19W<. Evmyoue wu Soncinuug nus tl wu ;suait els u m g-1- p. î -3 - "i- .. .. Gulinua tbue bot I wu babng adl uy caN a md cals. m clown (St m. I opeSd ht ad il wu dut cookis and aia cailla. 1 au »d gave tWti t Sm*i bust Fla ,I doil 1 wmte. dog al diididiii St5a woudg pi lu d itet a ii. u ati au if I Adl.Ui Dradày me Arme of cen GabLea 1 bot ni, atd t mmr ta delive tai of Gra A tpod ftiSai &M 1 woidd 09 IL -lte poemot viii b= I ni yeu Ilue eveng we vital ou planait 1 m ulapera go citMe put Love anld hWJnk» Ocaiais =toy. We MMa a Cot- on -il - back downaaisa. il wu ou aeek amii Chritfnus lastrnas sory e"ut yeur befoce 1itm we got lo he du h a na l m went &Mdmy soai.s me f(MWse se pit- we go t bc. ARcer dm my Ded car- off. tc mWay la bave a big CGuhmt ried me amyaibeoiheruplogo.i I bcdl a really goil tiane Sa"in puty. Il wu inboumrofMy big feil aslssp. l'ben I baud a noise on doon dtisuteya riding aits du Sb bMer '<ou ai, t" pae t i tihe roof 1 ache up, gai oui of bdaid mdien we oere fmtsally dot, We wM ia beotits off ta adbool hig dua and weet dlon stain. vent bock ta.y bue. l'Il always Wa usai up ail tbeir motuy ta dtey 1 mme a big fru man coaatog dooti testnuse you. l'il lways renn couid not boy me a preeum. It wu ie chinmney. He os dressdi in teed bur you ton, sid beatte lic vel uP Chrisime Eve. my broder vu batik wlith black boots. Ibert 1 ,alized lie chinmney lic titcew doe" a mdc hoe li brougbt a ton of presetits. MERRY CHRISTMAS fon Manager Tony Camiler and ail the staff at« BINGO COUNTRY Saved tue 0w. TErne wu a pick-up truck wtiig in the duiveway. A - ati to me, '«Do you know wrbere Mqslie Siree la!r' 1 was lisky mnd I apottsd our Chuleta e ien 1 laId ie cai sa koep hlmt busy wbile 1 Smt thse cimmsita te I aaid go. lite cet juniped on bita. Andi 1 rescued the Ctristmns a«. I wiil always remnin- ber de h ansm. Rajahi Sinmof Goua A, BroohvfU Eamned the dol 1 was 6. It was Christusa Eve Ma~ festiv e Gwhrffl~ 751 Main St. E., Unit #9, Milton 'roi. 876-2847 FAX: 876-027 EZE WHEELS DRIVER TRINING WISHES YOU & YOURS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS *Gift Certificates Avaitable Aim High for Prof esslonaJ Driver Trainting *iNSIJRANCE REOUCTIOE4S *ONTAMI SAFETY LEAL3UE APPROVED *PRIVATE ONE-ON-ONE INSTRUCION *CHOICE MALE OR FEMALE INSTRUCTOR 13«CI-1.11 AT HlOME OR OFFICE 2415 Coumr.II Mii. 813.413 Hwy. 25 Mort 875-2255 Even di busofa " M~ue Ilhee wm tio y poo a Myto of ie boue mal go for a wak Wben I am walklng momadhmn lad m e mClsma wu m bavlag fancy -ae and pSangal lots of press Il you figine ou abat Chdm naeally la befonc élounonose you will bie grutted a speeda wi*j As I teas walking borne I <hou and tiougit. Ttni lal ae Chetma s l love and hapiorso I lbti iigt 1 lay in lied urying ta think what my graétd si will be. It was Chaisims rnonng and 1 rt dowo the stalie am ther Iay a Indte baby as sil as ever. A baby inother bcd aIway .4aned a bgby. flter .you flg;e it oui. Ibis wl tring ..Niery L amaus" Geude 4, arooktwrn Spyed on Sont» Ut was Cisimfas Eve. And 1 was sa excited. I knew , was a gond boy and Sant would core ta, my bouse. Il was lttef i0 go iobed, First nie ilsen my da1 and thoen my miom li*s party time 1 said. 1 went downstair% and I saw Santa Claus. He was eatng lte cooktes tht.t 1 gave bt. It dhe itoming 1 saw everylhirtg that 1 asked for. Sain Kirk .Hope you have the Memresi of Christmas' & tée best in 1993 McKersie Funeral Home 878-4452 SEASONS GREETINGS MIOM TM1 MA&qURMEN AMV STAFF thank you for your Here's wishlpg S01 MAIN S. E. MILTON GLASS878-9452 y your holidays be prograrrned for ~ities, fun and a greot year ta corne. HOLIDAY HOURS CLOSED December ÏA & 25 OPEN Decmber 26 for 3 SESSIONS 1:00 PM 6:45 PM 9:45 PM $350000 maon 6% DRIVER WHEELS V' TRAINING