Wmter Wipers Wîndshicld iPerI a- smo. the rom crucial iaféty =~~s. nyo.e car. Y,, aimffl sho dinx oht wva i of j(0 ça1% ont he toast tweed tut utîper hl&. ano even hjgher percenliale have 'orne troublein the Ilpcr îyiamu I-lires bOw te maiai, yo.r windhseld vvîper gyft,: _ Bluilci whlch bol 1he rubber qutgees" Of rfis. shquId b, chugeil every oui, tu tuto year. Tii, rabber refUtis thould b, replaedia tuions a eur. in the, lpna amI (iL, If wlpe es ivrî~ greater Iii.. avernge use. or yen leave Your car ouldoor. chante blues ami remUis .nose rqu"tly. Alwayi replâce in pairs. Wiper arms should bc shenbed. ton, for Proper: afignot Im. hustn. crd bet.,nn th. windshield and tht e r rbef fi -hme Ille useil j. id-Wcu, If as sM oMin tin av, indshiejd Iors nos contact th. refit.l, t iper ni suods reaignang. Theli umlslsel «M.bt fi"M e. voir èmuI b, chathaileIonâdy mil refstiled as aceled. la the selatar check i weehly. Donts ga tulg with u en pey reimroir haan dal, s'osblael - -et spas it h diii! * Chanerng descrnhes ilh, noise awsujay niotmon lisait cs wht lh ii îpers fo lu go le amothty arroi. the, wisIsJueld. Check tb, foilosîni possible causes: a) ie rubiier refis art teori; b) the bles are ,,stall1ed iMproperly; ci ( v reition necds ajsistt; d) uta. liuiage *Apply hhemIcos1 thet Uunnaaaioi araos und iota miait tuemnie, lu the wubndhit vriler muoo one a Yeur io post ese. If lbinus fat,' t tuni om ahat tofso renoma le tb, Park Positilon, il shotd be checked andl servlred by a Pofessaoui. Wlper aad utasher systema nt.l apecia oit, duin5 the %vinler becm sisu and ien cm lainae the syilem. 7Cluista. SpeedaIs"--- THIIS WMT ONLY il NO GST S#gUe SffhusI LOIMg SwvOi 0* d A* . PM. OU 0mw, A-1 1c0Aoegin %Mwi Pitei bi 99 ColfCmII, %»0 KMpj Womi. omYS19960 NO owM7bo 6,10W., utUdWaqy Cu. 0m OWM Trait CONTCT MMK MCIIAeL FOM 8110W1N0 EST RA&SAME LEASMN 876f-00 LTN.Q ONTRI 00.oo SANTAS ýSPFCIAt I. 1109 HONDA CMVI 4 DSJ I SS. i oeud f ~ c U MM&ulod Otli 60000 ilm, bal ancSowelmy nwvuy7950eT *1 J J S? I 1992 ChWyssr 5h Ave. 4 dr,blue......... 19,M0 1992 ChrysrDynasy LE, 4 dr.,gray ........ Alo 1992 Pl~mut Acdiaim, 4 dr., N~ue......... 10,M9 1992 Plymoh AccWam, 4 d% blus. .........10,M0 1992 DocdgeSpirt 4 dr., sWer ................ 1. 199 POymut Sundance, 2 dr., sive ........ 5,995 199 Dodge Spii VO, 4 dr., alier ............ r 19O9 Plymoil Grand Vyager, wMgn, med.12,M0 1987 Dodge Carevan, wgn.. ed ................ ,795 A"-I 1978 Chrysiolr Lebamn, 411t. green ........ ... w DAYTONA U8 Sale Pd"c $7e995 0.