Bux 248. 191 Mai.sSî. E.. Milton L9T.4N9 Torortn Line 821-3837 lan Oiver Pub is kg, Nul Olive duesn v'-î, JeMltr Gene.aI Manager, iK Tr Cue OfJhelnt Manager Tim Cules PrtvAdcv,ýn Manager Civic àwards tarnished The -Milton Chamber of Commerce is to be com- mendedl for its renewed effort to attract interest in its - civic awards, and to be condemned for concocting a ceremony guaranteed to embarrass worthy recipients and their friends. The Chamtb, *i&roposing a black tie afTair in April thi yer. t wich th?ee tientiaI Citizens of the Year will dutifully (if ail goes according to plan) appear and anxiously await selection of a winner. Il will bc akin to an awards ceremony like the Oý.cars. Whcn the moment of truth arrives there will be one victor and two game yet crestfallen also-rans, who will be comforted by friands wbile the winner strndes to the podium, presumably pulling out an acceptance speech enroule. Ibis is a bai ides alien it corimes ta recognizing communiiy volsusters. Why turn volunteerism int a competition? Each of Ihis ycar's potential recipients - Barb Snow, Joe Mc- Cann and Walt Elliot - are worthy in their own night. Why should they have 10 square off against one .,anoîhcr? Since wlien did community service hecome a, tontesl? Granîed. there is an element of selection in the process already. A panel pores over nominees and makes a choice. But il is donc discreetly, privately, charitably. A spirit of sensitivity prevails, and that is as it should be. In its questb market ils annual civic recognition ceremonies more effectively the Chamber of Commerce has produced an innovative plan. That spirit is wel- corne. But the format is singularly inappropriate for the occasion. 'Mis type of awards structure is, no doubt unwittingly, the comnersone of onge-upmangship, not çitizenship. The only effective remedy for this situitiolf iS 10 honor ail three recipients in each category <there are also civic improvemnent and organization nomninees) equally this year and then scrap this novelty. *If the Chambeibwants to market its awards ceoemony' more effectively il should eut the quanfty a md duration of duil speeches, then concentrate on good food, drink' and entertainment. Tha's. what-works for everybody else. Vjust don -t start Kickîng the smoking habit isn't easy. It's an uddiction and a strongly imprinted behaviour. Thc best way to keep from getting hooked on this unhealthy, noit to mention expensive habit, is not toi start. That's the thrust of the Hallon Councfl on Smoking and Health mandate for '93. Alarmied by the iktreasing numbers of teenager%, mostly femnald, taking up thc habit, the couricil is determined to have the age limit (l 8 years) for purchasing cigarettes enforced. It should be as difficuit for someone underage to pur- chase cigarettes as it is Io purchase alcohol. Smoking related ilînesses are well documented and new research has confirme4 the risks. of second-hand smoke. Ihere's no good rmaslon to smoke. LooKiNG BACK smmags e cmma on Io enrcourtige ftI us of Mitm Pubic Llbrwy bik ln AMrI 1U&. A poser MU -ma fied durbIgt the armnal Uibrary Wgaels o 90 the msassp ea. 09 agi Oie a t ç , - paU se d by Mo"rag., à Grai. 7 sthuisat aR Mlly Roffly, eainb top honoura FrM ait.0 AnUM Ilril shos 0f hWis entry, Miss Jones dl«Miys the ulanumiesoag mliii Mms. K. Y. OIeS of Oie brsey end Monhl Guity holde liser PAGES 0F THE PAST One Year Ago incese o MooatiHe er.tCouncil From the. .anuary 22, 19imn liadt said thaî thie Ratepayers were obviously unaware <hl a çchool site bad bren purcha'.d by tlie Board in El Miton's first baby of 1992, Chielsea L£1efe reC"ved <lie Dorsel Park Area. Bruce Lindley superiniendent of <lie irsi 'Wrap i LIp'lowel beur sold for $100 each <O <lie finance of <lie Board aiso claimed gliai Wl .Dick liad benei Mion's new Leusure Centre. flue <owe a si a capacily of 285 studenis and in Septembr 2<10 acre donaied lsy Brela Calalano, owner of Mion's Vaiiy enrolled, Later iwo poriables liad been addcd an adding Fair, <lie lo«4shbp çupplying tlie iowels. an extra 70 studenis Io <lie capacity while cnnomneni U The towâ's you<h as doing <ber pari durung Na- liai increased by 44 stadents. The Ratepayerb lia also tonal Non-Smoking Week. Thse woeld's longesi poter coniplîad about tlie portables, saying diait siudents fer a smoke-ftee planet aas beîng signrd by local iai tuogo oug of <lie portable anmd inq<lie <nain school <o tichool cuIlde. Poters were bein& sigpad ail over <lie uSe <oiet fiiliies. Mr. Li<adley ladi explinead <lie bogard province. Tanya Kulnses. a member of thie HalIon liai 53 portables aIl bring used by studeas in <lie sanie Counicil on Smoking and Health liai said ihai aler- sitatin. wards Halion's poters would be joined <ogeilier alili U Ne regional govenieng propos bal been te- poters from ollier cilles across Oainio. mer lengili wS. lesd. dlii carved Halion inb four aurat muncipali<îes expected go lie well over 2 tilonietres. and esalshied <lie counly as a lau-lier regional gov- U llme Milton Curling Club'sjunioe mens rink of skiP emnuen. flic province liai accepti Milion's aiga- Jay Huitaon, vice Ryan Wlialen, second Cliad Tunimon nmenrs for a fosur-barougli region anmd proposed tlie <oaa and tend Scnti Hui lii advaiced Bous e ~ -i as <lie focal point in a 92 square mile municiplily alîli playdoans in Slielbumne <o <lie regiona playda«ns go bc al projected population di 14.500 <lie imallesl of <lie lield in Gali. Orangeville lied alto advanced. tour. me regional municipaliiy of Haihun wsea <o covet virlually ail of Hilton plat Waîerdown and Fma Plein- 20 YarsAgobotougi Township. A snull pari of Oiluville on <lie 'roma the January 84, 11107lamue estrn boundary would lie <raiffrred lu Prel. Milton Mayor Bian Beni awu pleaaed aigli thr new propomals. Ul A posud garike in Tronto liai sloard doan nmail <n Mlo.Eleven employees of tlie Mibon Post Office lia 50 Years Ago liea lotid not <n report <o aark, because <iee as veey Fi th Jm r i.1, 19U lassi linge mail bcbng recived'Pmamr Walter Bail said mt nf the incoing mail Siame via Toronto and tlie El Rural miail deliveries liai bren hld up by <lie alepois aid bau Ilotermeinait; acre buMg pi<*ed by unoabiocked mai&srevend days in tlie pan aeek atmr a tUWIrkn union searlers. Ouigoing Milton mail as m major blirzsed bein& accepird in Toronto eidler. CIl'There wu to bce à dunce aid cm*d ai Bell% Scl"o al in a lruer go Uion Council dme WD. Raieayers %Ioder the auspicea; of Bell Lilersty Saciety. Associaion lit complieilduia W. 1. Dici uiâcl au 0 Tbere wum to lie a "*Burna" Tes and sale af overcmosed and <rr aas no intention by tlic Bari lioniena bikinig lioid by tle Maple Leaf Circle. PUD BY STEVE NEASE ýfIENT - ~g Paig lai L. &i CX. Ut? -W 0. am. . - W %i t.t.i P". WS. Uý" Th. 5. . W. Eý à 5a. 0--p N- .M..n, i 11- ait. p5«h. t.wwd sT. Wb& p.bs5*e Th. M s d.WeM-M- -e.-..