Winter drivin lus corne to i lton . * WAMm ff 1 wàÈcW laid kir u.v. anf i Ah.. mike me @igl uiq ah d ai. uaa wd i prov. lavabis liai m «Noo piuuymganis-smem4è . . iieDWel mf-kCuay i ym w ckian. B tcmýih*fr «uonM And replace wi bWues, fca émut. bco cdJIi. kt 0"M doa phy à moie in onomulat nuk âe ahid*du bié Wahnus. ama tuâa.mi cbei mu No Air comcM h la Wad id bwels, 1~ a b,40( chMMbU luveldi lus dmUM dm aIW I nu klà hiM bbu~l. &W =MI dobi ci MMMM ai id-traa Mix of Caqia. Osy. se me dmu kum Ous W a*i Kaq a q-i M at lm », 0. ais Oa for qsuab ,mi" Aâ-ea. ais by à àmpo bog~ .i d»lca auiid w Iow nt 40 beos m a posi émis fru" m S d.'t wS 0 be MMM - zale ai Écat bc aicspm fo Adu*bUMiéSbOsqa mil ow - ib o a cbeuk engins onl type. Sus.M Maiufchu reoeunemom ifMM typas nUmi proe. yenaa Christmaas Ç.acert Dlrsiis by D stm BMM~ Sunday, Deceanher 13, 1992 1.3:00 pm Knox Presbytertan Churcb Modn Strèet, Milton AWm F.MhiGq *MI.chim's, susff Diecis by àM 3i0 Casqisie NewO lights at Greenwood on Ss.isy ne in dui fii, ho fW0m bis »y anim aduse'. dais. "Hems flfhiy putM il oghr sud CwIem&i "I wang go i hies sane dm off bel ho's j.n saut iq to rwe wed." PVida> etcn.wo lma bories wiH b "off aid pàcig* Frlday mi 7:30 p... bu âe Ast mS u a o Jockey 0mb hmonescngnmabss*m n- Wood fo lb. aiioe nui FWor Os dm ama.cig b. niM viea die *uasri mm . v der. MWa sué., Bilu syuS aI wu inuld -d ta the dioogh- bimi ûI ui TUre lieiang "ysmm wu dmiud la eséc nea oemaom Md provide bail. cSàidau Ob borne- a and raclg fais Cbges. 12 aMi Majr R <0*, a Moy liii Umauroa Md" wu. V#bb ne an 6ew CAREER & COMrum XLOAION AMe jeu aSm»i about your carnpah? D)o eS duI* jeu ha"e à AMMi ln conlubsr? The Cu"ad Emloymt cenhu Mi~ & fie HMn Boad of Eduastio 00M CAREE & COMPUME EXMPLOATMOS FOR THE 908 8 weeka: 9-4, stwuln Jani. 18M9 Appty li persa Io CEC Moln 310 Min tust rafaiu Squar BUlkin Poesets Eveiry 10 D"ys! Oion fan à seleci. of Bea. Mixs wis a vviciy of lmmoad ulyles i Plan.. Lffn ad Pa lom %e. b OMs Cwnim H.nsbsw Co. fler Mima me ms<aly Pm -nmxed for fm aid q-y lsuht AU yauds dedis uwa l hu 7 i 10 àys lb. Snm MnmbVidWCnâoe 28 heminguof 2fi.. Lmilay clmmid tibU. dr4 bs suady lo- moev'n WE g N*cb or hunOj aMitiam. no boises, no penweSkl A ras <omo 0brmwig wmNsi absuses IfS mn bahu eiuduis lBM UNr" Mahs avMW98 mow etnly MISW fsi. f ua wau amier . ids murei *wn à pumhso laS à Sa gaset MZO fMdW 28c