. ,' 1:OPINION Bx24& 191 Main Si. E. chmpi h ie WahusLý Milice L9 4N9 ~ m tiPai Fux - 978-4943 __ Classalld Advediasing: 873-3300 1111s M ls Ia lver Pubser Ni-b O*I&sAbwAge bdU* To=i i Tm Wâ#dL malaugnniis 1wUai inasur mE ima Ne lie AvWýCDirecicl 11 'i W a. - -0iuq mww ii ai s , ai lut. JW d Gasseraum sg»,r -f»mnmebi »O s .. Tesi CUU Office Mt..s, gsi ma lls Coin Pmécno Manglier ugs.inUfrOW. Where'le the pay-off in MV-A4?. MVA (Markt Value Ausesaent> corn a essily simd for mure value ajded, since dis th1e buisis on vhic our propi y lae paiti. Using th paie - bi if - m Yu cm sifrSi a svuiasg -oc Yeu cm a~era mar lIm la still die dlaecilon out .isa Md ibvn.comm- cil le hllowing. The, abulity to psy allcul isl bo a tsaoa rite mnpals level. sinonce ill and erle. POINT ce hm vraxour Md.. . il o fo lt My book wu just Idid IF die Town tuiJjf~>n-J lanives dar oes 1we tns liwer ilts earteias In dlow uer a 10 paras lare...or b tt r b in e vi w tudilangIIUIIV in p oru fdy. perey tisxes neyse )w.Dm coulcil T4>s fue, àu 1 ert fy Wixis a dm wiaasis o koro eUsct fi -auo's lite mm ptoêmy "ss lw nyig g iproe y hm f m f"y. Every govermum plan lea socialise busdi leçvlavlg tee a job. FoimuY, ruub hm Why diould it balbi if you finish à socles- appeocch baied on abilhy to puy. Vnimsn fiu.d ii om's bsbavlws devin the Inn lion mculi, aid a de" or put iii a pontol. mm cosaic il ISol. di1e Iedlag pliis la hm Zugio ia lsfaa ilauiiaicinic you mmgo 10SW ycur kids to c"c? For taxes pai os inconue rieru lIon propsaty su mm ilan ose's kpeuagj Md ex. PY H gory> if your taxes go ai> by $200 for th1e C'mmn Mayor lCamft and cocilclors; dame ibis ùla fasioa becauc e scIaseuN TRE shove. 63 per cent of d11e $200 goes so 111e Io be Vrai, show ut due5 "ams lac" lu'î good 'job4lW «ja"h hilvle lIbera i: ii. vs boudaofeducason. etioigb for >y0u. Idiem dtIS't bave to ke cm dû @hou OIE se"OO grain otr pmrexa- Ame your ciL*me oing lu pit a better oailsa,Juai m . penasuc. %% ms e king m d n amplie. 1k hid" cf questions ah. edacuic becsmS you paid morse? Cmn' yous jeus WeC il nov' 7 l ra liai On a"mi the job lutevv prenas, Md 1h. inut depelsd on: dime leve of triing ai if you ellsalnal "abalîy lu psy" nt th1e 11he six n'dock neya - s coelfsd Gast Mai- ls apowvg nmtel of uclaiqme whlds cm pelene requifor thlie job; vheiher or municipal level. tale.propeity taxation 11e- damas Matyor Gortdon Kimniz aud Milion laqirve oses chmmces f ong 11e job. las the spplicsaî's fins job; vbe"hri cosse a polsbluy. ssit veines batid ms ivic 1 aI, a. cbed by a clieeslsg crowd of Going on q jih nlv" ulaly briagit plicant ha basa ont cf work foraà Mai aqase foomfis lae 4à aI've baud'shou. Milomi biai iervievai as Hiag Fon abou s nsancs sUWM cf mxlaay, for inias sud kllosynenlsc tlle inhasti Unless you à&d Io ie dimnsions of your Hall aq*la *enoi Io uMtaxe ms. savwra seacas FMs. âe b*nAlew las qm Mont imsportat nly cf ilheu qusll lutai or propei<y. your aseuneri sa"y the Tht bilper »M is e uew MiIe M#Aa blaf tia ils m'e uades leu Illus 30 bc saiicpnd, sud anvar, cm 11e pi mmainan relation t everyoue else. Suie ve'll Cuise,. 1 àsd b th Town planning <lapai- minuen. Second, va redy dm-,n't a" Iascs s reheaasd. If it la your fiai job,.en àliii have inapectors mnd building peraitî but msa(Ibey hav gls of suie ainor dsey vou'i chance t0 ptacice or lesam about job-hir- aie hrss ont cf acisool. you cuaic reiy diey shoai k e thm boelp ycu ledit isueesa lki aiybody exeps couscihor baill mydiaig) vieme - isy'm piielut &Mhi. se vs cm'I pqelesi Io oavias du iiavleviwr. cf saielly and moi to mass -mwtae. l'd s millions et viin- a listing dowee & aicl Sadapicu daisi ttil d ansa du candidate my hvit bur avoi gbAdly pay fer *ài service. dirn-ra pailés by tis locai fond dive pray Ilor do we goi nsoulis pae te odi ad eslbsia. sugnseIo bal. onJ"y *4 Ibe report on flims and taxallion saui for su"i Inie l 0 coao 10 de* cont- fae bi. ou ulsahi.th 1 k aciilh du kpsiasai shere las lillIS reluloalihi kieasi vain sud mnily. 'fui, we dssi Ut @@y besêsi su how v If. ou dis oàr hm& ou bas bai 23 propelsy. fier s a auuely no vadle for thse Halln c&We MMal tua Be isbavi d i& Vk eid un gi e 1kJob or vs doci. ad vlcs Jobs.,mo bu h 1 plpa. cm tui dollar on de auTaent bésis siace esseia liuses ildey, diut a dli e Milan M Cala Oui 's sbou 1k axasit cf the teedw Se lias âe epLsual for chisiesla job so m services nre ail 111Ud ,epuy sud dîme la Pas l. bail t0 bac, vhi 10o d âfteasiy-m N'a th h bavlsver das'i *ÀMI ý m deuincenfivle i0 iiove yow peopesy, or 0.10 Jellsiek vaieli kc *ge offaia to colin" *My Io cle te mai MWsu ov Md over don&. cal acte in. or -dm nome oplin basoiet, bisse prcpuasy laie vis GST NI.P Nd oaluge Fli«y. lucua Il ns k a d isi- cm's hold a job. if on b@Wî bos v I jas pull $2600 in land mnistiler laies tu Duigas vould evea bave bis Tom ÇMi goiu laits. job inteviews masts suxsy. aid li 10 >wa.e ana mai ulama* 60 mcve vidia foirs. Wha wu va ddtocafor odiai - Co ke vtb lus mie ha va fld vins dgu sxloy limf cm luspa out puatermS. of vby. and vlbheibs e-Mad Idm or cbm a tuidusar? Did aiycne' 1 l42,11111111 dova colcue thon to veï. fias nmny dIfsa hindi cf inte- esau m dne udae shm.a bectasse snis ent A laut mylor &ol Yês Vilrginiaue a at Seuila Claug - buta vlss a isnvlavssx.n ifbes social 11e- WhlI dms am temenou valalm s subalilrd trip Io nuon. botlhk waekSd dure me taxes os dim Ift fiouse. biviom esy ke aq" ain ac c m. orex . qusuilou dbut vi kc @d& ma i ls Ready or not, our Christmas starts on Decémber 1 un lr*0l" :-ý* "Ame fl mety for Clulalsun" ah asy aia k(.an ma.aafsdl c-o aplo à eaus p la Ihamis.b mamm ot __ u tiànmlàprim -Jasa visu sxaay don dm sma? De b> d cb 1 . t..ws ds u es. hl la Mon qipcam IsçlU Wu vus le fuac, wbade 1 buv bâantd die callou puass vil &mii ;70 Bas Oaioz dedy or »sal go si p touis and codMi. <Dcii bold you ks. sasadm abaabolet<him sag «M - s v lu' la lu à a u fils Or wWdler1 hm bouti eNTHE 1Out ww 1 h N'u **m fflhs â 1kqpm m 49Mu llstg (Dseaa dm&)> Or vb"e I have dsoeNTHeuuim m .i. "0" mw qoi musi my sabwbs baue mlale avppepsui tuddls HOMEFRONT %Il inD-M ams çwsuy U# ina " m .dn W«mk aisahd clins fba"i? (n'htl ko tête dey.) Form, Il'. ____________ ayst lw air dIl vdv of be "dno of couassuis1 faisbp nep dda mesl alucial ofd vh ay. caloniar to open evuy mass. AMs weva ea comose-Ire luau 14bym %ble d on dis «Wu bond ssied 1kW liipuna l, dialgw v idlsmas In Duos>i a hWp gratin fes postervid 24 smâi pocilies iola sif degIi pssgh 1k Iua vw Osaia- audeva 1ke day afler liaI ber (or my cdu suai for adut maeur>. josied lâchai dey ueval s mippat of papier vida mu10 la. au 10g.buai on cf léisu odiar significalow dam aids a tête mm cf daiy hvig. Put Of dilk Nmivhy May. Phu a ud UWM *r Jeb-imrevlw l l l banle soudas along uishFA Hli dmi bàlbdyo. Oui pilsw àp aavl ouai die olr piile for onucf Ba hidà. foe a vida vully of pliqle. Il las kb a TIse msa ressiai qusion tee fllett ls: Cielsima mue. Hubby lis" on a iva pas ie Th teager sud I bu a - « fo te u hc la eepeaae le~ a gaia Wbu m1sales gis fo Christas? Anda d 1 Md ',vn-i m urtiicil ot floconne I youngse opes. Cloner go Chdlama 1»ll b.e job. la adition. Il h b i usi ba eil sb ybois bis -Sm&i Cieus or mey an d is beiy acis copplsgdovn a nus. V& paliq the guogabia beasa kit fia out of fWdàq tw edie sais; diuicly Md diAs Mk "d ploai oldo. &&i expoc- lais*1 Wbbpasslly on yew by boving a manq ad loseisle tuhd vIl h. belulq asqilcyed people; people expsluuai salon aie dil by dosigi " lie ês poed', nu but sauvaia whit we difit ansie diteu. iblsyl -Mi §-u BeYcs dssug; psciple vise bu bone bson. " vs'iu m a de laus in coipanaIsiqlum k, tête poor àdami ldmma la- kaoa exacdy bow coqs cmBa Beuy ms es sunisddmise d for a vblls md-w vo ad beys If ba's "acy. keil bc gsadu4 a nediuay. Whlbav le ito, ola hi. ms 1s 10 Widi bous »0. MWs Bejo moi«seit a siy dansa magasia aibalsicaon c f bis ioc slways isixion Io ms b aop Say. lbs boies 9very Decubar d>v, Bae da >uu ie a la aMy of theedi *dasila de job l capiltons. bas b'csn sa ad drool o0w bis asg of Novamisu vooldali theui da, id O ait heill ms ou Ble colus a I vis, cm be ilIrat si fil quami dm»n aIls N - l'y. de Iwc yossgw Ce M uputim. vhist v w B*e dio f tsahlai uy Bso<lua8 is tonglu psssoc' asaile -ui hidi b an expasive mms. ouly ou da&d 1 poususill uo f sus- by caUMelglu we'8 li lasà cki.n asiaMun admsm i Riai 'l1s hIW 1as Thur nsaelallc dilÊl. a Bely pore lm tdstWr1kil a p lib~lebo ir mwm sahua. m*d elu ain n v me anà iBuesm i. âdeo âo dMy "- ofde aaioena, moly &mol mllei lle daly Ilmilis, dil> /And for des, t B ou ut a i su ce la *8 appumu Pms aM& a bsi sesi bais ns. disiaqit 1h.m a u a Ia1« itie &Wn uneai adca idM& i y«. #dgb vs m bus c q Ai fi. lbs M&d ail I haay ofdio>ssuya piels alm die mu dq e cW& sauu et Ill bmr* m aga à om saai hmv lenillsd out mu"W ur&da lue.ia - HN vh, a disciplcst of iavlOW& 1 mI delitp and loye. Io "*a vi.w s'iý bai*q" @plue. * . 1 aiond,la anwbsIl h.qus- ÉlIs mà Bn le* m-ava bcap WIdi al deeu 9" Wvids Our inal par- du m My b. iceM Io p ssaiw eMas b lutt Odu alsalwidà- f1- - , , .'~ SmPUM the njo. ~99% Ivill com- m il Ie& kdie assi - in- widi gi.o 't u avse vaon 'i« Jo. a- te- 19 ne, e Uutrai