ILs I CiÊstmas cheerI I Peler Zalkand .505 amnti vofause vm Uakm DAr". am In a CluI %» ue àa a le e *UN Io à iiiIfwnWi ln I lfonra#Mntodu', SelvUr An"y Clt j. LmaPuii la hello iele,- hoe A mulai $14M0 mm oomuwld front Urne by l Cune ln U 0', d ceA0 garn dm n eui go Condo buyers save 40% at auction-, Slunrnpng minet Viliq Pmt on t OWS "a irt dTouonto Aipot Mutinsc Dac. 16 io b.d for 19 kme lifstyle$" suid Mictael Fuel'd ont up lmt wek when 19 condominium, traits were rnwo-badrooun rad cm oo>beu buuy usd of Sireldon Gond and Compm sold in one dey et psices as as $75.000. uis. lit bwet préc pid wu fer *e oum-be- ibi ri aufr~snl "i dit oonrnbny Accoedh to SheWDn 3oqd a Comrpeny, i tani mme $75,000 wMt $106M00 de cwi bei deai. Wa cnucedr . Il ually npccùiarn Comany plucb condudted en auclion of dhe Top price for a lwo-betoo mi wu $133:M0 comugvqet. qtimrn coodounit,.buyees ,alied savmp so!up lo.40 "Tht xajoity of tht huymers te lo ea, oenrgmàqyis caling dtsalewhichlIasted per ent of due het prices. wtt, enterlng t housing narket for teÎ0 ba a u. tens ie àale was held in About 30D pobsa" bayea fhtmltd u<urn xtion mea but moit were Iooklag dur àa!wu conjnclion wilh Re4j4ax Millowne Reahty Coup. Bus tender thue iL~n~ bids hit détour, U& d S MM m al~ im lleh Ilu baddty dur du Toua'. inng du prorna aI. beiq »Wl lu'f ~~IiUI b lae Io b.d aWnl baud on a de- âmem erai d it Wlt. - Ii.McLaarnmd*, ducur q ion. Mltac bu Uints. blh mb- Smlbid fbr fa tender wldc aiver- tind a Ove-ye iem Ar die toa" couritilttu Ni Mnday nile Drury studeots adopt famdies 711e bru Chistse @PMO wu evldant ai E.C Dnwy HI0a Scilool laitwaels utun ioekxnt and a. ontdbiwe tI la Adop-AmFaI PraJeo. Chi bMeulra ni thie tMO- bon MstieliAaoeu coordnied Oie projed. He P~oa 10 nftdy Isaible ain Ula Muhon VOS Wa o -ue -er myeuld. Eldi hoffi dlaa chose à lUiiy 10 adept AaOeua e Proledl wa go peiuonaid for dia aklnt,. the reaportue wua oseoiain*ig. lhon- ardse of dalers ln boi soutIen. orqMdhtl fod " ifl 000e. utliAWia Vue proUe of lI ta lly se iaialed. Studenta kilenÀawsd wuLdd ire ta ake part again noid yen. -W. cui ral ideriy alO thie "td" maiy ad. Mr. Meulera accupiud Oe boxma of gifle on beltaif of trie fTerile, and dia Akhsl Aasociaton, and Uwiaud #ie odant dur carlng dur cMme. Fraser uWpbpy em.r OS Vi »aciBon Sedng Day bu- gan Io beid. I a imiela eam e*u~ mi "ch O bioeL-51 Features .pa. .......6 Crime Sflqr u..S Detellas..........19 Cleulftsi...21-22 wis -O yoyour -y avery Merry tmsa ppyl1 1 1