~Looking back at the year's triüimphs and milestones ftmce LOOKING onpS pf nturruie plona coyI, lsî if n the rutile befote, Ualoween, leisure centre. The $2.6 mnillioen ew boue. Wedmeudy. Novenîbr 4 invite wing aulIi bouse a gym. weighl monti The union repesentimng Mupicitursl - alanti aekibics centre, fliç*,nitial prison employeco charget prison - -C Sswertning pool comrpit oficuet in management badi gnoeed allegulions wskIdi lafecretil ~ Janary eiutlng lu hurumnn stlaff bur-~ Appltby Uine, the sanie nue . Hlai regional counicillor RaIpt noul anti heallit and safety issues iun ~ . reporteti OSebolteus said hc euupoceteus mtucb laie Julie. But prison superinlentent . Huion's landrll in soulierre M Sai $111 mnillion fromt the Ontario Gary Commeford rejecleti the co ton finalIy openeti. aller aintos.I t agovemmeul in job crealloat ftandieg platints. ,saying the jail is raou Ce-r decudes of wranglteg, iu early N( as4 pan of a Oea $ L1 billion provin- 'ltvely. fairly."* ember. Mayor Gord Keanîz deovi !cial progran "Foi eociteti about Neigitbours tu Jot Scotî*s rural garbage truck- ludèe wîîb wsu ;is jusî ileligitteti.- saufi tht Bur- coutposttug plant conWlained of huh9bnereaig*O n 0i.>lngion counicîllor. abo chauirs the odoturs front the facîtly mn laie b"unu" 10 formally dedicale i e regional brallet anti social services Augost. Mr. Scott saufti 1wùe poue- nea fucolity Il ended mrp coottng ta commene. iing i5t1 tc, solutions tu tht payer% roughly $ 1 %0 million. Auguatproblems AuffltA Missis sauga main haiiet iU of A relaoing holiday tumed inio a bis car just before il a %truck hy a terrltying ordrulfor a Bitisht fami- GO Transit commuter train on ly in eauly August Jtm Rose, 45. of Tburstiay. Auguits 27 lits car liOndon, lEngland tntl white climbtng swerved sideway% in avoiti anoIhe thditects ai Ra.ittksnake Point anti vebuicle sioppeti ai the crossing. and was scriiusy injureti became stock in the truck%, Malion A weedt nickmnauied "the purpir regortai police satid Sebasîtan Bcd- plagtur* was tlrirening Halton narczy. 22. jumpeti oui Just before swellands in eacly Ailgusi PurpiejLe train destmroyd the car I(iosrsîrtte hati hy then invadeti haP, Septeumber "i% ls itet. wit you càin doi ait/u il.- sait Ilcenta Axon, a lallon Re- ouo Conservation Aultîîrîtyspokes. persitu I uvirtininent Mînîster Ruth Cier ibreaé a roadhlttc in front tufCanada lirjutsý proposed brick plant in lthe sitaduiso 'If thr Niagara lscarpment ini mmd-Auglîst She itîlt the coin- îanq sit alnmed nire tiaîl regard- log iteir oseraIt plans for the rural %liltutn sie Canlada Brick fare huaik cd îlot of the venture A violent iitundlersiîîrr kuocke tut poîwer lIo somne pants of Milton oun Moutday, Aug. 101 Most power 1992 Chrysler 5th Ave., 4 dir.. bitte - . - I 1992 Chrynler Dynasty LE, 4 di,, gray 1992 Plymoulth Acclai, 4 dr.. blue .... 1992 Plytmouth Acclatm, 4 dcr. blue........... 1992 Dodge Spirit, 4 de., sîlver. 1990 Eagle Viola. 4 dr., red.-. .. ... 1990 Plymouth Sunedance, 2 dr., silver....... 1990 Dodtge Spirit V6. 4 der., silver . 1989.Plymoulh Grand Voyager. vvgo. cuti 1988 Plymouth Grand Voyager, wgu. blI- cherry 1987 Oodge Caravan. wgn,, rut 1986 Chrysler Lebaron GTS 4 dc.. ced AS-IS 1980 Chev Caprice. 4 dir, gold 1978 Chryster Lebaron, 4 de. gren TRCS 500 Branle St. Milton 876-2580 Mîllon itireti' afle ow am udmîn- istrator in earty September, David llîpgravr. an enineer anti accoturu- ani. was sciteduleti en stant aork in Octotet lie bad lbeen worlatng as ciîr-tl siatf in Melrîî Toriintocir- mian Alan Tots. IFormer îîîau uut.llor Mamry Long pleutitd gtuilty e0 dangerous drîvîng mn a Blraton cinrl lthe Wcdnesdiay, Septenitr 2 issue- of The' (haiin repoiet Ofher char- ges were droppe in an.1 apparet piea luargaîn, 1w suas later sent tenceti lu itre yar, prohatitin, 2561 houri of communiey work. anti pro- C >à ..19,995 .14,9%6 ..10.895 10,896 10189" 5,995 6.996 8,495 12,595 6,795 4.995 496 .... 495 lIbo Mh Fermiers fialn hum bilan urvng Pt ou r "r for 20 yeuv and Rle bIkldy w» lmuhe in Oclcb r le MuJu StuaI mntet clonait for u lieuresot. hbitet fron driviig for ilirne yrm.u juiean àeed jumpeti back lno poliics in early Septembe. an- nouncing bts candtdacy for the HlI- ton-Peel riding 00w belli hy Progres- sîve Conservative (Gartit Turner Mr. Reed formerly representei norlb Halton iu provincial parliameni (1975-95) A police t. k focec probe ittt lallon Region es *progrrssing sorît anti progressing tht way Wre eopecteti said Cordlon Sutherlandi. an officer assignei Io the effort. on carty September Projeci 8t). a rortio, (IPP anti York- regional cîîmhîned forces tîperatitn. sý stîll lnvestigaling landtitransactions tin Ilalton About 15,lttWl people vîsîtedth ie 139ih annual Nîliton Fall Fuir This year's fair AnihassadJor was Shen- Lynne McSpurren ie Was the furse ycar moles aec ,ttloaed lx) ctinprle tor tht tille A Milton native. Pal O*Connor. weuti ut htis W.iy tiI çondut .1 («aitian C hIinpoiîiî inters ira about the face bate the 32-year-old itentopitîac bat contructeid AIDf1 fls wîfe Catbly alsît look- part in the inliervie. Mr. O'Connor anti bis %ie. afraii iif heing rejctet hy itrîr (urnwsail cîîînnunîîy. kepi tht secret for a year bot llhn ticcîict lii go public as pari of an AII)S awarr- ils% campaign lalton regional chairmilan Peltr Pomnroy braI-e a 12-12 ie Io nie- pM #~murktt valut.asçmnwmni (Vai ce <tuaI clun cil bnt Weil- rstiay. Sepienîber 23. But tdual dtdui tm ot u te the aust Word on the uhjeci -far front t. as a rouir oftfact A stistaineti .ii-,MVA cuirm paîgu Was atready gathtring momen- tutu ;n OaI-ville anti Ialion HIlkî Re lance Plastics amouuced il Was shutlng clown produclton anti con- solidating ls Milton operallon in Winnipeg in latte Snpîemte Tbe ove Was expecteti tai cost ljobs. A 14-ye.ir-old Acton boy as chargerd wal the rapt of a 16-year- olti Milton girl in late Septenther. Halton Cenieunial Manor wies te- nuti Ailendalle in recognition of the laie Stane Allen un Seplentier. Mr Allen ivas a longiîme atintsrator lierre October Tite Town privutizeti lea garhagt colletin service Wtb a decision in early Octote Its i te a cosî-cul- tîng move. 1 tu ile elleci aiti tht nea year Browning Fercis In- dustries lantird tbe conîrai Milton laid off ir falîtîme employec anti Iet lsvo terpiraîtînrs go Wit the louve. Milton -Ycs comnctte or- gantiers in thw national rtertu- dumt calopalgt saîid ihty tit i thir test afler the proposedl CharIot- itoan Accord usas sivepî asîde on Monday. Occ 26. John Citaltinor a Milton municipal councîllor abo worlird for the "Yis' commutter. took soni utti coînfarî in tbe fac; lthai ai leIai un (>akville-Milion. il 001 nlatîonally the Accord Ivas îc- cepieti hy lie) per crut of volers As regportai dettale about markt value assesstmnî IMVAI gaqbentd stint igain. MVA opponenIs in laI-ville targeleti Burlingion cuon- cffror Don Carier in an attempt 10 saaîy bientri leir camlp. Mr. tanr's downtîtan Burlinglou waurd wottld sec propety taxes incetu wttb MVA. alîhoughitn Burlîngeon as a whlene titey isoult go down. But despile wa btitnie a bitter cuire- paI n, Mr. Carter soolnîtit hudge, lit laie Ocioher lalton regional police annoancei a wtupots amn- nety lu fakte effeci in Novembe le ivas laler eotended theougit tuti- l)rceinter, November llovlng pu it id $15.1110 in diamage turing a oaintism spree the of 38. on le ov- A% tensions régardtng mtarket value âtsessnîn IMVAI escalaied. fialton Hilis regitinal couincillor Rick Bonnette announcet il thtle cuti-M VA lanctiolu would ailempi Io have the aboie marter rehlashbet ai regiona councîl on Wednesday, l)ecer 2 Mr. Bonnette and is backms hopedto .veflurn the cit- troversial MVA docision at finale tinte. In tarIf Noveniber Milton busi- ness owuer anti former NHIL referre Bruce Hood announcei lie aoutd iake a run ai the Oakvilie-Miltn federal LiteraI nomination for the 1993 elecîton lt latte becain a four-, way race Milton counicil announce i t wasi aîmîng for a oq&per cent operating budiget indreïrýe in 1993 -about $851810O IlIon Womcn's Place apologizei t0 regional counicit for a contentious adi litme soliciteei applicitons front varions mînorîîy groups. ineluding iesbiups, for a cilt care-aorers, position A Milton mati was a key player in obtaining a prestIflgnta buslins uwurd for bis compaoy Michael Miller invenieti an environntermally friendly lIk for Canaian Fine Cotor Co. Thw compauty receiveti a Canada Aaards for Business i-xcÉllence tropity fere Michael Wilson, the fedleral Minisier of' lndustcry. Science anti Technology. D.cember lalton reportai police chrif James Harding suffereti a mild heurt ut- "ak the Wedniesday, Decemeite 2 issue of The Champjioun rr<iriet He wu.ç exeied riel/fs reîîîîer Milton lire chief Richard Playfatr announceti he a resignlng to lake on a sîmîilar jobt aI a itigger depart ment in Stoney Creek during carly Decenaber. Markeci Value Assessmeni (MVI.) as put on hold following a' marathon Halton regional councîl mi.eting laiing alumei 1l) hour%. The Dec. 2 moeeting dresi approxîmaîely 6(X) spectaters and more titan PÀ1 people registere t o spea- on the malter. Fr lthe next year alternatives atill bc explotret. but as eDings vlandi now. if notbung oea proves accçpi- - et LOOKING on Dmg 14