Ips té' cope with holiday stress Holidays are supposed to be a break froin everyday rotine. a chtance ta speigd sont relaxing tinne with att famiea. Why. theut, da inst of us feel su exhautised afterwobb? Part ofthe problerr a hat we're scll itaunted by a "grceting crd" appnoaeh ta dhe hlidayc. Maity of us want ta npend mare tinite with ouf famiilies doing ail of tote wanderfui holiday thiags. Deter- mmed tu have the .perfect" ficmilyI holiday. we end up Inpptng aIl avec Our goali intentions, A AGN lave ia the pracess FA MILY Htgh expectattonq cati block ouitihe real STRESS A cumajor contribuior :0 holiday stress is the wîde gag that devclops hetween expecatons thiat ire îon high and tuhats actially aitaînahie ta 0ur situation la- siaüd. tue need ta concenirate au tuhats most important ta as lake tjie hefore lte holîdays to ialk wiih your chîlsiten about îheirexpeciatins For instance. if yur fantilydecides ihai spending iiiie togeiher is the muisi imtportaint thing, you may have ta ciii back on %orne ictivities, 'Mis may meart friser sleep-ovr ai tneads' hontes for the kiis tir fewier frue foru the parents. Anoiher haidie many faffleseface'oser thé holidays is planning -iits wih relatives -_deimtning whom ta see aid sshen This deusiion cis heconte even miorecomplex when hriih parents' rla- tives lise close hy. or parents ame separaieli or disorced. Ftying ta siiiisf) eseryone conceraed !K a dîfficaît task andi cas resait in armxons moments for adiilts adi chîllireti alike. Thoagh yoar fannily cati he ta tisa places ai once. you can be fair n hous yau divide.yaar timec$Deal wtth lte situation before feelings miay blion huty having an alisance arrangement canot sshen vssts wîll inssur - andi then rotate lte schedule each yea& to gise equal tie to cith party, If you have many relatives living close hy. plan one special sight for eveeyone ta get together. In these cacertain economic tites. theol aid uage of hbe ihankful for sshai yoa hase" süliirings true. Many patents Iid it helpful ta ialk wîth oIder chîlliren about hotu money is ta he sprat ta avoîid disappaoinimeni later P If yoid can't afford ta spenli as much mnttey on prenents4his yeam. yoa can place eltWhasis elsewhere, such as helping out altera within yaur cainuntîy. For instance, yaur thntily cati drap off loys or foodi ai a local charity. ibis wîli certainly nid a warin glat ta yotî holiday andi help your fanmly reflect an tuhat is gond about your otun situationt Anoriter way ta get extra milcage ont of a limiuird budget is wtth hote tadue gifla. Yoc cati give gifts lîke a sprcially.wrapped jar af homnemade caduces (tuitit recipe atiached) ta coneacte an yaur lisd litote wtt large. extendeli <amuîtes may finli it helpfal la have a draw wherc each famtàly membher piclîs otte naine fSa w oni ho or she cuill boysa present. Lîke ffnany parents ioday. yot wîll alun lisse ta deal with yotur chilifrenus wîclî fit Yau cati help younger children undertaitd that tltey tony sot receive exacily what they tuaI by takitig a trip ta the utore titit tîtera. You may bc surpriseli ai hotu quickly they cani chanige tlacir mid about cuhat thcy want once ticy tee tdut lite toy is actually a lot sialler. and mauch lest excîtîng. titan te ana agivetied. Take advanîage of 4Wolidays ta do santcthing yau don't normal - ly have tînt ta do. ScYdule aine persoal '*iimeott for yourself. Wiih to-incane fainilies. no aur persan should bc shouldertng lthe ntsjortty of lte worload around lte hotusa. [lisve ail famtily menthers participate in coon way. Your clitld might hoe an "undtscovcttcd chef for instance ali enjoy itelping you bake. Nal dealing tilt simali liuaqiosintun and antuetie, tutu put a danmter on yauc familys boliday spirit titile fomng te fiantes for high stress. Take sont of the ctepc dt I've onîlîneli ta help boat you and yaur fainly betmeecope tilt ail the enclOsnent aixd anticipa-'1 non ltui lit holisyns brnng - mds have à tuanderful tinte toigetiteri Courses designed to h<élp seniors 1 explore family history, leamn computer Leautire caurses ame afféreli y lhe Halton Bard of SpectaUy pniced dayt netn; ,ne tiie-ae Cauus p ,Educadon Cotmnhani Education deparlaigent tsimng in pesling. die net yeur that tili explore Srecing famiiy hi"nî, Horne Healti Cure iu a course geare ta titue wuit are cousputeru nid heaih cm. looking allrIn t ill se aogn fauy inember a baut. Writiag Yauc Lice ta a utw course afféem duning lbe î>s new couse in ul teacit pmuacaci ikills liai are re- day se evetting ta people tho tant ta put their fauly's gluired for titis type of cag. Il tu sauil by a regtered hisîoty on paper. nurse tits yeus of expestence ils thts fieldi. fluere are twa conmputer courses liesigneli for seniors For more information cal] Aliî mdg Conanuing tttcluding Introduction ta Computers for Seniors and Educalion ai 878- 1240 or refer ta lbe boarlis Educaiiaîc Mare Computent for Sermoaru Is l Age Ias peagrana guide.