ffAa for do pupy If I cooud vs Saml as thse Noah IPole. P'd try ta flnd two elvet to show ne whoro Sami NIl Santa Clatus would help ne gel hote ta, fMommy and N3dey and Adan 1 would sakSuata ogive meoa popp. Set and whtch.d Once upon a tine waswalkil hoe m scc ad bumped imo oClausansweyod dbedons!'1askod ifI cudseSanm Clatit Site sas yos. Weh d i ocolata anti it was god egave nu à 1oett op bdig oi a slow bbc.It W.u i awesome, ad it was silvoe. too. l'got to uet one af bis elvos. wba wua noe W .u lw an Joiat fo nico Wosu 77amm Johne~ .< Gad z tP.w Saw a r edafrp. One dayl1 wu wàling in teso and thon 1 saw à yod stripe. Sa 1 tuuuet dm coter. It was Sasm Claus. H4e tald nu don't leIl people tisa I amn alîve. %e Wlin cab youtm thei Noahs Pole and thon tduy lived h4p.ly eser aller. am semn Grade 4 aroeawna 1 would say how do you do% N-o Bt t am roi dioyoyet. 1 tinklotee the mailbox tisai says Santa Claus! 1 S Wowl Thee ssanelf. 1wnder if itis a shy lf ora brave elli uaisa bravo elf. He led nme ta Susta. When we goi ta hîm ho said. "You uîli roceivo due fiyst gift of Christmas!" Ho gave me insi d thldng. A beauti- 'jl Sfshining gold star Many years passed. It stîli shanes for nie butcot to athers. Il ujil orly shine tu people who behueve in Sa. Amy, nsy sisuer daesn'q ho- Ieve anymore. 1 roally don't geti t. Sho used ta hohieve mot than 1 ii! Grame z 8 Paier ~A pUgiln? 1 wouldsk fr 2.OW pnýsHe wutld jt meareai puippy and cundy. and a penguin andi a tusd. Graw z SL peoere Jenny Vaness Riveft, Grad 5, St. Peter's FolIow Me. alè u a sigo. lihe sîgn was poinling Sltu~aoelamte of niy basi. 1 h lait. N wss sleeping agatn. Whon I ucise N wonhd Wafd Io e 92 tCys If' op, due prosents N wantet were duere' Santa bas Lego 1 wauld rMto play Anjsjuupgys witlt it 'lion 1 wauld go and sece the Gr d i rook1,a elves. Aller. N uosld ne due reindeer and tes thtans if 1 casslt go flying. Tisan they %vi say yes Mid thon N Go aet would go honce. 'ndm Pkd» 1 o aehmg Quebec. Andrawu M -a- Gradrid 3. Dohf# - W Bing a, a.n N wossld yen "flappy New Yeur" anti 1 wauld sing, "RWdoph 77w Red Nosed Reindeer Yal Go Douait In Hiàw4, ', Kadé u mn Grade z SIL Pa<#~ 8e. relnde N hope duit ho WinI givo nu a alegit ride. I wish 1 Cao am e uriidor' uatsder uhia it's ite., UkO Konti aride Z O1 Paier Drea wnn N wonlt bave ta wear ten rot. and five pains af pans. 01114 Ni o#*~u Grade il DL Palerla . Bey hello Onedayl umettgo vistSaita Sa 1 asked sny Maom if h cotild go and visit Santa and shoe saiti No. But h did anyuay. 1 got ckosaed. put my ulowpanss on amd My gloves on and my boots on andi my bai on andi my coat on and gten I wenî. Wlus 1 got Ilsoro 1 saw Sat. I sait! *'Hl". Lman ON"i K&USb~<t Nwoul go ta Santss bouse. I'dGrd .Bo'vl uat duob elves uish pride. Whon Santa OPeNa due doto 'd rush It es ne omia1ido. 1 me ail due elvos duaaod in s M gion. Tlsey am mo vry (am. They 1 watild useak lob of toya fer ére maI>Yo 'lei y ail havcý Chrtas ad tv &U du toys Io pointeti bats with koghoy slscking due poor hocats wo gen to0 anti MLt Tlioy aIl giveaàihout. Ihy dt. * Nlhntai Rwaa# MMKf m Gade znM*nmwhay Grade 3. Holy Rouaay MeV w. toke ta 6* ~,this time te moud * * f yu. al Our brightest greetines for the Yulotlde msemen. nd Dur micoe thanke foe Veur kind muppetrt. and a 34mx file ,uM"a o be cli )1twte qS<> Ço) cWo(e I cRa(Mo. tbod(i 1h~J.1 thbcskwiswwto pou rw a lr Dùp 24e ar 385 Main St. 878-8853