DATEUN1E M a s ès à0 ft lie n 09 cm leai fflmf mudy. a"iale Io local conuisat groue 10 MWu ln Promoton #wé *allu exeit Only chlmat. e ornor-prei nmn ntil4y group nraytue dmt pu v e. We uan irty guera. es n@. "» pupécir closee 10 tee dm of rie occurarip aW though1 Mme0 iniortkr ion vape t chier demnnla l. Neiiee lm ObNe Mshol bc w sW 6-i lunt ai ieft M 09 ie Chams- port. loi int St E. or 10ie L eta Blon 248, siao, Qnt.. LOT 41a. YThe IRtat ciaillis, te rsem bnal Wedey'a OMM00 tuid mma Wese.dey lic FrIlou5' 1 No dasms, b Daisw ai one- - 55 isi, hon. * hlayfe l flie childeen of Halton Wa~oe School in Camp$tilville preset A Chriam Caiul ai Ceder Springs Conimuiy Centre (Coldar Springs Roud, souch of Kilbnide) ai 7:30 pi. Admission i free, but donations would he gratefully acoepted. Sabordai Dec. 18 Halton Cootuy Raiait Railway (G3uelphLinat naclis of Braaville) hosts Chraslant NlWi Shiow, com- plcet witls Christmas ligjimg. frainé 7-10 p. m. Talie a ride on asieca titrouigi tie woode in tinter. Admis- sion il $3.50 for adulte, $3 for sen- iors ted soudente. and $2.25 for W:d. Thse Canadan Cancer Socitety prens, WIII Jpm a Suar. Buy a star for (lhe orgtitizalion's Choistas misih n nrt Milton Mail ti 9 &. Io 7pr. Donations go to tie Cancer Society and Ladies Auxsiuy of Mil- ion Firelighfier. Ssmay Dein. 13 Tht Milton Chormsiets Faully ChrWdu Comor it the Milton Children's Ciscs and CAntando Gids' Choir. directed by Mary Jane Corradetna. ai Knox Presalteuians Church ai 3 p.m i s oid out. An Olclr 'lým Carole Si.g t"ie place ai the Camphlsiville Lions Club Huit fromt 2 ta 4 p.m. Admis- %ioan id mehfrnsarse fir.t Mamday Dec. 14 llte Viictortan Ossier of Nurses odsa foot ocme luak for membersi o( Lowville United Chsrch, 5800 Guselph Line. tramt 1 ta 4 pint. l'ie cos i s $15, For an appoimtent or more inoaritattn, contact Luttda Jolly si the clwrch ai 335-0911. "Parratlng after Sepeuilem" te the topic in thts session of Sentinas for dit Separated. a lecture series and %elf.hetp support grauap offéed hy tise Canadien Mental Health As- se(tuan. Soz Kustie. schol social n-arier tram Bue Hali Boardl of Eductiun. s the gisesi speaker. T'ie stmtsar taites place ai the Optimals Centre, 311 Commercial St.. trom 7 ta 10 p.m. To regisier. catI Valerse Fitzpstrtckisf 845-5044, T'u«eay Dlac. 15 Tht A laheluffs FueHy Support Groep taets in Sixe Peui Hanse at Hilton Centermal Maloir tm 7 Io 8 pin. For mor intonnsaimc, contact Yvnus Slipok ai 87t-414 1. The Milice Senior Citizmf Recraton Cea"r bouts CIi'mt TesaailCastelSlions 1:30 to 4 P-81 Enjoy a rebaxl oiaI afiar. nof 0<etve aingli Md reteow- ments. Tse moal le $2 parprnoe. For maie intormaion. conretact Robin McPbsil ai 873-1681 It yolu mm nai as happy as Yeu wald bite ta lie. or if youu enotimn inierfiere wmiih or culuil ycw dii activities amd youir whoeanen tel- aqioshps n-ith oais.. you mm in- vited ta attend *-eisy metings of Emptase Analuuu a non-prolis frll)wui iai dfb, carné. bkienp mnd a rend railleinter patie mnd aoreuty lveryonse la cal- coure t0 alleat die Mdion gaep 'Tueudays ai 8 p. ai 0tOu Lady of Viclosy Chutrch on Tov;n Lie. For Manoir. 125 Oumio Se.. liront 9:30 Id ni"ub md billysifins ne tire. maion. ciii 8781-4803 or 878- 6387, moit information. col] Rost es 878- Il aux Tht siecle fieatare mv "Lait Wansen tintieresitd in Ireaethd- 1267 or Dota a -942- 7709, Minute Clatatauns Craft- by Paily W4i berual lm sport aie 'Muredo Dais 17 Wene" Da. le Dessile ad Fion KtIuICdy>HW welcoinetgoattend Bue neot meeting Tis Vlcimorin ider of Nurse, by it dln Critia Ldie Co- f dt illonLtecls Leaage. 11se boldo; a bes ocm claie ai Milic Ladies nt invited ta attendi NeWi. tee Hour the maming alIo iclles tapic is "*Baby's Cbanging Nd." District Hospitall tram 6" p.m. lit bourbooli CoaGe Iour in Bue main an interludie of musical selecioni Tie meeting taine place si Gracre coa is $15. For an appaini 9n or audtorium of Haion Ceniennial *W Sorsit speaker Debbiie Waàcl. A4- Anglican Chutch ai 8poim. For ifor- mmr inforsmatton, cal 87-5-À:63<,76