71, HârnQsspacing moves-to j MICmU A Girèe0v o rctrc tonight OCyH *W Tom W* d W M r "e «Yýi ,ia. 4b hamà cm0Ii »ow l~n bu -mm dim ati~~NW asr4i »Obs amoUu 3U siCmm' HOOF Snod a*M u r wo*kim tu eu. 0, lkalp wul S 11M C!YvaMs wau k1~m t E4D.djielslb Jdv Puia Stine kW lt wile b.dmcéJon uo -e@ 0b r m %tn mime *0 iwm11ppw ui u glbh buEk & bopbolfha dMM t MMfi" qutie 1 wuJm b*. 1 bd a lemidminsi- WM léu M&66047 b"d mu* kmsm.1 *@%Wa 1 W&d Sia 9 wu thld wawes'l gte MIi Umm for qwm Id Job (àa My.,, *m h (reu> II $id ha, hi- HNosh Accnbq Io ceints FM Cool., lovin ha PuuAS ma~I km. 14 tp . Lm*h lucba bu *,vaopui iu. ; l. 30 u="e mima P'i. m m apains 30.2-comd s waaoe 'Nly si à oe cf âe bats ëkoe21 4e' Hu Z: t lb W.a L ein et Pwebui by Humbher for M:23. Prlme Lee NUi. bu opm lbphee bu deulope&ime àa WI,"I buv mur« won Ibis main.. kkb M pItpmr#lial propo"alto he oboad befoue ud Doi t Smivl u .y ~flaiscc Huscv. Dom kaly bis »ouM ý1 capaitt butbien. 1 wj co am 9.1ch. pinces iponb fie is 7h.doysam. ri O aicao~ ~ uis $222.362 la amlings. Soi tuibe ftouu ivu Dm. Cekqm wbo's baie -Te otpxwdw n lx b wé m@tofwa W>mà Staylg TogaeIbr wan'i stlsbd l am M CfiOyIhad hi. for i e& igalyl on hlm ai along. Ho. &ma 1mw undar thse o-m. A wie ~om q bar Wmi nuc mach Myen (acee ktr à co«.pl celmaiin p long mun Sasld a bpaùaiud hmc a second ovu trp al.cb, or g9ICrffo"II àarna >CIJ1 frbd cm te> mail cf efflts dm w upp.. kcg of mum for a two yen cld lIly *Wd troi ta a 2:02.3 effroi in dme yoerto ahommeMbpm * c bots,.. sho mach sd for beho. ' ay lik. Ibis is smme- S 16,400 final cf the Oennal Snack Amai"l m * .manlal mh One ho Ihlng. SOie likes baIns ttahd ami Trotlq Sanea foir dmt yev aida. = inde ite bc-, *e bm wbe th SmtheChasios Simuwu secod &W GARNER MQ IPM ENT INC. adbchm's bq&dbck shice wm -t . My Woaihmaan ir. 140085 :li*e Drve-â evemydmin 1 93. ToworruImaepas :fi IrFL«Biisk Soi off on dme wnSg foot ___________________________________ Robea anWitailt sl.d a Isaf Ienglh 1:5.4 a a diamace. Acodiog to Clenient l'hem. was .a denyaag Asso liftei,u but perfornuence un the. bis shceing was chmsed aMe ibi M L~Ic IJ..O H* Lxuy. a Ésmu h.91oe cf $17.600 Resta Stewart au for aie, mbd' "hohi Oie wu a ae H Dieam of Gotey in die $58.700 FiIUI Twc Yeun Cl Pacsqg Fillie. tîbî lin ou." ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ of aihe taoei Sutuai Stks as the Dalven by Tony Krmood for In due second Ing of the. smes Oie trotiad a 2:08, efforl for civer luine. Phll Cccl. sid cusue Tony male a heme ascwsag Io finish * Dive WahI. Dehiuooe. C. Semagia. G. Placiuli second Mo My Wàailsy Champ. Lsazury was à keVgh heié.. dms »dDon Maray. lbSosun lily *- PEW LIONTSoagspa1 ~c4HOSPITAL FOUN1DATION t>ý -Warnly invites s 'J lb Its Annual TUMSAYI DgCWEM 15, 7:00 PMn On the front lawn of the Miltonl D4Tict Hospital, Jin the Milton-ëhonstersuzüging *your favourite carolu.. * ,. Refreshinenta will be served insi4k our TO u amU AOmec MR mus mUolpmU DsOrn Aw ni.~ cL1s