Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jan 1993, p. 16

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i Major bantam 'a 9 Thse Halto Haienneui AAA major Teitus Jeff Maticbtfl. Mmt Ihiains conmnuei their matrch to, a Jenklaa Steve. Stigler sid Puml playoff spi seadi tio seins lam Boadu san the relay evei i trîr wetk. division of the skilhs couspetitlon. 1 Ch, Ci guaeousy laay Il the lie Menalso posoeil som seins bat IHalton squad imoped t0 break away coueldn'tlie lgelru Humibuer Valley mn front a tie wiîb timeir bosinm the botm of igmit malch-îup. includmng Sleague siamidgngs and ncceed eii tIse consolation garie. a1 4-2 sein. The Leaver Mtmshroom In ihe finir gaine Mitron defememi sponsoed bonanm also sucoeeded Poil CeMi 1l-I. seudm utrong offen- mn extending fibml Ne*e Yea un- sive play.by the entietaui. Szufer C> heaten streak. got a bdt gid. Coty Brouss;ard and Cing' stanlei the gume meuh a Jenkin; mail coreil to goals weuh Slu-my of sbois on the Humrcane net. Breni Vàn%&orn, Scoti Corfielil. A ;teady ulefence hacked up by keff MitcheuFnil PuI SoutIen eacm jKevin Wilson in goal brItI the op- sconing oine. position to one goal until the offenice Altbougb Sza.fer l2). Scoli Neal coulti gelt antmcked Tise resurgence and Corfield çcorril, Humber Valley seas led by ille îhmmd hle mebo meon 81-4. la thetird gagne. Milton fomechtcked andI bumpeil eiim a ven- came hacu tr defeai Iturlington 3-2. gance. These effots paid off tr îmeo Szafer (2) anal Mati Jenkin s cored goamls fromt Ben Bombunteri as Ian, meth the asîIo Miller. Bouitis Macdniosb. Paul Brennan and and Kri; Koîac%. Stephtn Lagle assisted. lime irsil'The fourtit gaine ugairNsi London goal changeil the rnaionsnun of the meus tsctting Sm-afer scoreil ai the game angil staried 1f 'Cane; tomeaud end of tt frsi perîcîd. Londlon caine the mein back eauly mn ihle thîrd meuh limte Lamsi Wedne.days som %toun quîck goals but in the lai four causeil a gamne against the top placed minutes of the garne Jenkins. Neal Barrie contingent to he camselltd. andi Szafer each scored %to defeai The player; meere primied for thimtm London 4-3. Ille final u.Lore un the 8-0l sein Satwrday aguinni Guelphs in final garie wai; 7-1 in Humbher thte Olympie sized i mb ai the Valley'% favour. (Jniversity of Guelpb. Afier a slow Thec regular gstinon resunstil meh a slang eceryone immpeil min tlle play 4-3 sein or Oakville. Kovccs andI skaied ameay flrm their ricals. Szafer, Neal andI Bouten tacb Guerlph aiiacked bard in the Oirsi tio scored in the gond eusd-io-end gaine noaites bat couldn't break Ký mn ai Oakcille. Wmlson's goaltending. Ille 9ýne Tht peesee; spin a pair of ganse rehoundedit îh wonlaugh imi îtr mn lai meteketid's Woolwmch Tourna- own go domîar the match lth 34 ment in St. Jucobi. andl Elmîra Time simd;s Io (aeclpbs 8. early Saturtlay tnoening gaine Ilalton is peeparing for orsi agamnsi Georgetomen sems a clif- ,.eek's Ibrer gaope finale to the flianger. Szafer meuh Élbe assistiance scbdule ant hoping la gel a lockS on of Kovacs oald Jenkuns. scoreil intme. thetird place rang. firsig period, 53eorgelome one back Pelewees score reay Win A relay ment sein a; ihe iighlight of Decembru.s Milton Beaver tour- nammeni for the5 Primary Electrie Supply miraie pteeec AA squaimd go lie lbe gane in the second period. The gaine ended in a fie. Tht firsi ocerimme perioi *eas scoelets. lu tht second, ihet-on-ihret suddeu death overtime periomi, Mart Jenlons on a pas from Beauliru amnd Szafer. nietteil the puck go mein 2-I1. An excel- lent gainte by goallender Wayne £1;fflm and you ac Win aT for Two- FLORIE SýjbacrIbe 10 T'hb CanadienFebruary 26. 1993 and yo>ur r thîs fabulous draw. %ve LaKeps u f'I tise Th covriýo 1 3 n : m aiv ey .e ,Nwmta~d - 78-2341 -Oi --------------------------- ------ N« - - -_ __ Monnau - mmwm - ---- ---- ---- ---- xes on a New Year win strek &rVin. lspr MFamtane tiltel a SM d sl emn potied! the Mfh Soa. Frm ln tdm secondi gne. Miltion mase up an gaït. Aise, oemaiuting wtu Faile cippe in ish dm lient a meuh Marhhan alti altmmag Jenkmns WbWeliha teh an aussusl goal Doetyl Luwm gomd Kevin Sali andI Brouasad ucond seith the bellp ad Dvrek Bihame cowftd a goal played uolicddefenmave gam. of Bemmllu adi Bolod... d esete white DumieIl Bonain »Il Ga"s In an 8-I troîmng of l3unda fel lum deloa 4-2. Davmts each tarned asustt. Net- Moffi and Van Loosen ucored l g s. n s. mi Login e ds trriic otin. tningbissixt sht- Krklnd iii a goal gai a assi eaeonWlth 22blln oui ofdit semo.- and Comy score rte other Mlon Mifton's Royal Canmila Legmon SOckets finish wlth Soais mehile Kevin Sales sid Jean; Branch No. 136 ConiPlled Ii se> loa 10 nm<cuive wia collectd Iwo ussîsis each. son in fine faîliion. talos lhire or a A oee-saa?,a4fair meuh Hanmion possible four points in ihear final Iwo The PL. Robertson novce AA same Milton ouiwork iher opporgents; gamntes. hockey mquad finisheil their Tri- in gaining a 6-4 nsargip of viclory Agamnst Orangeville the Legion- Couiny scimeduir on a I0.game win- Leading -the way meus dit line of naires managed a 4-4 lie. mehile ning strak. Fazio. Nzalalin and Vffn Loosen meho irounicing Chingacou;y 5-0. Ifis Flayiog live games in five days. popped ivrkmet goals in 34 secondh, meaji ilina the local% earnied top spot lthe Millon ieum posie convincing laie in the seconid pemod i put the in tber diîvision wiîli an oqptstaodg mins over Fldnmborougli. Oran- homne sîde ahead for the balance of recuerd of 22 win; Iweo lie%: and only geville, Dundau. liamilion and An- t gaine Fuamo oral Jean% s.cored four lasse%. casier In the Il-0 viclory oiver twice, mehîle Houllmun and Nadlmu ln their match agaimi visiing 1llamborough. ie minners were led noiched single iallics. Ryan Harper Orangeville. tht Legmon squad fuit hy Andreme KrkJand. Zack Cosby, and ioni Gloeil startd on defence, couldn*t flnd dir legs and ihey owe Caleb Modii and Thomas mehile eacb of ihem collecter! imo asi- a loi of thanks go goahe Paul Perrit Houlihai, »4ho scoremi tmeo goulu sis meio laid a iremendous amounir of apirce. Single miarkers were notched The fifih gane wsu a convinclrg itor but kept his grain in the garie by F'rank Faim. Mark Rouelle and 3-1 viciory over Ancasier. Five.Mîl- allowing ihem Io conte away meuh Evan Jeans. Tyler Salîba antd Billy ion players Van Loosen, Jeans, thetir.e Gletil shMar the shutoun. Houliîhan. Nadalin antic KiekIanI uc- The visiteht- meeni up by a goal Thie oeil Mîlton viciory was a 5-2 counied for thme scorîng. Hallier euly mn the fOrsi. bug Mmke sein ove, Orangeville. Leadmng the Fazio andI Juslin Masirangelo eacm Whrelihan gol t back meh Oie o- seinnefsi meus Rick Nadalin wîîh imeo ackied iwo assiiuin smsis going Io Actin Ileums aind goals andI one assst, Travis Van Milton jow. advance îo the Bryas CGent. Ibis moulil be* the Loosen and Houliban Wai one goal OMHA ýpaydowns commencing trend. wih Orangeville iaking, the andI one évsst each. while Evan weihin amweri leal Ilien Milton evening t coSe Mlogsscndgoal came froiiM e cl se e Adam Heain; meuh belpi froni Dans., M ech nt clo eEiuo Bonhans and Kevin Heffron, then Derek Bimic madte il 3-3 wiim Dar- ryl Penson end Andrew Peers pick-first place with 3 wins ing up the amis. W*lia woe Irogm TNAEE-Wlt on plagal 13 Tht followîng eveoîng in Geor- hi; second of the garie lu salvagt Sonny Caudmîlo amnd Km-j; Koelopoulas. griosen. the Merchanîs liad borne the point wilm linennaïe; Heanns andI Millon wau,îrd nu limne Friday trouble meuh the last-place Raiders in Kevin Heffron geting die assants. nîphi and mourgitd a "- leail by duc the its lIwo peniods belote mouri- ln ibeir final encounier, the Milton end of lte rursi perioil meuh goulu iog a four-goal alîack on the third lu ieamn compleiely donnmated imir op, cornjng from Seanl Lindsay. Par lien- dlaimg the victory. Position. l e a 90d nighIm tfo thtc neberry. Mike Cox. Clancy Dernier Finn scoreil the only goal imne of Chi Buamwell. David Mc- Seymour andI Bill Laforge. Assisis For Milton mn thme fi ise penoià ai Fadlant mmd Greg Monte as they were colleciei by Travîs Riggao, 7:58 of Ille second (froin Murray goti picked up a oiofS8points in the 5- Jasoîn Ruicie. Cox, Mai O»3eite. Lindsay). Georgetowen came back ,0 victory. Dciii Bramwell and Moore Alforge. aend Stymour. veillé a goal by Jonatiman Levack haIt baila goal.and teo asisis. while lefi Milton aided a goal n Ibof the &mInutlat er toi ie ihScore aiont final iwo periods Ind nkaied away after iseo periodu of play. meuh a big sein. Scoring for Mollon in Milton had pltniy of offence on ~it, second was Seynmour (asited Saiurday bal conldni lical u.tartin by Mike Murphy) and in the third imemmlmmdcr Juso Sirota for mouS of'1 meus Sean Lindsaay (assisteil by cap- the flrsi tmo framies of action. tain 13ame Elne andI Travt; Rmggin). Sirota, who iumed in a gond effort Veterans Mîke Murray and Steve heiseen the pipes, meus let dosen by Rocco le a strong defensive unit bus dehiince lis the ciîrd and cane Fniday. alloseing Mississaugu atluck- away meîlh another losing effort. trs frit shols on net.,Comiog up Scoring for Milion in tlle third uld witb big performiances Friday on of- were Mikt Murphy, .Daner Fis. feoce were Lndsay Stymour andI Sean Lindsay. and Juson Ritchie I pRtggi. sehile Seynmour Murray, Lsiuisays Riggin, and Pion picked up assisi;. ~ .iI~)Bradley Glassford meus in net for Milton andI took dit wîn. Glassford meus also in net Tueuday evening ut ho"9 meen the Mer- chant; look domen Georgetomen. to Scoring fur the homne teuns sere - Mikce Coi (2), Mîke McPhail (2) and Mikle Marpmy. nehtrry, Mike Murray, Sean Lindsray, Mon Ollette. flanc, ham lo a by The Merchanti bail a chance to, m~~~Iameov ullbpntrdI on tie firsi-plaèce Bur- gý1rn wil be nterd Inlinglont COUguMongday t;enmng in Budington. <lame reuulia meere rail aivailable ai pres; tinge. m- axmA yctir o<crcunhty Milton plays Royal York Rangers Neouer Ouîr Oii itnSl.Mny tIis Fraday supin. ut honte hefore ~ l hm UMMMousmmnt dafnmnan 1ieMnl travelling to Miauasaugui Sunday aiaeda C0 up n4hjs Io boode tie Derbys. #Auay pimuhmil In odht en oaurnt in amnu mOm.Ul u.M uim « .md m.ai Si aam Geaupiu an Tudey à ftb»y Standing ~m~iaq.mà-g 00 sscmdhaîaawtuu WestDi. W L T Il A Pt le,.a. M e».tuia OTli 4m ~ ~ - buiton 25 9 2 200 149 53 -- -- -- - -- MA ROLOSS LTD. Miltoti 24 8 2 199 129 50 AOahi69iW,1Wao Brmàpte 23 8 2 221 liS 411 fiatâ5udiO*S caletâte 20 9 3 184 l08 44 amei.1" jluve 16 18 0 154 143 32 I ro aPo q Mlulaaaug 13 21 i 164 193 28 Ern 878-533 IIm oyal Yok 6 23 1 113 241 16 -878-M 7 Gempgtomt 4 31 1 136 253 9

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