OPINION 5 'ICII248.191 MW. IIE., f Mitieu IL9T 4N9 MU-241 g Teat ' n Li 21-3837 Fax- 7-4943 Clasli7AFdverdieg. 875-3300 lmIa Oliver Puiblkher eloliver Advemîlsig Dwecoor/ C'etra Mtawge, joue Muller Ediio, KanHb aCsrceivri c MNager Ttri cessu Offce Mamager Ttm Coiee Prodndacam Mnger Althy ai lui " @ E..~ UMM (WLITtSpiq en le.~i 0- Pie à umt*t Lut voeat ne ubm - bu*&- AMNtae â A*.". msm .u. mk' Aus - nF OMmoo N Nom, f. - --1 Em ma as Pv.. iseju N.W by Tha W-kts Pdwboeea ThàWu FW ndee MU usen -*M* à Me&iPene t de ln SeMM rof às M..egaqk e.e 01110 , gae~ k e ei ed a 1110 avies. lent, Ie1 l u MOI @b ebl IV eg km. w sotb.e, dfwb bie e it lh tmmi wu bs tarlSai Mui OP de a. lIN@ tebWereeeth OgNtb Teli me, where's the equ*ty.?, LJaforlunately lthe only real gbowtb in 1th. country ta in govemmesa services. fli oni masos. we have inflation in 1992 la relatet taxes. Alet evevy secter of privagt indcetr lia reducpd its puces. profits sord growlth widh very few exceptions. Frhefrgsvnmnhofteyapi vage sector employeea woek for lte govern ment wben fedieral. provincial. municipal tact iîden tises uretlaken int accouaI. Tlaal't 61.3 pet cent for an average Caau eammZ $53000 a year. Govemenents aie likre Ille man who said co hia ex-ilif tit e was a great itenvekeepe MWd ht Vins a great bill payer. Site kept the oue ad lic kep i tet bils. The govemmnn's answer to any problemt il lnîtrw moel til - Our ssos.ey. Whai have goitas xed' Whtn Senm new prograrit o d e sed for the betterment of Canadiens - wbo gels il fins? NaY eqsîîY la a gond exae8,le. fice definition lias changedf fromt ils inceplion. Initially il Intact equal pay for equal icorit andi was psitsarily dsrecled Inicut woent iho tn Marly caves icere beîng tiiscrigitutated againat fieencially in the work place, le itWlemsetation tdt deflnition lies develoeted mbio payins people (primhrly womçn> ichat soe govemment body decidea lIer work it worth. Tht najor benelicies are public enWIpoyetsud lhe besifactor la the taxpayer. LUIta Y-pey equity uit amfong the itemt tlit CnOt the municipal taxpayer 5 per cent of bis or bor tux bill. 1 Yeu ytar go" tic s -holding tdu lie" ai 1 par or. Hmw dont; lita compare. witit Our airline employee taxpeyes Waho p6 being asked t0e utc icage conicessons or ug4e 15 per Cent or itoTo, Up lu $40.000 fromt dîtar b"n lulsuy duatin ME terCompaty? Havit domt thm chue is grill no gumnite of a job teics ytm' Wite il lte public sector 9ia"g in titis recesai.? UIC and iglar ucaker say essir -eri-e - in grecter diescend tac mms ber tmot mey Are lpvoemm cot rallier conlrehigo cifiog lie dem-ud dutgi sia veitidesu puy equlty. fiee dayam excmave i=sga lions -d penny acasti la tuet* Crou y VIEW POINT'a Co" "rtin 'aucit su Ontato lyo PtoCanti? la thia attàckig nom»di sues? Jusl rnd Ilte ausitce gentral's report Scvsshow we am matie go forl as if ice a *Sespensible for this mmen. Sure. big busines hmia ils situe of tuicys but those ame the Ced elbor gnventtnent bala out or dicy gi They laate a successful company andi lus i unjil il eiîhtr moves to the tages or jotns ltes.e altidy ln ba*rispcy. The greai benefiti of titis country, acces ti education.-selIt cire, sncial services, affor- dable bcusing anti growing job niha e new beomme a burden in-cost white dectiel in quality. flc difféences httween rigits at privilegea have bhome ekewed. I tinn'î wattI te bu of anyneje lostng hi& job le the privme or public enIr but othm titan paying moe taues, anyting 1 cao do il le direct opposition lu anmte goveattea plan. Geverneent lesciers are bereft of new idems se hure am four cf osie: 1) No benefits eitauld be provitimi public empicyte unless 55 per cent cf privite sector ensployeea havle h o stelnits. 2) Culits le govnam services aitoulti lie refleceetinj evîbectas le manmentm md admninistrative ntaïfai -n eqia percentage. 3) Gel dit cf your Togmot apeelisicot pitt for liy tht taspa)er Ml> NotI Duignanti Join the bundets of Mâlînngrise ho avel tu Toronto mnd unet lai 12 sait;i of te Yeu Thet uuffl i ligiuer flOw becase a lot cf gteant lmt diesjos. 4) Donts sed me your recycied piper caIes. duai agie Mr. Duignan. Save my maery - boutdes. ReMis gives me a beller oet lis. Soms alier Wdes - finie.. equfly adj incentive. Coultics lie a uhole amwdit n for govesumenti?. :The high pilée of poverty flhlly's tapic ai show and tel was about the t deuil bady ht andi hie friendis fougurni thie alley. Jenaifer told @bout due police corinIg to htr neigitioures benge and arresttng the fauter 0 Ptiverly is ot just mm econonic or à poîtcal islue, il cao have devautatieg prycitologvca consequences.. Biliy and Jeateifer uretrodter tiiorosous atrels, and lthe rsks Io dicir tievelopnsent me growing every day.m fyen keep ring on harzmful expeniences ut assoceett wtb~ poverty - fret akfcov'rplg violenice Io poor parentitti - lise risk te the iaiicJl ii ir ciulir accumsulâtes. factors final 1190 go9 .Tht key risk lhactors uling front poverty le Ilditiolà te0 am: povetly la known " odumatoJeoeicali-S c<pemn; violence, depreseleet.I " guncher of ciidren coder 18 yeus of age itygietic. aitienltian ligt lie le tdm honte; icork (pirtt), beit " whtthtr âic pârents am living tegether; mtental heali protileti " dit estent of social pJpports; At dt very heurt of' " tlle ntittier of positive ad tiegative tylis lte frelfng Of ehm utossf l 1fe etast; litre a Mue, cf feeli 12 quality of child's interactions witit the od titif n dt titighboe modier Wliatmt inîttaly Ca. D mud the reaulti of dt HOME survty fet repctaitid whicit asantse the quality of tht pilysica en. Sitiisin 1 tutrc gessara viroomneai mbd th ctilti's oppnrtus.ity tu bct respoe-e ieisresslae stmulamd. thtsugit by -uyret Tt e uiel itng front living in pcvtily là of thenagteinancer cit subrie. butl 1gronue nowâhdmv. Fer etampéve, ltbat arise. Il ia the aely a stndy desctibeil lalei APA Uo*iior (April. tente cf power mdc 1992), shws ligt lthe buildup of rnet factes why reatuchere ne cm dtnuliealy inflee bimeoco ak] n itikf10 bit COsi flaoole. Far Citildren living le poverty. [Q extatlion dut tiye mttuiet relmtvey gable talit zegr Io ssc tley ne 30. A dog's greeting is more likely a pack performance You $ct à even> dacy. Go 10 .aenenes oue aid the top bats liW à maic, leapiti op &M rimwa, advelag ud rettelint Inter- lises tiwî a etes orsigals d rl b s b e ait viii ag arc! filve aide glaiem signe of uastiog fer rtts.fotvemts.ts to arie MWi longe il tlles fer the cailer go reicit the ET dom«. lte mare ailaied the performn c i- coum.NDY Gentrally. umIl ' »Venainnt lly goumt _______1_____b__ dogaIb is commte subeshn uhea the "i- niedr" is shws. liy Il -'paci; testé er > iae hugil a «d snton of ia s a te la wcelcome Le. huwleg 1 tu t le lg pntfluto. of tue pack. Oece yod aiet" le lai bae r fiet tous lm philv leasle. titis tdm« dut yoi ae on parliculaely cantemet rendue la qui mdqd Ve olevu alcu a"ou te score tici you've just uiuitv Doi ne aua aI 0 i p ainsi thet îuit cf lite dos ull gterally leive yen ait=. hl esy eida kttivlahi la desdy gfld. Sitoulti even try Io invite you Io play, doveeataiiq fiacre lie teonbe ult 1 t pick (io n os uts ubtniaaivene lu a pen wtlcomed ton unsut, lits eeiuple) the ilwtai raeked osay la tie pick. doiven out. Thic ivuerntsng pai of aIl dli occue crises Witeg yen gta to nid lent a bouse uisms- yoi ue prepuso ni t litte y-n leive. Manry 4n y- ire ot a regeler vineri le uicit cms people am puzalt mdl even eîbu e die dog paye ne putictilu aitention to your ac- uten their dos, bovin be cosplttly tivitieo), yen art tesseetally being "ciat out" relaxet for ai hur or se. aiddmd.y lainctet by tie top rutiag member, or pack leater. Thrfddit dos burt , maltle e yeu lae dle t péi blee toate hm b tie doges NI support. Shodes of "Cot n d laRy Otutw il My se!' Net entlrely nagagtiog Solel dtp et litae it à a eotIer> 10 eip my jet a fiat poc inl boile yen cmn lrn 0euii Effl thowgh dus e ile a t adm tiaà doges lebepretaion of "Heres yur but. uhat's ycer huassyT". hl le unacoeptablt mnd the owner litouli libn m eu - e o the pro- Ment sitiina, otet dua those of net mnd Ont aggesàve/icjene itthavicur, ned Io bc vieued frnt the tiog's perspective tu lie iwnpetly sottruiocti md analyzet. %ai la ot alwaya as eteghtforud asit tutu, and yen ay nemi input final a gnoa afiner Io htlp you figur out the liest-couet cf actin. Doge. gergerafly. follow the exaneles st by thtir owners. Wlien yoen tser die teffitot> cfa dg and bornant pick. ualch the liebavienes andi observe the gmidliets. Yenll Oind it ver> ls.teeatng. Ami nl'a saler fer yo if yen knew uliet' happening ulîlile tie pack. Shgme cam aIse drive very conditions duti gchoo. lieasa titey Appnnxlmagely 20 Pl in poveriy , , -iitt à Il dity slimply caita bowt cas we stop fhia vi A uymaposlu ounu cf Miami. iecludleg acreas NonglÉi Anuita directions. Finl, tere lit focua cf Imaginent bà not inivyitul For ea Io achool la adaptive le a Ille social contexstls ju tie individu&s. Second, ait the lotnc ces cf povety nSl lie lthe falsric of tdt consol lut itPMWley with Sci cie. dm&g m. delleqi prongeti approci dhmu calio, fiaily supporta ciaI anti ts.Wloys.sent de special treatpmo service prograna; amt coesmuei ta cime reductin, ei liue cag a. 'SYCHOLO0GY IN 1HE-'90s fot119 t0 116. but feil sormure cf ioe rnat xitecul flisetioag e l asoiait wit oinefiy. pontr it ai ai achnod (ciltmn d vionral promtls am th tipereece of pover- Iu lthe ebatte cf feeling îg uoetieev of feeling aslocti uhtrt yen lie. ses tht povty, ils ef- Iy the tiatait il gauo. ly praduora ont of lun ior rage. Sbnu le rchens 10 be ai tht hlu 9Y yoults mdc the gangs dù%e du gaves dicsen a octron. Peeliqi titis is t findirg " msi. a ew pryoutlu - the 'ià be doal by the lim flpotile away giot lte 4wl htlp gten, ocli e. col elupi and lecam- rcee of citildgren lie ha fhiHy md Jeonifor bc wdouitm off. Yet rio"e cycle? was a conensus ltai as te la commnaiies 0811e, carbng a kolfe vom Comtmsunal«t. Il Mi lit! su cbnup, flo &oues md consericen- deili uit., dianging - Iaily, ratite tita di cl aiteeeivs ras- mc. etc. 'Mgl 9sue- di iiicludo paient MFu irvicea: scademic. b-. veolnpt fer youtits, i.udt as tkug aibuse ty d"telopniess, umi lbouthooi watcb &M causa