Box Us. 191 Main SL E. J TorontoLc 2-87 Cisasfl Advertisunjg lt73-3300 l an liver Publia her Nde3tl.oe Adwrtùug Directori j GeneroMauWg< jane Mulier £41,.,, Kare Huinan Mmarne TeiCasi Office Manajer Tim Coin Produeaon Ma.ager VIENT LiT 4t. (t.. amui. t - .1 55. Pa mU. h aum ~ - - - N'~-~ W~. LMi~ ~5* ~. uma,.. EmuB - 55~ t.i. m~t mqv..,. V.W~mu Là ~ ,h~. T~'m t mu- muu. -~ ,.~ t ,.,4 t. wo,~mc~ ta ..i.. ut t. "- - Sy - ~ bu - 5. t. upp~ - 15. ~amu ..t. ,W.. t ~p.sam .*u.w. LOOKiNG BACK Is there a Santa? "is there a Santa Clau*s?" is the question ttile Virginia O 'Hanlon put Io the editor çf ie New York newspaper The Sun in 1897 after herfriend tlid her he did noi exis. His associate Francis Pharcellus Church answered with the following editria.* Varginia, youîr littie friends arc wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptacal age. They do flot believe except what thcy sec. They think nothing cari be which is not comprehensible by their littie minds. 'Ai mrnds, Virginia, whcdicr tliey bc men's or children's, aik litle. In this great universe of ours man as a mere in- se& an arn, in his antelleçt, as comparcd with the bound- lcss world about him, as mcasured by thc intelligence capable of grasping thc whole tnsth and knowledge. Ycs, Virgina, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as cer- tainly as love and gcnerosity and devotion exist. and you know they abound and give to your lie ils bighest bcauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be tihe world if there were no Santa Claus. It would bc as dreary as if dmct wcre no Virginias. Ibert would be n9ichildlike failli then, no poctry, no romance, to make toltbwable'Uiis existence. We should have no cnjoymcnt, excepi in sense and sight. 'Me eternal light with which ciiildbood fils Uic world would bcecxtinguishcd. Not beieve in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in laides! You might get your papa t0 hire men toi walch in ail Uic chimacys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody ses Santa Claus, but diat as no agri tuai dicte is no Santa Claus. Thec most meal things in tic wodd are ihose neidier childre4 nor men can sec. Did you ever sec fairies danc- ing on the lawn? 0f course flot, but ihai's o proof they ame sot there. Nobody can conceive or imagine ail Uice woanes tiiere are unscen aid unscable in the world. You tcar apari Uic baby's rtue aid sect what makes Uic noise inside, but here is a veil covernng Uic unscen wotld wliicli not Uic strngesi mai, nor even Uie uniicd sirenglsth of ailic sirongest mcna dm1 cvcr lived, could teua plut Only faîi, fancy. poetsy, love, romance , cari push aside thai curiain and view aid picture Uic supcthial bcauty and glory bcyond. Is il ail "ea? Ah, Virgfinia, in ail dii world dicte is nodiing cIse real aid abiding. No San Claus? ThI" Gcd! He lîves and he lives forever. A Uicsaà yenrs from now, Virginia, nay, tes times tes Uiousand year frorn now, he will continue to make glad Uic lieat cf childhood. The spirit is stolen WC cm ooiy holle Climira is a'd r h ippy memore &M chens1ed tradbtons. Iblis station cao't possibly bring joy to evetyoseIW ever Memories of Ioni lovcd oses can be especially dif- ficuit ati dm Un of yen. flic madness dua accompanies Uic feeling of lou lias'been amplfified for several local residents whoée mern«Wa wrewil, placed un Uie grave sites of famIt members, have becns aide. How ermbly sal to have dicir numeries vWolte by sucli thoughdess amt. Obvioulyi ot eveyose knows whas Chrisum is ail albout. Goodwll cao bc elusive. t t ohi 0smm Rn, a eff Iury lord Gai iVMn lock an. PAGES 0F THE PAST One Year Ago presa the Decembe 24, 1991 WMn C) %h Salvation Azmy Chrstmas Bureau Fond bli gone over the top of ils $20000 tarses ai a tdîne wbun thu need lâai neyer liera greater Therre were so maiy nrody Miltordams tisat Chtristnmas duti worker héci lied enough tisse to total the oumbers. However, despiée due econoesy cougli ias doated in o bp every &"aiy in lown enjoy a tmâltional Chiristmas. Several buel arases bâti given murte senemsly thonaisai. Fer es- ample. thse owners; and 10 employees as Cressive Meussorlals turned ovec $2.000 in Chiristmas borme u rit bureau. Il bail been due moes sucoessful year for due (und since Thme Champion inuglte due cosicion 10 ytai tailer. C) Maritininuea cf Milton bl duoeod duit jtromullng Cauxadman iy cculd he unpgscça sibin bue mllemapteil go moches a "LUs wavlg" sweasirt. Deu stirt depicteli due nid aid white Causalit aavlng n due ai lut the dogE. *Ibma cabanr don't wasl." lin bath oqeca lamillea. He lad oridirt 50 if thu siils Md wulanMsionsgo bave dumr sai as .cresin the asis. However. lie was laid by those bue op- prScadi go cay duesh do thtly (eltii acald offemi lue mulii- cultural commnaîil>. Mr.. )mm. said they msud due point of due alun. U) Abocut 20.Mlten firefighless bail tae mc due siets o callect money fo the loosI Salvaitien AsyFo lai. %hy vusîmied neigstmstiocmh wlth 1heMr -ire Depariane vebicles and canvasumil dor-t xilunng 3.00 pcuà of fo«l. ?O Vears Ago Pîm a Dac@"ba 27,17 lassa.i C) No oe au a plue al wi dufir Chistmas SM a flac ami Hendrike SEvin of die El Prio Apseinunu on Ont"al SImet lin Milice. Ibeir Chistmias prenur wu à baby boy. wbc camu jino due 'trii ai 4:48 &m. Cbulainua Dey. MidualJamnes Ervin was boni ai Mil- son Distict Hosil wmth Dr. D. Aiketiheail playing Saiuas helper Mmu baby 'sivd two weeks laie, but due Ervies acre both pleaaehe aived on tucbai aaqsi- clous occasion. U) Imnudiair assistance bail hemn iven ga two "amlies wbo were victies Io a slubbans pre-Chiinnas fare whlcb left dues boaauless. %u Milioe Red Cros bait repoeied "im mur limas $200 woub of furniture. clothlng and bcddlng bid bue providel by die Red Cross. Onet of due familles was alto relocate in mn ather apatieet.Mi fulire bai buta ai a five-unit apmuni bouse it95 mutin Street. Q) Eventdu nayor go! int due action wbun flott's Bunch, a gromp of assir local msic"an go tolaub go play Christas; caroa on due xse ai mil wnb . Mayor Brise Beat bal suINSIId à bus forUn PM plus a lunch afttrwan for duenmusicians a me a atil as phayng bIs cornes iedt b"ci 50 Years Ago Psop the Domcua.Ia.r5 195 liai - 0 There as a liklibod dimiIl acali h a Vteen Chistas. O Thmr wu Io hea specil Christ ma néies ai du "ei us tbuie, kaurng Sonja Homl and John Payne IDSa. Valley Sesena,' alsc Passing Pmi-Magic A,.ýab àad calccom-uu 'e Tots. Admiission wu lu bc 5 and 30ents. D) Tht Wudte'a Dinner bâi hem hell by Johna Blair ie Beeligion. Il vin meied by about 100 peoetrous vallona parsa cf du comiy uphammlng rui aid tubi, Mlu àowalda, huusu aim cal " ie Ex-Wadai Gentile IL Huil wu tht soutmme PUD BYS7P-VR AIIPA.qjr