M i F M 182 MAIN ST. Harris StalioM. bas bee. in 1953 by Ron Harris. Mr. a family business in Harris was a proodefnn Downtown MNiton for 40 miember of tb4liton Com- years. Il seems Ippropriate munity serving as Town tbat tbey weoe namied by tbe Councillor and Deputy Cbamber of Commerce as Reeve, and-wbo once man for ils Business of the Week on Mayor-of, iiton, against t final week of December, Arian Best. wbich marked the dawnef/ One of Downtown Mil- their 40da year in business. , ton's most es;abIisbed busi- Tbe store, wbicb provides nesses Hfarri Stationery was everytbing from greeting originally located at 162 carda to a wide array of Main Street wbere Hair office supplies, waa founded Associates presently stands. Mr. Harris ,noved thç busi- ness to 182 Main Street in 1957 wberc il is currently situated. Howevir'at tbe time it wAs only an eigbtb of its present size'. Originally Harriajsbared tbe building - witb Ramsbaw Insurance. Later wben tis business 1 closed, tbe stationrLe took over tbe otber W-of tbe building and progress- ively expanded to the size it is today. Ron Harris' daughter Zella and son in-law B.A. Bonin ________purcbased the business from q I ~ïA UARJUBLEE DONIT MISS ITU INCREDIBLE SAVINGS Bruce Hood Travd soi3RD At#UAL ON EVERYTHING IN STOCK HOCKEY W EE To Montmal a-UV TUS.. Fit. 10. 3:30SA 14 0O-5 Feb. »Ot - »81 "LE5 amD 54. MMAUS 3"/3 -Fordd ih dlan Mf(ton Vanity coliN ý246 __main, 876-4244 878 - mm8 ADOWT MULTONWEBOX REPOO CO#.NY NE j- s'- 'DOWNTýOWN SHOJPPER"t Pleadoel 876-2773 to Wlný! February l4th FIND THAT SPECILL GIFFFOR YOUR in one of îany Evcrytmlng fron Greeting C«&d te. .,) Flowers la avaffiable here for you. 87 -20 243 mAI iT. BREAKAST~ 5 HARRIS .STATIONERY 870-6962 Mr. Harris in 1961. B.A. and Ron worked the store durn 'h slixties. In 1970 Zel.a'bal doperations with bier husband B.A and this arranigement cÔnfinued until 1988. In 1988 Zell% and B.A.'s soli Steve look ovcr 4nd continues to rn. &it sa- tionery store with bis fathr.; Among the many services Halris Stationery per'ornis la a Bell Telephone Collection Agency which bas been part of the store sinct the mid 1950s. Over.the past 40 years tbe lives of tbe Hamis ails Bonin faittilies bave revolved around titis business. As a result. a strong affec- tion and recognition of 15owntown Milton as tbe beart of this community bas developed. - Best wisbes for another happy and successf1'IO years is extended to thte str at Harris Stationery fromn aIl their friends in Downtown Milton. 1 - - Mumffluid