!in on -whistles will cost taxpayers $4, 00per year hrein WIESTL on popi 1 equally between tlic rilway sud the for thé eight ceostngs un question. gossing. Untier the agreemeis CP Rail suucipality aukiuig for ste buis. l5'u For $1,000 a year. the railway and 'Milton bas a fusilie $10 millioiî igns, once ail the uafety Isutulea $1,000 per yeae per crossing, or Milton. in itis case, olsian $5 n>i-wliabllity protection foni lus oui ave been overcome. the rosi for adl- $4.000 a year to 1milton taajsayers lion suorst of insunance, on euh itnnicipal instuance polscy. dîtional insurunce ngOed becasse of .the no-wbistling policy is sared 'Cibus A Cauadui 5us 'U92eW B aar ni au» ...MANIST. E. 878-551 *eo ONe WeES? MHAROMMPESS RN., LLB. Barrister & Soicitor Suite 301 205 Main Street Milton, Ontario-. 876-4656 FAMILY LAW à DIVORCE Busns '0m. to bring com[for to.rmastectomy patients. The. Champoi Carol Girard is lsoping so make women who have hWd a maai.c- iomy feel satislied and beautlal by slariing a busiites iehiçit spe- cuaiea in prtvate litings for tr bveasi forN laa really important service : it wC should lie olfering." suid lie Wil low Avenue tesidient. *It'S something l'm really excited about." A registerd nurse, NIrs. Girard decided to oRen Nauura Fil Mas- icciomy Wear after taking noice of i comment mode by a relative who Io"i u.breast t0 cancer. Hcr auni tek unconsfortable heiug ficted for a brdat form au public çurrourndings ssitb littie pnivacy. She said thl ie ting siso lacked per.ona attention. Mrs. Girard ta hoping te, change tsai. SIse runs the husinsess out of bier 1;onse in a peivate, uptalen, rooiffdoecorated amtructivelY. 11w ernified proçtbesG mie, ami licensed Assâstive Devicea Pro- gfast vbndoe offers prsvate con- sultations and flistings whîch laite about an houe. -Wboi maltes me happy it wliei alady goes out feeling satisfied and looking beautiful," sir uai. tratfm eclinology. site PMb PF M past feu, decadra. cavoil luea w0ai oInO à. pu huiaeh ua INOat.wW ,uuesofe n 'lie formas are itow long ti4 lti us uuotsb evt lnpuu consfortable, lîfe flie amd le bras in sc alins and- elegani Ns certainly no going telbe uew ivoiren. Ifiee. i lares. .. to M.', A pleasant. frtendly coinan. flsey mage in prnce (rom $250 su Mia. Girard salitdmt bektvei bier More titan 90 pur cent of wornen Mm. Girard wants to become a j$450, bot in mosi aesa, phi of the backgroimd in nursing wili help who have bad! bresi surgery aie fniend tao lier clients as weill 1 try tf Health orprivaemnaurànce. stmuggling witi thie trauma of ihais to early detectiion aid on- just to islk anditell mie bow ibeyore ie only privaie lsesdor of losing a breaut. Site uaid site real- going advsuces in cancer shlepy. doing." she suid. breasi fortis in noeth Italton. dmites sute womet may boes dosutr Beaeg cancer affect an es- For ai appoininseni. contact aiso seUs a selection of bm"sifors &nM cry duriug their consultations. timated nue oui of every mae Mms. Girard ai 876-3402. IWhreOR tli 9TiFnd S&trn?I CULINARY BREAKTHROUGH IN MILTON? owuiatha ~ -own epuk bus Nu» faulittirM uéolttrir Osarc Tua» Iso9iam av haits aad MW. Ream &Wd oit d aimârmw a«d » meni are M int clas Sea m .00 anOélIt ~~ hm MMd bib. ySi Mnt? kWd flelaysot1a"l. MW Wedigy InFWMait EVarfs Je oed hasi ad Muda seonds bellvi le ajpi, Ans tiet of ySu Cê.Ki a Wp'te1 drM b id u ls S Pat f qUel. ituaatIf Io urs5tdiwd Hoaua, fthas ti&aOtit il xeiWsg a to dîst a S -v speb MW r dedod ha ,ý ousunau Thei veoturan la THE SZECHUAN WOK et M1 Mini 8. E. Têt. 875-330l CP Rail trying to sdil towni Lions Hall property ini Campbellville Negotilatiou >rs nteay for ithe Town of Ito o bu the Catupitllvile tLos Hall peoperty f frontCP Rail. fihai tilf proitably add ai least le5000 t Milion's $3.7 million. 4lpital budget in 1991 eMon;ey for the acquisition wesn i set avide by municipal counicil when the capital budget wma approvedl lat week, indeed the imite wasn't eveas dmscussed publicly because negotia- tiona ar ongoing tub îthe raîrosul Lemu. eu&a seon, But the lesse tt CP Rail end% ont Feheuary 28, and Militos Mayor Gord Koanuz said Tuesday the rail- rmail ta liquithtis,such pooperties arros flie country lTIa ens duit if Milton Boesn*t buy itiuhe railway wllprobahly sel i lu Siomei else. 1le Town osuns the Lionsi Club building tiself. on thse west iide of Guelph LUne maxi Io tbe railway trucks ibrougli the centre of Caspliellville. Bat Itle rairouil saun the lanid arouusd the building. Budget"d $155A00 Mîlion lia udgeied $155.0X) to purchaSe tIse peopeuiy, anld bopea to muse a portion of that fros bots the communmiy ai large and thse Camp- beliville Lions Club, Mr. Krantz said. While bere sie "no assurances nigli ai ibis mntenit" sthe <frid ilI be siruick, Mr.' %esnsz sakdl be "would bel" negotiiOns suilI cont- clude succestiffilly. lse hall is a centre for vaious so- ciul uctivities in Campiellvllle. lu the capistIbudget betef, il ta refeered ro as **the only social-Screaional facilîiy un Canibeîlville" and "a central fores for tie residentis' If the sale dors go îhrough. nmunicipal coifi plans le finance il s esstirelyhfommreerve füuds. noscar- rent year taes. Mr. Krantz sai s h