TMURSOAY, JAN. 21 AT 6:00 PU To constslat 01 ousehaid El1005. Anftouex end Caoéctabo. M.c 0a mcta a din on c am, Raa5ore4 pump asqan. s lot of goat pictoros Rotolêllo,. Ceaon m-nas. Glass ..dl Ch..., Rscords. aet T.os hu adS NUMEI AUCTION PARU locatad et 9313 afin Lino (2 ms solcd Hwy 252rmad.k of Siminaa A gocu sais somnathing for ororpono S#4ERWOOo HUME.A iona Tob - 416i 17.47 75 Wanted jWANTE TO IUY: SwIanng Isoles in wcodata. c o tumber, lelive harvait ccoerdrg la bp-tac l0 refaitsbon, magne hardivolod samul butin noie CatI 519-2713 <dua>s or 519-432-7732 c!(dnipo ooiaid). WAHTEDII 01.0 TOYS: Dsnky loys, Corgi, Masliba, taif Tops, wlnd-Wu Top. M. I s aiso îotsrsstd ino ie colacà1lse Gie aie à colt. Asti for Ke.. Durievie, 1-416-774-7 -= ils a i vsk: ýa sie Ak.I TOP OUAUTY SEASONED HAROWOOD. $70 par face cord or $190 par buah cord For lIne datroary call Mcl<nnon Iundacupig. 878- 0961 FIREWOOO FOR SALE. $190. busticad, $70, laoe ans-O. mapla oiK ast 878-6865 or 878- 1636 MILTON FIREW000 AND TREE SERVICE. Dry hardaood noie ovelluble. TBEE SERVICE- Prunîrrg. trimmig. raaiovaffNCING-Chaan finit prssure tramail, cadet.DEC<S: Concralo andt lntoeocii waluways si dnivoways 416. 876-1875 AIRNS SNOWBLOWER for sala Excellont condan Plam cit 878702 C-APTAIS PEISTAL and bootial hoa- bourd mli, mirnor and 2 lampa Both us-o bnolly pins tUqua firastied ho wiawrbed Super sou, sectan caisct. 2 puiam fou ot ruts, pull omui doubla bad. vist ho seon Cul Kilip 519-56- 4694 CARPETS, I haie IDOOs oaa Stuammuari 100% Nylon Capot. Wi do lruîngoai aid hant for $360 Incsda, Caipei pied and Instalation (30 yards) Stema 789 2068 FIRST quater roc mom carpet $8 951si; yard Forsayourcapt nasill CaP Jim877-6302 20 perai 0pasonoet FRIOE. G E STOIlE. Méolluf. 5250 eacI, Oryor/Waatia $45 pair Air onddian. $75 0.8 0 Pîcnic, Tabla. $15 Ail in excellent condon 878-9141 PIANO -Fagowaa caca lm920 G re couaoc r nos& w"d $150 Pbm oal878 0291 &aer VACUUM CLEANERS. Nia m&-d usod -pu* and 1epaire for Most mabus. Compact. Euroluu. Éelocîrolua. Hoover. Fille, Oveen. Kirby. l<rmone, TeRU, fluiosu Oic 873-9240 82 Music Instruction EXPERIENCED A.R.C.T. PIANO TEACIdER. nia astdentu 878-064 ISubrav.Mc27I Bliundait, tàach 28 $S0 par spacla Groe sales Ici Entran d Malhors Dey 825-29,43 10. 878-1775 alle, 7pm FOLÉ ART CLASSES. Open hasoad refflolan. Thimdap, Jnuary 20, 10 à ai la 5 paM. &Md 7 p m. la 9 30 pris 17 Gwoonoro Croient. Acion 1113-3274. b"A taln $19.00. Plm nel-206 DECORATVIE PLASTErINO. lntaloro ars ealarla,, Boit netae on ,ous, . celngaaw, Panel moiidng cohian.. routitraton sorti, 1 1plamo end oestm asss la Tour deôg For 1 typa of pontar wodi roni drycu la tucco Cdl 125-117. Ma COITRACTIND. Coplt Rasaumi Cnomrcial smu . *dii- dosigo buil AN ast gunteI Fmg «aaaua Cod 87- MAZDA Ioutarshil requlraa a ficeiua.d macmnido. plus en esporlmwm saloapooon. Plam C 51-8&3-420 or 41-4308 ONCAM8T roquod fer &ad cou u dtad. PIflaI scdiia No chir. Plamoe ose 8M5 4»3. -M IC OADVERfl8RS - ITho Ontm »~ maiR à Co goda" de I rioeminabo hacause of uo oais mental Illakaracito rood.nabondabiamsry or IP ýnaaiamnksnoervpbucaasIomiliedo rsoeaay chaao m aduentaai copyr ALASKA JOBS1 Eurn up a $30.000 m 3 mosle Fishing Sulon. AIa construction. amnaits. oit fieds Plus Mort! For immedale uesponse caN 1 504-646-4513, est K(204 -24 Homs WANTED EXPERIENCEO Industiel Soaing Machie opor FUI or pal amie. Pion, Cai Angais at Bahr Smkm,. 878-8886 SUMMER PLAYGROUND POSITIONS A4plécaiuonsui boaw cdepted fo coor. dinalor and lades positions c nini Mutions Summa, Plupgraund Pragrais. Workng ai à loaim anviroronant. suai ara rasponsibla tor ldm Oveopment. imploman- talion and supervision of daity rocreation pmogroffrs ho puli, #flhfhofli 9% cmmer Pnor espanonce washung; moi cdnm a an APPIcais met Polices& a Vau Standard Fiait-Aid Certicat@ and have accota Io fransportasa Trtn wd ha pr edd Apytcu.a =oin FP1 2, 1993 Pre-elocian Sassian Pable. lm 19 Applications are uvaw brom lie L«e Services Dopaisoan or the Lonis Contre TOstM MilN$ Victoria Part Squre P.I: non 1006 M1111-iln Ontum LOT 496 ORDER PICKERS Mîfton firme requrs Pao"a foi diays aid ahoemoou shIt. Muet have satelly sime. Toi: 416-454-3333 Fax: 416-4«9-1704 ARMORl INOUSTRIAL loi 0~in SI. E. I BUitohlOnt , L6W 293 Oe ham lMI Mo atSopstons opeon lot onargelic appiicinis amrn 4 p m shoul. Tertcorifi amanmn opporluniles Stuflng tltlime cage sa $7.00 par hou,. Appl in Poison Iocaed i Hwy 25 andI 40 1 iBotanut F111, Whoat Trichstapt CATERER 170 Dec r*p .adc AVAILAIILE DAYCARE. tui laie or part finie. le monlii or dr, Pam cd ta 871508 ExpmEfEmE a REUIAILE DAYCARE ;nsI able l m home. Dorset Pai urauý Goad rolaons 8178-0840 HOUE DANCARE AVAILABLE Responsible siqiavoionmd nutiitun luncdhe. Racelpts 876-4415 RELIABLE MOTHER WILL SABYSIT n he, co home Marsdey 10 Friday. Mtl dm. Phono 875. CUEANIN LADY. Exponoinod atli déontel, n Maofitn à C&"ipbi. 5111-111-2503. CI.EANNO PI RUO AVAILAIILE. Colcu and home. Pa"enad roa baPlam ïal 8711-123111 -I He f r e ole u w « ico l su>er sîon i mJuni Kidart a, Graide 8 SA lnura. Fer anj 6s on 9:30lece ans1:3 pcmm sl eve»5 nn rin a wm, gpi àt194 r InAw Sidzt&en~ r Kria te qurîs'î: (ira i . Jurarc IxmnoKn adegre ito G a p Limiled 'nidee, Placements o aitabie 2035 Uipper Midil. ftod E (site. Llse/QtW &403) O.&ll. 1847 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE LE. 4 do,' 6 cyl, aidomabir u, llyp ouppod. spolessi 1.k. new, aoIdiad 510-851-2M96o416-720 7692 MILTON OVER 75 CARS & TRUCKS WE BUY CARS PRIVATELY AND WILL CONSIDER CONSIGNMENTS 875-2277 Malte ft RICHARDSON CHEV -OLDS - GEO For Your Next Car Or Truck Purchase 25 For Rnt 2 SE000CM DULEX on Wp ge . duantac lMia nuda haut à hydro plus uppliai $92SWiM. modlifis Mardi t. 875-0423 3 DEDR0CM BUNGALOW, plus singée garage. firathed roc rom n noie carpot, 2 sommuce and drapais. n«c rosWIdoS anla $1.00 par month. kWss and tut no polo. 878-45«6 4 BE000CM BUNGALOW, garge, ivatuible Mardi tý 51,1XI5 monihi plua uelitas, bOte and ast 878-9686 ACOf 002V iAN 0W -3 -bodrooo.adigarge 10 mrtula. NoWt cd Millin, ounry lothan. Et- lecs-vo rosit $696 No dega plame 519-53- 2200 CODTR VIN. MOoCLva 4 - bdon. 8 ye aid home, an 3leami, lai loa ajvala non Trafalgar and S»"la, $1.600 montlt plus talibuas ulObo 416431-of600 FOR RIENT, Main éar and &'ashud bassinent aI duplex on quelt roasantal ue 2 bedrooms, 4 ipplursoos. IlM bafi, largea yard. ample puilng. $900 plia ulinai Avait"l Fobnjary 1, 1993, PRo" (416) 8760650 FOR REDIT, 4 bodrooni, 3 bath eamensoom on 10 acm in Cuniplelvigo. 51,800/month plua ulifile. AWI,~ 196. Cdli Bar Lusachia ai Royal Lapugo 878-8101. MOIS TALL. SlGtrny didy asnout and. ct.anlng. Groen/hup X1 Stail claomo job avulila, Clai l bn 84008. KIIIIDE Uniqa 3 badrocai, enth, eut-m kitchen, llvlnoroôm. don, mudroom, 3 ýpplunca.,b SOIS par ial. dg 878-8616 LUXURY 004100 IN VILLAGE PARC. On.t bbdroon , ovedaald ~.on avulull Febvy 1. $11.01W a mordu. Cdi Gary Thom». Remua Milosna Redly 87&-2M0 or 875-8700. I L-n QW@sNsPp Weekday Comaffl I5b-d'SWrt5 332-1163 210 Personal ARIUBO end ifrald? For hatp rail 878 8555. a 24 hor chisu Im hor buaed woniao Hillon Woaian' Place m n oaiargoncy shollar avait àbIs lu, attisesauiomen and hew dildeon mHal- ton Reain AI calta aia coniensl ARE YOU BEING alactied by samson. ois drlnking? At- Anon% Family Group nuaci oacI, Manday nigh a p mi ai Si Paul'd\Jn.Iod Chorl.. bocki dma (palon lot aSne 13 DRINKING couelýnotp lemA ohofics Aflonais m d1 usay nsghl ai Grecs Angbcai CIsircl, M5tmi~suo aila 30 pm POIGNANT AND NEED A FRIEND? Freo preg- nancy lest andt canlîdential service. calt BIRTfflIGHT* 875-1245 ge WEIGIT MONIOR - Lou up loi1 potau par diy by uséng 100% naturel liarbit products. Nurse 642-2506. V Si=cre Singk.s Frlsnd.hp Romnce Marvfiage .homIO 117>-7213 AtM 404-101 DImonnhII 810460 2»Vel forSa 1089 FRDm ÎRONCO Kl Eddlo Bouer Ecitian 4x& Cal 8784242 for more irslosnul 189 GRAND PRM OF, blof aiopionu, oa,000 hlu.. 10.09 87533 avnung. 108 CHEVROLET CELEUITT EUROSPORT Stab agon. 4cl., am.. ai. ml. pi . p b., n. rn cll ooa anddwan ouffllied Call 519- 85339 01-720-7602. lm O8CM TON CUBE VAN. aNI floor, ntig $3,0000 haibt ohlar. Cote Ncy 873-030l