Top fflers Milton competitors sweep Skaters place in club contest jillomji-jit optisset SUO7u Mrfl Sith2 The Milton Skating Club recely beld lis annual airnRa o3)KteHtufour divisions anti finisheti witbln Braley McKiCght 3) Marc Delmee Club Couqautioný S e r L ane1 Guad 2) Maueen thb top it&e in rive celler conas in Group 8 - 1) Robert Clun 2) Jel;- The fOlIOwint lu a iet of the thmlue tiniiberi in Kàdo 3) Jil Holley .a recenit goumanbeot. aie Brown 3) Kevin Re eaeh event: 7uJnior ilvprdance: 1) Katyn Cseff 2) Mehisua Fis- Sixty children ageti 6 to ISyern Group 12 - 1) Evan Ellison 2) - conFigure A: 1) Sabrina Moraît-Grant. 2) Claire cber 3) Becky Danbi ftmn Milton, Barrie. Kitchener, Oak- Davidi Wynne 3) Scott Harris Wall=r 3) Courmiey Leikun. Senior silver dance: 1) Min Konkle 2) Debra vil, n HolstinI participate in theb Miltos Michael Armstrong Cao Figure B: 1) Aiheigs Locksvooti 2) Nicole l'eacock 3) Micelle Siepleni. 12-division tournsnsnt in iown finibe ii in1 Group 1 andi Zink 3) Alibi Bionn lre-prelimary fretikate: 1) Nicole Does 2) Aihley December 13. Michael Kemp wai tird Hion Skating Scbool Trophy: 1) Melissa Visconti Leilcun 3) lEris Chaisson. Tme top ttrer finihers in Groups ln Group 2. local inNf Degroo 2) Sarah l'ail 3) Jamie Murray. Prelînsinary figig andi frreikaie: 1) Amy Molle, 2) 3.7, .n 12 were ijl firom Milton. finishi fia while ioni Foley was Junior Interpretîve: 1) Amantia ToueUi 2) Kar"t Sbiene Leslie 3) Katyn Cseif. ru3-1)RoChn2 ev scndTai ogswnlran Cseff 3) Lauren Robinson.' Junior bronze figurine anm freeskate. 1) Eob Gcp3-1 yu ll )See eodTai ogr o ut1 Pre-bronze artiaic: 1) Erin Kbnkie 2) Amy Molli Konkle 2) Michelle Siepns 3) Iacki Aalbers. Oleizkowicz 3) Bobby McNigbi Group 9 3) î>rS tjraiîe GoSnu2)Mr e no brnz figurinei acOnd fre e C orrection Josh Rogers anti Daryl Knowles of Brone aristi: 1)He&Ler Godins 2)Michlle oodigs 2 Katy Moion ) Keri MClur. C o rectonsecondwer anecod an rdidle Stephens 3) Kathy Motion. Sharon MacKinley, a senior Milton t. caroi Group 10, anti Clati Boiseenue l'relininasy solo danc;L 1) Sa"l l'au) 2) Melissa a bye in lbe silver artistic anti gold solo dance A report on lbe Milton Skating rinishedtird in Groupil1 Visconti 3) Lauren Cooks. events. Sbe will repreirni Milton ai lbe Inlercluli Club', peiformmnce ai an Oran- Junior bronze dance: 1> Ashley Leskun 2) compeution inFbray geville conspetîton in lbe Decemnber L 1 16 issue of lue Champion contineti Ile ineet was referredti 1 as a Merc ant han l~ eoretow eaily Central Seciiona conspettios. Il Merc ant han ié eoretow eaily wai actually a Central Section eveni Iromn ARCIIRIVAL on pli" 14 jevicli picketi up assists look lbe los. Murray liai a thmre- which represenis a lowor level 0f town. bait basically playeti just gond The Merciats fic11 bliot 6-0 by point nîght, notching Iwo goals and conVpeition. The netespaper regrets enoughIo wn They traild 31frby h bed of * cnd pp nd Tues an assîtr, wbile ins ant iUndisay dm err. eurly going of lbe secondl periot but day evening again thlb Burlînglon acoreti singles. Seymsour and Jan- tilencame barkwith five unamweiot Cougars. While they stoppeti Burl- jevîchlhalltao assntsach. Scott HOgardaas goals and took lbr wus. logions sconing in lb final franne mle Merchans travel to, Royal - Murray anti Fimnvere hot aégion anti put togetber a four-goal anack, it York toffight (Wetineatiay) to face if E Satunlay nfight. Finn scornd (seice wasn't enougli ta gelthlb conieback. the seventb place Rangers in ibir WO ? J Jw- -hile Murray scortil a great shor- Guitico WUs in net Tuestiy and only ganse of lbe week. tisandeti goal anti anssi on atiother. Centre Pst HenneetryblR nw t lba dhv u ~ " " an oulsianing ganie an wel, -Yhi R nwnv acubadnge u hoaie a first periti goal anti assise- mhe Milton Running Club ia "o- mondsly newsletter actsia osembers îng on-oe of Finns miarkers. îng for new osembers as il cotes tu in cooeduiating run luse uad Io Wal ~ ABDULLAH HASAN Caroselo Gu>rle wasinb net for lbe close of iu tr«i year an a hurniportation to vasiout morts. i utma5Ud gsdm, ianvast Milton anti acredthel win over his regimuereti Ontario Roativoneris As- mhe club bau voluntedri egulmrly flet*onu1itiua Wmmmssng nimm former teamnuiri. This ws t l int sociation affiliaie. ai lbe Milton tiathloni; anti tbe 111M to 1413" uts uu lb.m :=e i 3. - meeting btrwoen lbe tw.o club sunce mbe club's 20 mebr otneKelso 10 kmr on Ymflv M uddatiç the 11, 5 ~oeen trale.seti rea guartis Fris Arrm regular Suntiay moing tois cons- Besaites bing a way I0 tIseet fel- or M.Ot A TRO O SLD A Ryan Hausiâl to,.Çmeoeion nsencing a(thlb Milton Leinur lose runners. lbe club ao provitins à 1/3s 0al aC Valu PiOste Ammssi anti brouglit Guirlec toqWhon, Centre anti venturng nom lbe roails. social site. Wetineaiy, Jan. 6 tbe 1/4 off Iaemii u,* io Alto icorlng for Milton Saltutay paihs anti trais of Milton aidtheb club will boid is assuai geoteri ~~~< sere Jason Ritchie anid Travis Rtg- nearby scauposent. meeting ai Milton Public Ubrary. gin. Mille Murphy, Atiam Haglan, Memberebeisefli ftmn muilui sp- 7:3Ô p.m. Ruinus of asy level o<î Kull 0t 30111ilq.AUIl ew» - tYD fl Rîtchie, Steve Rocco. John Dasso, pot in their trainiug for sWfei abiky au encourageti lu conse ouit 87-KICKS 8rr 8M7h.houn Jaso Stevenson, anti laie Jan- raer u d paem"a goals. A bi- andtjoin lb club. V54Mg ~ na laW fdysmi Miltowns R.lty CQrp. 22 ONTARIO ST. S. 878-2365 Commltte tofndo tii gh homle for >'ou and your IMIt7y 1he Plce ta B. For MONDAY NIONlT FOOTMLL 875-1559 (ôetbaIT contrs WEEK 016 .Piit$&in #bombm SLumum ,uftob Win.*Wh Pins F. MIa pua vlnom smm<5 iî codmei) anti Phone, no 3. t vour »Y bp HIbvMgo. loi mmS «mm cAlim MT0N. LOT tai on PAX Il 7I.4S4a 4. AImh nmUg kSu St *bylisimteW a 12 NOMI sIoy &Z;&pa -19;g -s -mog -, Q MPWOIieSMS a a N.YJETS I ciATLANTA il cLA.mB QCiCG si- UDOMaS Q OL.EVLAW îà ci PTTUIJNO UONV la U ICJBAS CMT Umm.G.ANci W« QPIELAL OSMamG iE U SEATTII O!A&ASAQ i PHOSIX BUFçMO u ciOUglVt filsaMy. aEcG@Bwm nu.m a RcIomiT as U SM aipe $mmfl I rouTa. gAOM IO Iay" i H -I Illttt ab @èemmy Ill ma 'J-W -.u" ý t- 'il