vvnlami ivmmagnmeni IgBad News for Safety Weill the hiardi .,nrer tins tnp cieon aheati. nmissae S î iw thlina, .bimi hlle cfrrei pethities andiriai riçi,,ples base un uheef aft5ttment. Mîsaýigieie ef sWl leau ti preflatUr tire mcii ant puir Sugis ueg Wbn uiiciirrtett. the profiblent tan leufia stantrafy 'huirle. the fil 'e ýl a . t rr e tnti car fser îîr sciertouî. ta clan etlfect it ihsenrin titltefnti sif1 et y ý tif h ehwf lire stres, anti ar a o iti ie rtiugh rittis affects the cusier tif yu car* snheef, mont ficqu"ntt> lie righf amunnail -iuater i ler.s ah tirct, m te, a slriaiglif uhtad* ptumlit.fhch Proinfng tcnnit suab.ity, Misafigneti ,i.,e, ingles tan ,tttn.hute ait whref shimni (a i ,iLti, t tifo bur ihee1 a fali eep. prirsides a truc tanni fuecef .lheithle car s% nllong f;.%i e.olnnr i-r, at a renen tirflc parttfn ta , i lii pul i tînt em ide tan usuall> he ii.ttctl tri tialgn er eu .,neher aide' 1 farfe prîrhfemsti tirittetie hi tfbîhn an rnbutard i tiii he affcttcd uie l ffîocîî fielîr-re iii ytic oî,if ihce itifles tan fie tade firtfiel>. tires. shtitk afrifers antta tt cri cering lInfage sftufti fie esatttîncti fi liciir - 1lahermgti uw -tootllh paifcm 'n tirs trAt ishl anrpibi. Tirt arc neibs, ti irc ,aller , renicr angle rduf it fhesc angle, saries Im -ar tiLer te, ça, makr md esen -ltin a ,inglc flaifiUC ar lin., aWrhiaf sssc eltalgnmna tirotti ia...cl> l repli: i.sk. flier joi, houl~d fir perltirmeti b> a rcliahie .flirait: fier hces relufîitt-1 norie elle ditterc ;gitritid oh nike in longer lire lite. trip:îc fuel etienitin> a niiere toiirnfiin al, d andi. mussI impttnf 1>. a s.te caueho Dlagnarndng thne ProIIem flirtcaran a tis,? titaptuis a Whecl .ttgnmntcn p.ihlctti If R Wttkng ti,,tis *Shiairerni un a mrolth rcel rîtît ptsiiealr pulen. 11 - ffard stterrng anti tiftsulry refurninu tecrinéi isheefs a fitsratuhl aheai poistl-r pdiisî c aster pmnbleni Surviving Winter Car s &.A mergencies, Whca the tcratperirures tirop. frou tiunt mauni tri bic swc i n the colti Yor hesi tielense fitr prescnting fi încîrnsenitnt anti letfl le thralenrng sitattin sl ti hase rebtait trarspîrtarîîn, Prenenticin anti prcpe atatiti t.an totp tny chtsittti Mion: the, tregm ien t s a tesr itfpeets .mie, ïo-iaf ttps: *Wten,c ab~e-htl ui ntie foeic purin. au ires anti get aruenp *("talc a .m.1tel sur-ia î Infutie rt fîffowirg latim n un 1ur.1ý familier cables. whiitc ha.lkcemhîcf. arme itti kit. niipcnshafilc<tiafit. itutI,. flash- lî1rhl milit extra batteries. tlares. tentie, antd mnatches. ciii ec clan. sheel- luter inlter. catytti scrae rare a aaintr blieaket *Telf frinc atifi fata il htem pU amn &,irantin aihta yonall bc buaih Bt lnai)i ler lhtm liue, whi rialt youIlf bc taktrg. * If ywt hast a carieras« fhatnd rio.i keep il orn chanta& nite Il, nscf titi emrgeacits rently RFtCF me. re. ar lanet inrte elbis banti iti emergers> *Sal yur trip viil a full tank of lu, oas I Y afie mnt fuef tiira nt ., tintr candtitna. *Try oc car poof as auIt as patssable. Thte sl usana nthiers. *Sta> mn'tel, elle aur If y.n. crase the automoubife for an eintect pertîrti thterc . I picer chtance frtfnsf >oiutn tai s% qutk. r spcad.ette Kilty fttt< r iusainla trpet scraps tir gpai, tratiotn liotn t fis tii pallshe fi, tn yîtnîsefl Yîm may>o tieiualc tmergs * Ran the fae ffnI ien afify need Ilium a tandt in a tiffe tan as a K sire ti -mille. 1 Clear tmc,,te fiatrra letf rail cafî cenn fimaihle prirrly. * Asîrid afceifnf fI -lfa t-ier ytnir fIni>d tempcraiture. * Leasc one tar mdot.i tracketi eCofti lempcterur% anti wtt snrrm ca * Clear the eCaagul ta pierrent cartin noorsîold hasli-ap. - Signaf rt, tnhtr mnoitirsl thei ttt arc tirantiei b> ar ,tre, or a flathgfrl. ver b> tuatng yrnir dti: battht un occtusituttaîf * Tii signal tiistrcss. lt a hanti lierthicfir urright stilt cfrnh tir tht aintrmi tir an9m t1 tnim a mmdi... g atione footi *Fat atitict Warrnai, place neis- papers hetuneen ytir sktn anti cfottng. .* Enercise lu maintain circafatiton. This nia> le tirrte uisitit. hua tio mt stray trio fie (rom the car. LUNE Fa Fre 011 CI 1 REE WIPER BLADE Wl î16m or 18m Blaide *m-St 95main st., maton one COUpOnt per cLà MW - Seli - - - --lrilasaaaý aacriilatili 925,Mainsite,87 Milton 87 istu sh hange ninutes ITH QIL C MANGE;' alue' 0CR AnCO Blade ther Offr istomner Expires February279 raillait -- Mal