Pro-lifers target, doctor i c-ryin iaigi -Yli* stop the foU inj. abou à doue itibowloniâts S p.ccst ouiside a Latier Ave riyauoes office for an kmW -e ax l. Sual SaPpL wIo ls st Milon District Hqa "Wé dont hb =. Spa.RUc Grer oi Uic pro-Iifc amcp toid 7liw Chsapiom. "Wc has wlt hc'S domng." Dr. Suppâl. who hm prscidcd ini ion for dic: lm tht ymc~as main- taincd hc'a providng a servi= o a Ui conimunity. Admulting dic pcketcrs aire huit- mng Iii prace, leic! idmU Cami- paigi, Lifc Coalition slnald con. .ccnnl on lobbying dic gavera- ment. fot doctors and patients. 'mr not doing anyLhing illegal." Lhc docter nid in an intervicw Thursday morning. 'Ti noi a mur- 'ibe organization has lgickcted m front of his officc bcfoe. added Dr. Suppal. I# naid! lie callil dmU police te keep thc demonstrators off thc -rt.4 In litea1Là handôd out during dmc Phua by KAREN DMl demoontmaton Uic Cainpaign ILifc Coalition urgcd Uie public to contart ProtMUn abctlon, Csmyalgn LUa CoalitIon of MISOis upportata Dr. Suppai tc express Ilici "opposi- pichket oui"s the oalS of Or. Sualt Suppal, whol performa a~10Mon tion la tit violent act against 8l 111l1111 DIMtICt HOOPItaL %vomitnand chîlden" Halton hands out 35% more for welfare Yeur-eid figures u"lw Hg»to Rcgion dispcnscd moe welfce cWins in 1992. Thnt ton wus *"lightly onde" ilian $28 million in wclfuc chioques in 1992. an incrcSc thc eXpected 42,000 cases. Each cam may reprcscslt an of appioximly 35 pcr Me1t over Uic $20.7 million dis- cit family. 'flic acccpted avemigc is t"a one case burmdin 199 1. equals two peoplecon wclfarc. While "bs is mt Sid news, it at Icat is flot quite Uic Wclfarc cots amc abared among Uic regionl. provin- liait idings regionat wclfare directot Janct Menant liai cial andiol'derai govemmcnts. Halton pays 20 ptc enat anticipated. flic $2.041,130 is 'ilightly lesst mlan we of Uic bih in many instancs. while die ailir two liadt bgctcd. W lialt budgctcd $29.6 million," sme nid governnsnt tiers split thc rmnainder. Because dice rc Tuesday. variout funding exceptions la dic rm ati.Ilion in tact Ms Menard alto motcd Lhat Hallon desti with 40,145 - »s WELFAAE oni pop 9 EmplWYERS enl-.d., R... I,nt¶, .. Wk '1,s.F.9pky.nhn,. $_n. Mn. ToW Q..lay Moa Mo-$.y - B.. PI.., Wnbhm.g. ahh. ~ n-hdè nýbW .kn- 13j . -,% ."b SI no 1,;~fiWb C, Ca..-l .a hIrf at's w?0 I UPCOMING EVENTS FJNUR 1993O SIDEWALK SALE' 'Flnders K.epera' continues ANNUAL AN' ANI CAl TIQUE SALE NUAL R SHOW Finders Keepers SALME! ffIDAY & SATtJRDAY In f&ct. if yotire wlulînig tai look lllouhoul ail sles Rems, o metb flnd samethong PREE! Monay o F-idil Look for sp es safs r r fw1 Iawettt pricest aecf aI ttmese Biacit s Photo Brancier Jewellers Gat.way Cigar ,)::,0 to6:00Hallmark Headys Irone Hill, Jack Fraser Joggers Key Centre Milton Hobbyeraft Mton Photographlc 1110NPanhandier Radio Sftck Ricochet JÀ Shoppers Prug Mail Smlth's Orchide 'n L'ace 55 ONTARIO STREET, SOUTH Spateý MILTON, ONTARIO W.H. Smith 878-3900 Work World