Give Ponson a chance Thù týusr wàr wMuentok Mayor Gord Kramiz and a copy fiIcd wMm4 The Champioaforpu1scaioa. Mayor Gord Krtz WiLm mime reimian ofFire chier Richard Piyfair a[thie am Of Ilis yem 1 bogie Milman Townm Ccuncil wammld ne it in mieir wusdan t prvsmcxe Deputy Chmief Harald Pen- Sam Ia mihe pasition of Fore Chef. TaWTI Courbât lias sca il fit to peus hlm by time lsm IWO imes fat m Fire Chef's job bocauxe of his paat admistrsmjve cabliues", according ta aur fartow mas d- lie Town lias Jait me gamid tire perimnse ave mime yw ira an wS ulie ta mee il Iuacn a&ain. l la lim se go bock 10 mne cf Ou osa, and as lait give Hsald Pes-. iam a mce ta show yu sig lie a doas out Fut chie. Give linm a tw o at iec yenr cotiat. nid if il daom not wSok out coc weii. dhm do sime as Deuey. But ai ktas give him à chance. Ed r&tal MacemwAn CME M1111MiM Spredlng the newo On belsaif of "Ddlams Ham", e- IN MILTON 497 LAURIER AVE. 878-1707 IA..SP I CARRIAGE SQARIE 8781-44912 10 A.M. - MIDNIGHT 55 ONTARIO ST. S. 878-4521 11 AM. - 5P.M. Woeath thefts sour season Deunflo- Someam remaoveel Mo special Chisomm wrau from my sonsi grave gt Evegeec Cemnewoy. 1 sas oild by a represemmative of dm ce ey board 1 s m sevenmeedm persan ta report wresl ms itls. I s erble miing mliii saneo wamild take SanUiNmlsg "ia wu Pl.sced âH this speCial lime of yewr ia memary of a loved one - lameu case, met ts. Anyane knasing aayiug &boaut mLiii, pluise cai thme cesnetesy board ai 878-2t33 or police. 1 guets it would bi c ommcli Io liope thme persan(s) reapaniale would relme tew smeis go time cemetery. Ta m pnasn Wlia stala dicte sremims, lioe yau bave a mevmy Cirsmmas if ymer comiesce Win las yau. Defiy Fauknor a ixoject wlicli wilI provide nan- Kelly, and thme * a pjV prafit lia--g f-t yaun dl m M s dm Grlmnim Paineshliiajg d seepliysicil hlsaiblimies, 1 sd Io Debouts Home ha~mumm i dm* TA. Cap.dim, Chaawpm fat bocanmla mat suwitr nd 1s amelance as Iicathmlg mthe knaslagc*bums mfl xjetbe- ecodAmmd fourie csleoe. lk la cuse, qFytr coveap. =resmei g tu hàve "li kisi af bDM you fur beig a -corn- uppmt fra o lO cIal newsgMat. 'ules-mlndd" n =wqm o m 1 o wüsa si c cxpress mer ppob&Gin im anmd 8Mpciama fat dite etrSl5u- A @AWn usllentar icles by "Mr Sith and Rab Debihm la Hm ACHILLE'S gives you g .reat pnces MAZDA gives you great product no charge auto on al 92-93 modes Or UP to '1,.000 discount Forget the Rest corne to the Bestil sls -service -parts reti Wasing 357 QUÉtN STREET EAST, ACION S(519) 853-0200 (416) 453-8965 OUR READERS WRITE Noralmu Trumste Sion Lefeinhi Transfer Station 33-3136 877-1420 Reglon CWak Mêo Moi iehan Boosi Ibur Conidence 'mou can always couru os Canxaa tirst auto club for 24-haur esnergm-mcy mail semvice througimout Northt Anenca, cern- plete and expert auto muning service, free hpliki stmlp map,ý ffre e ATwmec ExprWn 1awlleri Clmqum amd mamy Mroe vital "rVce JeOu rlgbt mon, atadyom got: $12.e off IhewmmbesMmp fat An additioaçil feu "îoths mmmimberslip If 'mou pay antdst mdi iu VISA* or 'MagerfarJ (A $6.50 value) iAfraw road map of Canada With unpredictiable drihang conditionsv iust asTmuid the comix mes mtme perfect lume ta ha" mihe 24-Imour securqlty$ew by a Hamiltan Aita Club Memtbesmmp. Cal] the HAC HotI Lne nearest you tadzy Hamîiltot, 525-1210 Hiamitan Maurtamn 385-8500 Bwlinitn 632-6772 Stoney Cratk 664-8000 Oakvilie 845-%»8 Brasntford 756-6321 Ml Other ArasWithin Thme 416 Aiea Code: 14800-263-8389 Mon No-SMv $1M- Mfo En* DeC. 31S1 e$39.00 p11$2.73 G&T. Letters Welcomed T'ho Canadien Champion welcomes lotîest Io thme Sitef. We 1 reseie the riffil Io edit revMs, anmd rejocit lotis. Writers wliN b. contmbsd In regard Io roviion or roeaons. Lftters must be slgned anmd thme addreuas thd ie taleopa num- ber of thme wrterJnduded. Mal laitiers éci:$ The CanadWa Champion, Box 248, Millon, Ont L9T 4N9 or leave lhom at our office, 191 Main fflet NO TIC 0F CL OSU RE 1 TH1E FOLLGWING REGIONAL WA8TE CONTAINER STATIONS' SERVICE WILL PERffMNETY CLOSE * H.*JJON L. ma tdldait TrumWm Stuc 8100mg ai Jàmffl IBM - OAi(VL Nu~* Servic P4&d abr*y ai Feruwy 1983 lThe MMW DISIPOSAIL LOCATIO is Obm@ Ragonma Lanil Site in Monam Hlgmay M,8 1.5 km boulli of BrltasnJ Roand. Houri af bulmmu aan Monly Io SaedatO &m. Io 430 p.m. NALTON miLL _ _ _ _ TON ,aoi New i.omda e r 150 kg (330 ha.) are free, of etiarg ai #wm Lanlfll's Conime11rw Statonm. Lo"l in exae of150 kg wi s u eelag" ai à nat or $15OAonne. The PIVATE Contiùne Fualible at NoeioMn Treimaer Stamion In uqlm mimd Lfemlnk Tranafe Slteloi In Halo Hita sul remain opmi k> limepmlcana uaer e bul. Feemid oprakm mauremill For kgtlmm kmfaralim co: Maltas Raglan W-te Menagenu FOakit/utmtm 825-6033 Acton 853-0601 Est 8M0 Geoukamm 878-8113 Est 8M0 Abdersot 839-4540. Ext. 8M0 Streetevitte 823-6720, Est 8M0