or 519-632-7732 1993 at t t a.rn informent Oliiagli Presbyteriain (euenlngs or eeends) Churcil Coern ry In heu of fiocer danons 10 7& ,... ms the ibeart and Stroba Foundation of Ontario M5; ntwtif WANTEDII 010 TOYS: Oînk1 tells, Cor0:. aould ha appreaiatad by Oue lauciy *'n kWoU Matlhbos. in Toys Wiud uy Toys. etc I ari SUE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ as MURiMR YIJG Co ntnrnstod in ulitor collectiblos G,uu me a SUE URRY M RYYUNG cai Ascte lur<en D.nnuill. 1 416-7741 7957 FA67-4 4 78-3406 875-3642 cnobdays aIer 8 p meetu nrids arytimre BROWN - Tha faoily of Uhe lts Mary Brown aOuLd hu 1 Iianlufier mainy ft.n*, relativs and naighbours for fliair expressions of sYmPaUiY. liios. carda. chiant"l dormoors and food A nery spmca thack you te: Drs Bon- tame & Or Robinson ami te Nwuang Staff on tO Meî*ca of lAidon Milton Distric Hopital for thur carse acd .comnivon duong her fness Flei Siiasa CroCl for hus UicughtUui and olor mg service The BOs100 Presbyleanan Churdi Chir for aimnt; Iom's favourits fymnt acd procsdeig lunch~ foll ioang Oue service. Thsa Scott Eariy Fanerai Home for Risair kicdness and touugthfuhiesand Loreca andi fer staff ai Milton PlIa Day Prcgram for provudig an environnent of oýmmcip and fun for Mcii over Oimenat 45 AnivIeIàiîes TEFAMLV cf Georgea Whl W fdaMarhaf fMn Ivimatiesflm"dadsaugfbors 'feedl àa Tes in ficcoar of hsit parenia «Deti Wad- celleAnlneeryon SaurdayFiruary6. ItO93,2 -4 FMatheoyal CanadienI [.,nCa$e L milion Sent Wahes Onu0 55 Notices THE ANNUAL MEETING 0F TH4E 14ALTON AGAICULTIJAAL SWcETY WIU. SE NELD ON TMURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1993,