li NLO RU CA11OUC 8COL OAM has hm) -oiicn avalbbe Bilngual R.oordine Socr.tary .(EngIls/Freoh) ReMlli fogUnEseo u" -gbftW n' Dhlel EC M% PU.U .poaiin vMl ha responalble for Une prapaelon of Board agenidas« à»%i ai Board meo*qngs MW"ue u ifr approvil; dib n*ue; ni mBoud re-d, - visien Wrpars B3 oard .@W mu 1hmBoard nOuM c J The mseslil cndidide for M paonm mUa bou &* in. hMW Fiencfi and bit rai" for n#g mmwnp Minutes cIrk Remiuslbrthe Unulw Aaodsistbel nt he éaor cf EOm% Uns poition a@ provIdecslsld o support hIn h ai cflf offce sa s a sok-eSe for Asoraig aeWy. MMs hIn u ç ; OI of &gauides aminus. milieu an updaisd Uby vsioln proée reoop- tionis Aise b Une Dérclors onae; ooud ha caie upon lor rdoiI meaf- ins in ftabsence of OWPsorn Sacrefary. Th55. positions requir., a minimum Secondary Sohool lavai of Educatica coenhined wlOi appropriais course esorl; cmpsetn wlOi diosgiid, atd raes ~orrldsig;wm ltnwlsdfs iWodparfal S; excellent commiwcation sItkiai aesnt orgmillUosa §MlO. Thasa poitions ara fui-tir, lessive n «xiU, ty-flve hom, par eel. Thée salarea, bonelie, andE vorAtio packagel s etaibuiad y Une Board. Otealli ld candidates are invIted t0 aubmit raauma. flot sar Ihan .barmy 1, lm0. te; % T.he n MM emme Cousu tinaio Sean &V. Uesu sansies, Aàmbdm5sr Pesusun Sesuse M Dsmy Lana. I.uiuneoUd 1.awe7% 3Y2 I. mccamiy C.G. C08 rree Chai Of Un11 Bourd Dij )O c of Educaiori I î PHS IOg 'îPI Duepo rpmn~an of the Tharapy PaaMsd Heafth Servces Inct<liu- diatai y aenla#" poshions for n»s grade- aI e, iE ecprieod Therapists. pari-Oin and M-n Ouaeimnm Muest be lice<isad with tha Board cf Diréclor OfOtal *AhlUty b amIek iii roi aeaesman amd Vealmr bcllr aridfa adufl e a vad6yoW .ea Pr o n.d Home Cars Division of masf individtqalllamily/careet naes. e su . resue b Msusa u Para Mail HosaM S@Mlo 85115e212 MI KklM. E. Hamika. hei. un m 416.4 M 175 DonustIUC WANTE Live-in Compartion neuid orseio Z oo.ed" ru aly.Rences rsqaed Cd 41"-48-74&. sai for Henm D.P. Marty calaUnmes W0 m Who cnres ~ Ioug bd a oud ei yenr 0"a reledai myl ticughât ai cn rn s Spaeciiolnd, 13 DRINKIN mekqa you preleem? Ai- odilc Arionynicus mmientY % rEs ed Gracn Arepliom Chmrd, bui Banal nt 8.3 p.m. PAEIGEANT AND NEE A FM0? Pu» prie- narcy test and confidentiel service, cati IMRTHNfl. 875-1245. ACAO NP Leani, Un fada »ies arpd and speakers avalleble. Cati North Halfof Pcef1J4*. 804-2318 The Hélon Board of Educlori iitereda to recolve tendert f rom Wionlied Gaênerai Coraclors for a ina Ngh4 sdcoo Io be complotaet by monut 1. le". Generi Contractonra éiétiig Wardo. wu bu reqfre teidelify o Un brderUniproposait Soreraclors for esui o f *M Odwor. The foblo seaUna ci Unhe aUk i be pre- W~ie. andE Gêrnerai CoS*wrbor wi nef h berme Io rnne subcortéaaclor = eresled auhoon- nouee»da. Jmwr 12, 1903Copaie hilomilo miU N'dsau" Fsereie of Un foioadu aio f Unéassitla rewuked. bnu" Rabmai =1RefflMW1 WpSo Un tdi s reonuaenddr MWd *MMeI te nBoard 111111 1 "s flUnpeOUs. for om arderB w iud mms of .sve wo tob e for U UA OlhelO spe iodose> *W Themir bsiu le espedled Io comnmsme orn or aiout jamamir â& lu& Gausifteun ess Un ft lue 0i tu USs. onrsand requine meilla aiE ubvdsif ame Io be orete di esvenad fo tu M. Unit(410446 ffl hm410>)0-051 mUDa aai for= haom Md Onk 88 lhfar un RegIomi As CM memu11i. AUI TmAi P 00 u cfly.fl ie 130. H1 a HikAC.S ad 1804. mausAG oiade . *oqdp ose cylidar. p1»4 MUIerhi. poar bat. 4cil inde. pona swmtoo. excuant coniio. $&.000 oarded 510483-2606U or 418-à720-80 410 S1S11I AVE. MLTCN OVER 75 CARS & TRUCKS WE BUY CAMS PRVATELY AND WILL CONSIDER CONSGMENT 875-2277 Make Mt RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS -.GEO For Your Nxt, Cur Or Truck Purcbam HAVIE 710<364860.100 VOUA MEME in Uni por snnomyf V*vimy n - colu trrini IV 110 ".a. ON 111 Om acor 1110lin W0 racover and se haros menir comig in tee mu locdrq for a brga 4 x haomwhore. dauag @ 1. .da baesement and blae pris y"r $1.300 Par mordîtM e ai A moU thn optioni W0 bp ai dn me ai fn tan.. Phone 878-8447. WANTSIR -eior F.Wnhd duie bier bel.e. . MM.ssi. Plo. 05083. MILTN 3 moon l ao . -d.V dm" dms. ai. $11.0110 Oka udose. no Pm. 8711-3m.0 ,LC 3 he.ý Tndu.u. Iaeu **w-u. 4 appismea. air ompeê ad PM -~ 5. adbLRbms Cd 414-1184-1111B bWe MOV I inna Fau Huam. 2 blé;s.- snti Csmpbellville. 6 minutesfro CasmpwioIa. oiuisï 401. Dm1 -mm I. $IW MU m.86M TOOEOUM in Umm S a*ss l'ue m -. om ile. allies jaimry. 100. ommioh. cd 878-138L. IWpf 3 R 1oo OsseoU. 2 bdOoonn. *Wp a Mmew hidud Avl" FamY I. Country sanoephe on edge of MÎhNM Cdi7&M 178. pa nislgs yL. leadou =nue Avlale Decwnbw 15. Pfeomn 878- . UEOAiOO APAKUENT i CbnpbelvEte AvUe Deosaihe 15, IM1. S87blSiio- 'n- dodes 80 sues. PlMu aid bat mong % resgu Relesusce resured. Cal .878-2162. Mondsry ID Rrlhday.Ba. - Mm à UCOOMU APA8MENT In iNou. saaie, Deconuher ISt, 1802. hiduu el hit kge and emmve. 3650 a meuah ples hydo,. kgi and lest avahl" lin spa 2 hedriom hoe reut W Ustoe amresnit r' anloas Pam negohill Avaiehi hivnaduty. cas 854-080 ATTENlON - Roome. hachalor and -naw 1 h. . apalnaris ii @11 fwnlshigs ( T V., miols). mOitie and bhiensi$ SiOrPas and up. For g-c peol. 877406 ACCU FOR REDfT In ourmy home. A houe prlonue. $100 par mm* $76-3451. 1110111 FOR1 MEN, p Une aWu. aoSfue gent sumIad Lau. maesage. 878-877 ACUFOR U ET, S31RMmeih. Avaial svnIl. Ptd house pMW».ge P"an "ssM esage aI75-017. IIJTILUIT for tant min OM 2.50E scares bls incld*u oS. 2 oriwhfawJ dome le'o 101. Cal 875-042. AEASONAULE U0IJTRIAL UtI for rangt 1.080W io3,2W at lit Soaur«l Services on preniuss 8751200 or 1-418-2754834 TAICE OVER MOAAE - Uht lO00 sq fi Fes 8tandig Buildig on 1I.2 =u Cod fo kgr- in inafosli.n 875-1408.