L£7VIERS, Common OMna from councilior Dlu FÂMoe -Ite Tnim Warn fuzziss. ChaxpU.o maay 8iana Yea 'ysa yen. Couacilo Marions tiow-ad ta riglit on dis mark in maig 8150t1ng menai stidies bce cut fions the tows budget. TS bail ie do't haC mar politlc.nn sid ier b co- -m aima Studis I dieue are nuea. ws- lefui sud rincally kreaponuible. Thte oy PM*pl Who gai are des con- a-gb- o-pia,. am~ 8fo% lUI. Abortion là klllng Dear RuSab: D. Suslid Suppai ar any allier dacti aa perfSnsx abtion koct en Lhtm you ai dix Becy me kmmlg a rml liai humai bing in ils frmatVe sne. 1 iliauglit gynaecogin bâad à upeciall mient in dm WC1 adi wclibeing of baby aid inoihr. To perfon abattions bucamu il l ot illegal is a pitifuli rm". I belteve ni of us lke to defer so dmi oklest original law '«"c alliait xci u." DMt L&mbart Nabtin 1,111 0u fftuom Pixi br OP»"ai PAINE Coming down Om fle the aid Crauford katiiu yerd bumfllng. aupud tmi wnlM a aqiof aoi lo.,mada., crsa «"e u fot ltnrawe. momt ta Ounpli Un.e Ilirugi Caipwtmois ie A~nfn Catigtfllan of à replammnt bll«ng a lieyrsfim tt a 1 Pnivate Seniors' Services Representative ta, oct as liaison with business comun"s whicli provides Service Io Seniors (eg. nnrsing. financial adri.sots. bnlt equipment) FOrsi Tuenda, of each mcxniii 2:00 pM at Halion Regional Centre 00 NOTICE HAL'ION REGION APPOINMEMT TO ADVISORY COMMIITEfS Applications il lie reiuved by the Regionsl Ckrt maii 4:30 p. Weduuday. IFebruffl 3. M93 front uy reaiden, of Halion Region who wîslies toi le considiteid far appoiniment Io die foflowhig adviu.y conittees. The eIm cf office me to Novenitie 30,1994. Cm-IW 1 amo mnuàm *Elderly Services Advisory ComnutelGood Neiglilictrs Councul Advises on the bralih and soial gieeds of senior cillants in Halton Furiber infornition may he obinined (rcom Joan Kaczmarski. - ocini Services Deparinreni. Extension 7150 ni jbe numbers lild below *Bronte Harbour Wnierfront Park Comniunity Advisoty Cotoontee Advises on tht impleilientaiioîi of the Bronte Hnrbour Waîerfronî Panrk Plan Fuolhet information inny be obiained [rom pit lerrig. IIjgnîng Depnnent. Extension 7206 ai the nurnm isiesd helou Applicaitiont fornis are âaoable front the Offie of the Region"I Clrk From Oak sîllelBurlînopon 82-N4iiW G3eorgetown 878-81l13 Alersiiot 639> 454() Sirreissille 823-6721) Joan A Eaglesharo Regionai Clerk lalton Region 11 51 Bronte Rond Oalcville. Ontario ü e mVe L6.1 ire 1 Local neigliboinbrooi m. ndent 1 Local nierchani (nt niember of Itronte BIA> Tisice per year or ni the Cai cf the Chair. evenes ni the lion Regîstial COMAI SOON RIGHTOU DEU VERy SERVICE NEW - BAKERY FR184 &MM 10000 DAILY NEW - COMPUTERIZED SCNIN CNUCKOMT NEW - ENLARGED PRODUCE & GARDEN CENTRE ... MW M TowNI NEW - ENLARGED VARIETY of GROCIFRY PRODUOTS FRIENDLIESTSTAFF IN 'rOWN WE ARE OPEN DAILY... wEEKLISO 802 But we wouid like ta take this opportunity ta apolagize ta oUr customers for the construction we must endure so as ta provide you with a tacility. INILTON CAN BE PROUD 0F! ~~PEou 15-~ UEDNEUDAY, FEURY 318FRIENDLIEST STAFF IN TOWN