S- t, - Penç ou eaut a&W lue ah ie chlker 8o bave a Mery. ruerry Clis=n. 11w, aIB ricl andi pooe wouid ste in a toend ctaisouhb diu- uner and pu'ead the love t0 oue aaoter *l year thocogi. Il we stick togetlteu I kuow' dûts wish would coiste mue. So lets joi together andi spread your Cbrislnus dhm . Konny Tailor Grad 7, Holy Roui> Ev.ryone gels gît AIl the childret big andi gal shont and tall, bIWck and white, woulti gel at least' mu Clistma ) preserit lis anti next year aud ail lte ears - al aler.g Grade? i<SI A wy Big hou" a 1 ie bigtest bouate in l>Jedld So when sh ali! at he de di big- gest bouse la dit woIt and bue Meriet said, how. diti you get a, big bouse. AntIeahe adW1 Ijaut aNiU mlsIe 1had hWiUeh"o it ite weeld. ' CIa.nup mhe plant, Go te die Naill Pois and Welp Méeara fl ite -eie duflti do B ex r Iqiaité lee Ouamthe poor people un Afiles. 1 moult l18.ws give then fond. 1I olt là,qo give them * blatabt amd clothe tu put on and keep dlent wm 1 would 1fr to Isjdmm1WplOL WC lm MM@s - Bun*ft >W Rmbm avY I ) Lur îIreJl I 5. si. Petees G.t rIcI hall wnu lue the gym.~ A tennis cou Sanid thepour peoplcSlduetî Ricit go 1 ead give lots of nw9y w ch loir ssu. AhW po people. And sa, 1 ouh bey isM01018ur M"es~ fad the uq= . 1 coult býy ors*. Srook'llh lxueut lue everyaoune M> y plas aonu orber fanai.a, 1 o$ e ~ boy a new acitool aid louajf Wsek% lue dbe4ibrary, anti balla a batm A ride iu a sleîg his utue retuduer. aili my firentis ato a Chitsuas wjih. flulie titey wuild 1 woultijell my Mi mli ride witit Sauta dms. Gis -Love on@ niat lthe world anti nice, uever We would ever die.*l figttriug andi ileref ?Sont» hlsalth end homaf b witit Santa and Sotie peoe i wrdae'a2 Ïhen I would tell fortunae as ne jy wu=uuli îewInt Io have for to give tbern ail Iace. food, Walah. homues andi cloibes. 1 amn happy Wc- i el theïr finus. cause at our church "e btail adopei né and Dad about a cisilti who lives iu pour wry aId bus mune rein- Aller ou church adopted lPIweI JI ll itegun te receive report çactis nul ý' JoiSaa kWn îthank You letters. 1 ledl hap W- de i, So uie cause 1 know lthat 1 arn helpzIng I ta child. Since ii is Chiisimas. I l thitl t ayte more people shoald pitch in and belli 2 Woua W peaceluil sUPpogI Pmu people aroiird the- wand ne uoioe woeld. laemWl1 aleUO arffliln eta wouldGrd ,Bokm- gel huit. My wish ta so simple dm1 no Eèerybody'a happy coultil conte lrue ifouly we ail conte Everyitody vwotid Wc itapy. If 1 5,oelr nd love mue another ail tation moure wisli fi would Wc tdrit yuz troagth % tIser waa lpuce inuthe world. asgNew Laurs 8.orect %%Pm*eu 7. Hof aaty Grade 2, HoyRoaay Theciew 0@ a dlnossur One day witen I w'irup my Mai A dinosaur. MayWe'l toulti wîsit and Mom.aad my brotte anti sister foe th woMl and 1 isoulti W the li ail a&4 thitel Wuaklut cept me qiiee of dit world. 1 woulti witlt for * uslu doua anti are talsg. My peaceon eseti.a milliodllausbuy brodier wus playing witbt bis tus presnau for all the people ia the andi iy Mo.q wu aewing a nk\ woeld, lite btggest bieuse and invite AMt my Daim w autng die tibes everyonu over. aad 1wuodo lay with te claw. But 1duo'tave ontwish. 1lave Bat 1 didn't bave the caw Wtt if I lo-go t0 sliep because St. N.ck MILl only hao oeiàwouldWbegrain. sobbe here. G ade S, Drookele GradleS, groàVflie The Staff at thanka you and wlshes you a 'Sale & Happy 1 Winter AOOt TOOAV litmur1.rt poi If =a ;ny ta _a. A Ciatunsuer §a sotl depsuAu on A euium u situtu Mt an ai ti *aspraposat onl. ,, A Celomer dosa us a, laveur when lha smss i, In. eaant dublg tÉs a A cu la nest XWa snssyW ft Ofsemi reiar. Ha l a àtati babi VM 1.alg, un Orstorner le a PeinestonWh 0Cmée ta us etO ua.a sudmo. l aN i u aint. A odm terne Isats.O mm aua wu Muld tissa, dos as us Enol MaoPhee*uiis 87843=7 êdabmewflfaa t* L440 Morobe Dr- 878-2251* * 11am d * . , aff P , MWWFC-87871 dbkdfCh of nas Hoging bholdya be m oWkly and a1ws MAUME CLOUS LTD. ô Hall's Auto r_ý_#