WE W4SI MERRY CHRISTMA ..hO.M y.ttait. WeIre u.pe&wtIy plouo amd proul 1b0 teS bl tV nomOU trou0loul ft yow. Hava a aofldilulhioldy. Cino,. Sergio à Jack ftom à D i"e à C ilCCar care Woiild ike to wIu famllyàîftled a very .MIER9Y CHRISTMAS *a-* 0*: Lot#of foy# Wus lut yeu abus Santa brought me à big box of îoys. Mrank Ciwfc"iod enad@ 1. Holy RhlSNY SawSonte Il ii sweil lasu yeur alun I fell off the sleigh mt the banc dunq. 1u» 1 aussi o the bahes md MI fe11 loin diu toilette. It was betimie butl a asn't btird sa ahen my Mont and Diii wt t 1 bedill amit dowssua by du* tm. Ai iqui dleven o'clock 1 beand sonelbing btn duheoS. 1 gi up usd4ii behini due trie and dure au a grima big fat palaon. 19 aas Sata Claus. He aikel over w d the S &M put pvesenia under dheu ..* Oeude , mov4 Togethwems liii sa wu fallî an d ont Cheistancis 118hts werC blisskag le Rudalidt noie. Car fiseplâce wu filled i sh tmal, ing flanc. My mort as woding buWiyý, lm a th kce b*kiq glqcéerbad boys wit calcd chipeyca. TU anom olpimo kSs wu fii- lqouou fabm th ouli. my slaimrad lhW ) ttfmihe placimg ou aimà on the frontî don My brodiu as busily bondtl thngh fae boule forbia Prenais. Out"id md ail bundlqd up like mi iakimo. my cl a *.uablowing ou diveway. As ai ta dors for a Outitri Eve dinnot e am og bock t. day's aeuand bow ai mid. aIl be logedher for sarneddsg dbm ai aIl loved. ,Go%& 7, groohwffi. Cams Laigdeeu. Grad 4-5 81. PeP- Ulakm thai 1 tlid ilen. flicy aid diay ami Wben oy Ni. Cvà ny ad I cold sa aulythls I Wbeomy us.Oruy and Coty amw&d caule ovoe to vlekt Ihey brogki So 1 qi a banc. l *a calied Kat- soncu dmc mua i uh thamn. We ani rue fi wu Clalasma suessmg. I rui th el1 it- They tYOd lon thestm 4so qpy ad julto adtl lIas list Ime. m ica u - mitaict for me, a puppy fer m. 7-Va AkyhiM Thi. 1 cmuembee my bontu Ker- Grt*A A~ aOew n i e. So famaiacW osàiaaligh id. lna à blleî k wus fin ai wuO Sm for fa abole day. -~ Wlsen 1as-7. 1 bad Chistiansinma 4amiez becuau tep boume hem. doa. 1 hall a hua&bsd My biodur bad bis bkslday in the tralet brother bal à buté bcd too. But mow wem bock,hqe sie Kathwu dur Old St Nk Cluistmat il a manxy Cbisua. I SIiirg ride ressumséer éMa St. Nidialas Ès a put Il wu almos CMtana migis. 1 of il. HO HO HO -couldm't ai for my preisit ta 1 Afl*pJ100*lef -act loo&sg for dumn. 1 daic gel Grade1 1, Sil Pe~ e$ amytisin. 1 au ta mm ai my Mont do fd onwde 4 amohvfb One imrning 1 aokc up and 1 " mn due sains la se abat tdalle sIl au moihissg. 1 acta up due rabut 1 helrd somsething &pain nuit,. kl au due Châtis tri Ilimgdcowns. »ir rfofn Gude & srohvfl. go dnlots boaf bil us. Rmoqloabn Liv. anowirén Seula brough gemmits. My stick log;avnill. MIçs I pleyedalith ny thlnp 1 aent busâd and imle a maamdafii ibm the mma am cametaIlve md dul dasoeui I aelcatic on thei ioe. goE - Ofl