RECIPE FILE Bake some holiday magie with' ., smdetetbe breads %o amins ia uedwf-uayi i a y. , * 3 M ff m VA uaSmu mug.o bo umve bWrnaileà ad -a lavolv fug6y ofdi 0<il * 94. (175 m0%gn-Wdt , g *M d"â houllya sl a bold 0aulm Mes, maw, *A%*s An&d uhat a delious way dIiié la didintoa n a Ioettale a POudIVIII 1/4= (50 lm wpa¶Mi te unicp il tis* w«m se ul~ douil. litbbo you've roua ou ta - 1 tep (SOU ai t;'ag Doa't nits titis eu" expeoleS.ý sid itulp wltb die sbinlg. Clilddan tflWgal; * mmou igMr j Ben ineaperlaacrnd coolis cm lov woelug wli dougit. , 20 » (150 &,Wy doppa li s-, Combi i I prepans ~ ~ ~ delctbe ey-pk àw hit nibd 0%;III hn^ cup (12S ad)> sugw bsking - boidy ahusnaftquâ nd* 114 0W »«liI IbUy &diod mi sait in hWp mixia bowl. e P i easy tecape ~elcu. hcm tisa âîca à buffet taiia wli tiis eye- N~da tod:.but a samiture las any. SM FJbaunds unsemod wita bakbe peuder casciting , 1, isis baud, li's a * 2 Uaop (30 w4ti 91111d oraiqu or in &Icil frais, dînaumliemd Ooei unit recumes les tdma 30 ameutei delitous uay Ia delilit attei Who luai tbid ni, Bo ep uli mer reeun ai prupuamio inte. dmp n for s an d coffée. Decssuse * 3@eM; aliniad cia. S&i beqld bsm di Brends madi ubit bgbing powder tberesria yeun aistint oe, yoa - 14 (20 CM i M mB intgecednts ta ae a sufi, silgt doati re extensive knesiaig or need lest titanit- bd«Ine t a n d * 1 top (5 t) ' c *ti dSi aicky dougit. MW a tuty Chramm Voas, nis tinme. Oum uted. dieyre bibi dhii esquisima festive si«. * 2 Ilap (30 i) ,oanR bidia or waons dougli oui ondo a litd _________________________________________ _______________________________________board.oure boad. Ko ol10ta 1 tia <h LAUEDR HOUM OF MM DMSGN IcUu uul aooixpuffy. Roll out CNMSS UsS f9 VIYI -COMS Pm OUtf unYi *$3900 N"m L"a&Wk ~hiI tMILTroN88-. 2XYcsrPô L Mle Uso LED Laser Paor WUîSaiay M 0 ZSy 769w Ri mi wbla so d.opby ial dpk oui oust iiiîN I k--t oe dm',-- Il ibCMq i Z7- 51 Main St. E., 9Uni NMic> Te,87&287F 7M TqeTwe ive e a rs Of Chrisimas Win et Ctudty. Soit. Pt;sitner Bear la pieipellg «or* Eit W. mi @h Twaiv Beau, for yens, v«a7 &wu. K"da Win Our Chris1fthm(êsmb CoItest! Boum-aho~1a ai i lm Fam M duOe We<iieehciiljuga ma a a til.Sp"em>ooftaed bute over rensiliîag 114 cap .(50 nil) mae Vdlâu over butte. Fold doug in baïf formng a long tmAow sec- tanglé. Cet dousit croewite loia 24 Urp. Twist euhacrit p 4 or 5 tis. tii u el lam a cimii. I& 27a cincls. em toucblng la ju above Sd toucbing tl. u"k. Build nui widl mditional rawt; 4 ciriles in second and Ita mou 3 circles in foi* ad fIi.h 2 in ouit MOW am t for tie tose top. Bibi si 375F (190C) for 25 minutes until lalit Sold: Dissolve 114 trsp (50 nil) puasI"a tutu la orange jMunor Remve en front ave. brunis mmu of orung juace titim ea lavaI.d Setuza tee m eul boîte 3 so 10 Decormi trie wlti amltlaa citer- té"s ad alsola fisud ulti re.ulgime dmd cool ois %vire teck. If desised date wÈuicing suga bafore uivlag Milies IOtIo 12 serving:. 0Use omly finas mgine. Do not ife ga (lbv golPa- y Dam ffu li aeloe n.e 1993 Ont" bcb of D" Gogaif Book lsainsi avallati a *ia prvne Titis yesue pasugm u là bisa. wil belli for beue, id a spobespernon for titi Mmi lbe book. wblc mms SI puvides hoidenr uldi 177 oppor- midn , aPla" Io bolai of alf 117 dIffareuit goIf c" in l aiom dlcaupaires. Sisain ddiM as sua. 10 Mala-PMutses. Md 19 - ,iof la C" »d dia U.S. coder Dscuis e h W.sofk Ji UGea i Mir o RdàIsyaoeMpd