iDATELINE mm -. «48»b le loal c.-a* avortaagm moi. ~m bu qunotte IOW "- fallu- ans hofll bon go mi OMM ce &*M loILhu L. or ru bn m An *=@ lau On. Lui. auligo & W ulaa D. U" Taner boa W e 0 95MW"e t a ë»3 Ca m76 lllcv a allan. Su - C III OUl W&bd lu mayd Cein Iao mac Chillot » ai M1,-30 pin. A food &le for lige mody Md SMb Chup Ir ?h.odui De& Mme ~V¶dil Odilb à"â a bu cas dide li la* i -c -w--- Jeep WARMS UP WINTER! Wann Up Your Wmter Wrm& TRt Drive A j-e lbdayi. Visit your Jeep dealer today and see wheel anti-Iock brakes, it cari handie first-hand how every Jeep makes light anything winter throws at it. work of even the worst winter driving Or, take the gold standard Jeep y conditions. - " Grand Cherokee for a trial mun. With its Test drive the rugged original Jeep Y]. ail new Quadra-'flac four-wheel drive With shift-on-the-fly four-wheel drive, a system, it automnatically adjusts to any 2.5 litre 123 horsepower engine (the most road surface it encounters--even the powerful standard engine in its class) and deepest accumulation of snow. The s standard power steering and power brakes, high-output 4.0 litre 190 horsepower Y] wiII have yàiTwarmed up to winter engine, standard foKwheeI anti-Iock driving in no time! brakes, and excIusivedriver's side air Or, if you prefer, test drive the classic bag make Grand Cherokie the ultirnate Jeep Cherokee, the.iegenday go-any- wlnter driving machine. t where performer. With a 4.0.litre 190 So corne in out of the cold and warm horsepower engine, shift-on-the-fly up your winter Idriving with these hot four-wheel drive and optional four- Incentives at your Jeep dealer now! ww 79%/o m500 cA '93 JEEP YJ wi S7b' CASH BACK0 '93 JEEP CHEROKE Milton Jeep/Eagle- 81 Ontario Street, Milton, Ontario 878-8877 Sales 878-8808 Service 842-2544 Toront Une e, Hii,ý ii oi nssti*çcl(icto t-lti i cpt lm$$, Co& sa a mouuslC,,u Caac tam al i %u*egmm b t s iaa, m ss.a~ ns laseas. ar me, D f*YÏ4 d.g -xWU-»cw ' Ww x fll r.f u nMI aa«W m a M - m a.111 g 1ccu. The mal la $13. Fer mmr bfoe.ulau MM 875-463& 10 The UI. viib C rm Gm". of Nangs C.aiU M C 2. c bc tiy," 7510rIt e a MM»a St E. <tz 7:309 p.@. GUO"~ dia iuSar cam=s provile emulacu support * <u 9 and pncdm pâdmSoe paiets bmdy. and bla.à. Par mme Wr- noion. miR 879-5228 or178-876. Mihéog Sud id ,ds Recresia. ceur. 21 Chagris St. baua a 7:01 hp.u. Singis ad xi -nupi me iDl go e lb dboe vilic ic leslve engomen, dis jockey and mes.caa. 7kkcets cout $8 par pasc..Ç 873-1681 for adva dcas cihumsrage for EC Drwy HigI, Scbool hoicl- gare andea hold tbir ««Wa SCire.. mie <rm 10 a.m. to 7 p. in lise achool Iteenuse. Ranis. arrangements, and cais me a"Wab* for aale. St. Paul's United Cbwshbholids Tbrlft Sbop*mm 9 o Il a.rn. The eveni leatures a $4.50 bug sale. Pro- ceeds go to Milton Diatrict Hosital. U " Tier iua mnua mutiflg of Havi- lage Milton (LA.CJi C.) lake place tin tie couatinio roors of Town Hall ai 7:30 p.m. Peter Gaztsor of lthe Greaer Toronto Homebmil- ers Association speaks on betage buildings andi ghe construction in- dustoy. For more information. call 878-3623. Emeyone is invited io1 attend E.C Dntry Hugh School's Sciraît Exoi lim ftom 2 go 8 p.m. Grade 9 andi 10 ICIc and OAC bîology sismienL d-cstudies andi expenescets. Liai, about life iii mSpae genetics of bacteria. andi a new improvei sewage nrettoient minetod. Milton-D.offict Higit School pre- lents ils annual Cbrletma cmm of ail lthe actool's musical ensm- bles ai 7:30 pot. Tickets, available ai lise dmo' os $à for adults and $2 for, Psda Dm .I The cildren of Haie, Waidorf Scitool in Canipiellvile present A Ciriama Casa ai Cedar Spings Cotmaanity Centre <Ceder Spuings Roud. sourit of Kslbrnde) go 7:30 pin Admission îs frer. but donations woulti be gralefully accephrd. Batumldày Dac. 12 Hion Çnul'i Radia Railway (Guelphs Li. norili of Brookille> boss Cklalmua NWgi Sbow. com- plaie will, Chitas liulslmg, (rom 7-10 p.ui Take a ride on a streericu thmeugs thse woods tin wuiatr. Admis- sion iu $3.50 for mduats. $3 for men,- ioeu andi studenis. $2.25 for citiltren. Mrs Canuliaa Cancer Society prelaents Whbl Upc. a Star. Boy a sta for lbe oiganazatic's Christmas viai buee in Milice M.lau gBoc 9 se. go ,17 p.m. Donatiionsgo go thse Cance Society m andie Auxîiway of Mil- ton Firliissn. su""u Dac. 13 Tie Milie Choriasers piaetns Faully Cblma Couvert nid> the Milc Qudam's Chorus and Custand cGirls' Chor, ducat by My Jue Corradent, si Knox Prea- bytesia Oturch ai For lici- esil 878- 851W An Ode Tm CaoleSia is place nt tir Caniaildvile Unces Club Hall fracs 2 to 4 pin. Admis- acm anti tefeagnets me (rie. Mond.1 Due. 14 * Ie Viatcmm (htier of Nurses h"ld a font cage che for menÉams of Lowrville Unssed Cbuorcb MM0 maGuelph LUne, 1-4 p. The com uns s. s $15. Par inforation.c ce Luth Iondy nt ibe church go 335-M911.