Hardbail Cafée expansio concerns councillora tively o i lmlI .1* Ne. Omcmde utpaest IV au q uor licenmce te, go dcag lâ a planssel expm"ao 10 tht Hud-iblr But Wurd 2 conocil. Roc Fwni would rabm bav wxtisctiocn lte prapcted additbe b worried &bout reporst cf uaauy be- haviour aî tdm licenoed puni ocam- lnm led ta. believe "h on 1 n accaatmdure were al- t r M.Fwik m& ltais a cacern lme, espeaaly .4t tihe Higw, 2cmgustale " ofterc .as mamy a 100 people al a tinte." Mecouriilo suggessed Multon abtain à repot fiou ltaitoc Regional Plie oc the ie pfor ta amctlomins alidtocit liquar sales. "I understuu it's bien oeally utait> Up there." Il tha proves ta be the cise, Mr. Puait admled. 'i bc dRhoet if 1 waantlt ameex' proNoem wlth the eipuisuan." Mr. Oiuagaaie MWlieh extra husiness mill nantâte personnel. icluthuti hecurity, on aile, hi noteli. fise adatsao pdicy will bc changeai toc, Mo.4àmpuxde added, In dmhn onem ude alle 19 .111 hi allowed a9ceme aftf 9:30 paZ. Mr. Fuit ws no tsiusffle. -n B-Rm . »0 CooricLO on pap à Pot. TM Man found'guifty lomPUSE ons Psa 1 hW n i bicycle mid guibut he pose hum be % àmqmact of the Sepiermier 23 passe uchat knocluthe Ml" Drive wonusn ta, de growi mod ab ut mjrd bar wuest. Mmt perte camualaed Catch à Bdliman Holiday Star Thés dAda, na, rathe t. mo *e.md stars uith n ~m dléd.of Swarao'dm cymiL kmwn de wodd au. fur ls dimity. 1t4 jut au cite mmybimst éjS ml tiAn t. .ndwuleswvonsmmCryst ~ mueta~Iismmuvng i. m pa UMMbeqls Ilo inaicthàby . 876m4367 àlv voe wu à* hIg Io mgngu h. l@ oo «-dmmàpWàQa phOêtIgp - a pip i mft in purs e snatch at Carniage Squai> V3., idiaScado.d lante bu tictets. In delermaîne if cen"l evadence preîsente b>' Je*dgtobinso ilaltid voir diuevkdenc Cm«. coudd bc adeittei. beud Decesibe 3 la cannectian with bh case M. Hostrauter cans in. custm±y and wm'tmaîisslitle becamme il prajadiced Mr. scleduaWt to qpea in court Imay 25 for a Ho.wm's dagm 1 ta flair iai. temung. 1ýhe euxinam penalty for $Wcb a 1he1 fIs voIr dine hearing wu hil id the 1htra two >uv le prison. 1 Sa4ta's North Pole Nulghbors Thsymu. lt.' Wàq f u h domos Abda 1% land 1Swéroold crymb tey cu>'t abat, do adWassy. Vila m teamm ma* stu m Ian gets T jump on j -à political j clareer A 13-yeff-ow MeUt boy hmt CiPIutlllI i inh à?au §Pmo foxur Wueb a à e ai ne 41W ajliv Pie Prý siage 'Tin iateoeud Li pom*ds." hi un~ "Ild lut to be a poulclim when 1 7fime teenager wu aneug 28 Grade 7 md 8 studets whc were accepted into the proag oseut cf more dbm 300 applicints. The students worked Monda>' ta Friéle>' 9 &mn. ga 6 pot. delivena messages go membens of pvincia puawm ln <MPPs>. Parti=lmt alto Ieund proývincial gavemauoet pro- cedùmrs including the tîw-méing Proce . 1 Aumg daensselvm. lthe students bld pretenli debites. lmt said Tuttis at Quein's Part balpeli keep tdem up with their scitool watt. lu,. wtto tivea on Second LU, 'was paid tvelcommumnd esed SIS a aday in the propun,ýHe aso to borne a ceutiflcaiée, group photo. and hâd bis picture taken wiltheMNPP in bis riding. Il was an expenesnce fan said ttc recomrmends ta alther Grade 7 and 8 studengs intemeste i l earning more about how Sovermat wtits. SHARO PrmSf &N., LLB. Hamrster & Solicator naSuite 301 205 Main Street - Milton, Ontario te 876-4656 FAMILY LAW ii &DIVORCE Give Men t he Beauty off Nature This ddkt.buuefy perche. onm à erpate dam.. lh. mwuIy $@MW revcè ils pudmy bwun.?Indy crlil Imm SILVER C'RYSAL 8764GEMS t.