The prospèriiy of the country staris with small business CI -- tm te g, me 8-mmMAINSTRAM lai an reptlation, hey fsvivmng dits b"s -Sdm CeCii.fe~ A NADA prosperiry. Ueuimasly, mcie Sovaeselits have yet to uidussind duts. ha face. dhe Md"a gavea- s.asd a Caetr of for Seasun" Desekip- lent aid iti appoàmd "Proqiuuy Group- basicafly met). flul i dealy die comepasate voew cf how te %acteld dis Iienasa wiomp cf humansses in die rua the eoeec.y. Olte die souiller but liutui reoently relscul repurt, Inmiuula ou,- Future: An playr do Mu have due dimme. lacurvez or caney "h Achou, Pla for Casas Pmeupmry. Wtite dem aie bâf labour and big besiass oen4<ý,adce lâve -e mmc litiable recSisundatiomme &but expeuiilia.r pacpa in sud, mmueils. leatrains. tui demea aid insesprovincial traile bar- Yu aito bave tu adk ycuruelf how dm federai fors. du repurt bl«mady seftcti the big business gmnaenuli jusdfy hu 55em w ceetnie alter &ae for thu 1990's - saii busiess= es urs Idi eliunuWed avenW alier eiablsled bedes udi a eui of die ateution. du Eccesnii Coueadl of Cauda in lai ysars This wu pesims; no accient. Some of due critical budllt. cequaeiivesussi faime to semai business uaire loTe as credit, due Preiye Group di spsak go saune of due most embartasang for due federai Csabai es due country and sccessfuly daesa- orennesa. due Goods ans! Seevices Thi, coa-bor- end teit ds probiess ase tu moud of fldn. lei, die séboppien due underpeuaid ecuseny aid the in deeir scluios 1 temse proleuns dut due Gecu.p crippied lttrinm sector. Nuis asie propeuly ai- uses stra le remmèn la ie umm which secotiaen, dressaid by due ProspsnRy Group; all are crucial te dm datiem due biderai saonnaent wil fornialy adet Ixosperta for peosperity for sinait business in pas- Som e s sold aril id bc beckedl by a sagnsflcu ticutar, aid Cailiais in peri . ,aindser of Canadian; clise ciay neyer us du leus One cf due repen's key recumendsecos la in cie- et day. Yet. iieicu dia due conorsos cf ne ai indiependene Prospseity CeaSncil fit aime aimaller fines. due Plxîuoeliy Groupa repurt leaves propoues due creatien of a Natienal Qualery Umnilise eut a dynanic <enier of die Coaudecoi.. MVA finds defender in Clements trnui MUb oni isig 14 Tsue raimui wîdsseai asdier cnip- plmsg titow se sean alter due GST. %lie wuned. Howrver , Mr. Clegns bansmereti lioun due point sIsal white idusuia Necdor tises tiay icrase, connir- cWa (meosdy resait) busicesses would see an everal drep, 1Ils hue duit in the commercia ams taxes ai decrease $325.000, cout?' lie asieti Ms Mastic. "Yes." sie epiedl. Thalik yec.- sud Mr. Clenelts s-lapy Ail thive Miltui regiuial cosmail- lors - M" Gor Gst Krm, Ban> Le aid Mr. Clenients - iuppusted M VA. The controesit lax wu delayed s Yeur in hliq= cf <iediU smm surt Of cortipecuai. Gakvijie, uttic ahi piy $4 utlait mms lem taeIran.- fenitd mci> frone Buitngtec, lai. Ccl> oppoes MVA. aid bus ai alIy in Hale Huis. Rudiaton aid MJJ- ton, bath et guaers aid, MVA, support a. ENTER AT THESE FINE MERCHANTS vu-àHw 0upfloA»F CoeHmuamm ULTUmu. A&£A"&AElSstars VdmItacl Eseyfut lza almer F bm*famP MUMRL TéÉêueCiiu LMha&Dmy mbes me liie à kt. 111111 FiD4kt#* h.RNY&. zbift %mur W* Ndp FWO=mMFs pmaHe true~U Lrevers Veggie Lover'sm or Ment Lovers- (1:h o. fr. tac cfàw o, ftop cf th li Love e r' * Pn lisasem eatIa 7h ve>aeil re (999 S5. t are tor14îlN Thdy Grws V'alse! - - .id W- DERRY RD. & HWY. 25 875-4890 PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING CDEVELOPMENT CHARGES: REVLSED POLICY PROPOSALS Thie Counsci of die Rugmanal Mluracpaiey ci lMri pssed By- tau Ne. 66-91. 67-91, 88-91, 6f-91 and 70-91 on Aprd 17, 1991, undur section 4 oi die Oemulonin Charges Act, 1989 Io enac nus devutiopeut charges andi paliau. Nais, Vile Region is vinsdrg adopeing n-i by-lamrs. As part of the peaoss Fklton condijcted a poliCy reviewis ci s cuéers devalpma-t chaga poléas and peeonduraa. A Public tidumnation Meeting pursjtiat toi akasedjan 6<6) of due Act s held on Mfay 7. '1M92 Oprment aur roevuîmd tram due publi in writg.aidaubiaaaqs "ut reoeved u uPi nomsj Meeing&Èaecip~ Rgsswa Staf poepared "ef prposai busedan d paW viei and duieia centiomww. A pubic tnomatr Meeting pursuaril Ia secion 4 of dui Duvoprpeun Charges Act. 1989, aras hedd on Sepenbe 30, 1992. At du meug staff mnloeed due pubk o idrait propsais unth- er ulderalion. >499and P commuts ate ruoûmnad, and revise deveioprient charge propauds have mSic buen preptired. The. -md proposais repreauent renifnegeis aid m 'ctiaut due draft prasals previy preaten<iefani are batid an Ld Wstlr du roeed ta dme. Acoedinly a kthett Pubic Ineoeniation Moetb% ptisaim Io section 40of du Devetapnion Charges Act 1989. i libu hetti on. DATE: Wednaeday, January 27,1993 TME: 130pmi PlACE: Couneil Cliasbara Hubl. - g condu 1151 smt Rondi =.- Ondubu AI aSeeesWu pulsera aered ta attenid. The. meetig wtt but titti as a RearW Meetn of deue Adrmniaon anti RnarSc Coenatim. aher is a Stadn Cammitnee of Regutai Cmuci. The ptipose ci du mootirg ta ta: *Praeesl du raeit devetopener chargei proposais; anti *Cemmlneo debfatt and oeneeteruîn of du» malur Mt fflmvd by du AdeÉsIeme and FinrioS Caenuiite, Neta prapossals ai eesieiaoai but preteriei Io Ceujndi. along sille mippouing by-âsw, an Fubruary 3, 1903 (tenltkv). Any ornnrt quaator or mqpuata for lurliier einiration rega*ig due Pt.ot klemion Metin an .Jarjy 27,.1993 or due devetopermar charge proposais, may bu diraid Io Rebuta Reaah (axi. 7060) ai 825-6000 853-0501 (Amoun). 878-8113 (Geegetawn, 639-454 (Atidemi), 82X4720 (Skeetasle, due Regei ltil "Mty ai Habon Fruie Depièmees, il151 Bronte Raid, COsvfe. Onario, LJ SEl Il you aich Io apear as a deagain aith duÉ&sh Infoematit5n Koeg an Jaiuary 27, 1903, plaie al Ma. Pal Cernmina, Deuiy Oeal Est. 72M6, ai ltesane ruenburs. Thoe irderuated In lutnwsg hmi "i atien copia.e of Hallons -Ffri 1992 Demetprmxn Chaige Sludy à Poo> Pnçasah mu> bu aesanti ai h otA ad h e FnarS Deparmiur an or aite Jantmay 13, 1993 mgw&*g avabb4ey CUSTMER APREC91ON DAYS! ,mleuwandi Konica woust li Io rews yu la 0 W t i lae feo hig t4arhane tb sufi fatnt.c prs. KONICA 35mA ERA M»-9 Valu.) mmE MT R DETALS Y.