I would wlah fo aul et icgronlchinea in du wogMd. Thes would gave sange ta my ie"h 'W would play loper. lt wanld bà ralftrn. Super NiniCIIdo.aId aIl the gage !or Il. I would Play il ail <>Mx 1 would gleto il Miywbere GieaeS, Robert oald.u \vfOn.y Morle, mon.> Noney because tolley is dhe ege Vota call buy anyduing >vva wail. I mouldli lke a tree hiem for Christmas. Grade s, Robert D.Mu.*, Say no to drugs No more wars bug pence everywhere. People wouii flot Mae dnags. People would rng bu hein in accidents. Ail everyone would bave a greal Christmnas! Kids wouid tel wt h 1ey svuited and let Si. Nick have a brea for anodin yeun. Ssigiu ahihomend GadeSi 3 Robert a&th* Foed e hungry i miali the poor People in Africa hait food. Grade 2, Ab&r Roa,> H.lP the. poor 1 was a elf and 1 would go to th1e poor in Aficiandi tell Santa to corn aalmake ibeni hetp. Suftai'a Land>, Grade X, Holy Raja,> Sand staff niuu V# E. t B.amlng Out Aj M.rry Chrhstmas ai ,To YOUI J1M&t %rom lbvillit Jemu MWd I waeld a souesa. o 1n Icm file mid Sm hulp Sag ille a wmàfrad il~ < t au diebuya-il eh. "&dA 00V Roffl Happine and love I'd aimays bu hiffy.-V vr oui lovtLone stounr. I W lovemO, Mati Super Santa 1 would chtange ilo Sta Claggu and gSv due clsike aid due grown. upo presets. ,Eric achNm Grade &, amokvH*. White Chrisimas Hope for gnos on Chnsum day, a new galere go play on ni> Natiend and for Moni Io have a bouse sold, ara*e & amokmn. NO pollution No violence in du world. o wars, o pollution. If a lam of People slaflad 10 cIri up. thse morld would bc a beaue place tu ire. Grade 3, aiookvl,.j Play, wlth cousins Super Ninlendo ganes, and My cousins 10, caine ta My houie le as fun playîng mîlh ni> cousina. I would tueiengoI Santa. fd.#Lambrlck GradeS &UroohvUIe Best WlIhes; i the New 'Yer km elle1h staffI et GOLD SCISSORS IL Antoiette IOO11A bUSL A80111, g 2 Ni Santa In fii. aummer I'd mi 1 conld vîgit Sai n the turnune mhen hons in his auuner chair. But if 1 couldn't duen I'd mlsh for 111e world to bu ea rm utthe icky sluff. tda tneaa garblige. But if 1 dhef Set t0 me Santa in bis tmnte, chair, glin Ms ould bu mretny fuma>. G01a410 , Droohvfid. Jol>, chiflma Ptaco Onelh. Il moulli bu so muua buer if diere more o mrs Il's alinost Cbristmas linge am me matt 'Lhappy hobiky. its te muanit lo bcjoily. Fa ila lal. . k»nSong Grade s, amoogwa. tidlas Ruligeil, Grade 2, H-oly Rosary Out 0ithis world Lîve wlth Seat I'd ask for a life in the future ap in 1 mould i% gaigueba Stain a us ourer $puce. ld pack my bag& luvel ic ni e. and my faaaay sol ail loinotrom. I mass go ire the siars. tbu preseias me munged. And ail the My space ship moujld have a maeghîy kils motill bu ctomded in ni bousie crem. [i'd nue nem bumngs andth 1ey ai n>Ms mX*soulli orerflow. can conte on therurnry math mer oftk> D&uW Kry»im Nag.i Grade s, aoaW# Grade s, BroohwUe Around the wld , Fo a lste tanli for turiles, trogls, le woqald bu Io visul Sita Clans ai crayfish and minnoms il take Souci the NoahPole. mould agihm cae of eIm oul jue " a wha 1amngofg oge forChinsma [hemuaillen kt durngo. Belotel1 andlif 1cagego wlt11hein rouggdthe -let ghem go 'd rechoden muid until we gSa IoMy hem. mes>, carefully ail diu let dursn go. Grade . Draokn#hs Grade s, er*ohvd