SU GGESTS Datarains DPC-3020 The Complote '386 Personal Computer 80386 Processor Run'ning 0 20 MHz 1Kb Cache Memory 2 Mb RAM Meqioy 35inch - 1.44 Wt Floppy Disk Drive 120 Mb Hard Drive (9 Me Accoo lme) Mouse/Seial/Paralel Ports S.V.G.A. Graphics Card Data Train DC,514 S.V.G.A. Colour Monitor 101 Enhanced Keyboardf Incudes M.S Dos 5.0 M.S. Windows 3.1 and Mouse I j j E~E~II~ Llmlited Quantltie, ~i2 .99, CA-SIMPLY BUSINESS with systemn purchase The u#ilmale Business onadie for, Windows $49Ç 'CA-SIMPLY ACCOUNTING $ with system purchase 2 EAR PARTS &LABOUR WARRANTA OSS CANADA COMiPUTERSMRMUS 0 . Brusiness Computer Solutions 4IERSOD UNiT e 408 TRAFALGAR ROAD * OekvII, oearlooakflle, Ontwo L6K 2G3 I.SJ me1 PHONE (4161 849-7009 PHONE (416) 849-1919 FAX (4161* 840-7110 FAX (4116) 840-827 1 . .1 j p99 EM