mmu tir OmfAUAMi£ Big winners fTe prftee ue amm Mg I tlle, hteD on-id' R-eefaru drea won by O« les dfde lt .d Pare Deucf a (nigMI> Ssnio a@melaint ntuer Miehel aoi presa the b1g ettuffed i h a re kb«Wy. ACHILLES GIVES YUGREAT PRICES rIT1ameDB GI\/EYOGREA! DEALS Forget the Rest I corne to the best!!! nO Charge auto on ail 92-93 models or up Io Si1,000 discount eI' wothte drie' AcilsinAtn ACHILLES ra~ sals srv e pnssales.- service parts enta oasng entai leasing 357 Queen Street East (46 05-8965 ACTON (519)8530020 4 Financial problems can become overwhelming, cause job lasses, marnage difficulties. and aven illness. The purpase of the Bankruptcy Act is ta provide an hohest debtor a chance to start again. Please cait for a free information boakiet or a )no-charge consultation. PADOON +ASSOCIs M4 FrNANCAI. ADVI$ORY SERVICES TRUJSTEE IN BAle<RUPTCY 225 Main St. E. * 75-08111 COIJRTESY NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING WARD 2/DUBLIN LINEINO. 5 SIDEROAD CoucilfortheTow ofHa#n Hllswil obucia Public Meeting to exaine nd discussi propased umendments to the Hailton Hill Officiel PlnedZoning Ely-tew 74-51 in order ta permit a pion of subdivision onsîsting of 16 residentiat lots end one (1) commercial blodi The subject Property iii Idcated al the. noriheanst corner of the intersection of Nô. 5 Sideroed (Reoina Rondt No, 9) and Dubin Lino (Firsi Lin.>, with the property bourg described as Part of Lot 6, Concession 2. Town of Haflon His (Esquesing). Fuflher information s avaitable in the. Planning Depeilment AIL INTERESTED CITIZENS ARE WELCOME Une. 7:00p.' Date Monday. January 18 1993 Location Council Chamber Town of Halton Hulis Civil: Centre t Halton His Drive (Georgetown) File Di12/MolV ' (24T 88019) 80635 A CHANCE TO START AGAINI