A METFIGLAND PLOMCATION IAN OI.YER emu r Advertislng: Noil Olive (Manager> STONE NOUSE * aNKS Mah am OIOiI *MUfg 4 keOM.m terIU. Real Est Rep. Andmta Boyle P M mMlUS*CovIa upoS EaWu. uC Wiho Dose It: Sheena Camneron Pubishêci by: The Canadian Champion at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario IJT 4N9, IA UT M 87-2341 3 ~ I1I mmiig roa «t 101ais. To of00 Nqi èIAW biâgAUMJ? Uaqt A*rrtag le acoePted on lte on.dition tht ln dm C oeAt.S-oaCdVnnCMmaiS O95. avent Of a typographical error, that portion of lte adverlleng aPaca occupied by lte erroneous item, togather wtt a reasonable ellowance for aignature, w% not be charged for, but the balance of lte advar- blernent wilI be pald Wo et dfm applicable rate. The pubileher reeervee die rlght 10 catagorize end rejmc i*W H.D. MULLIN a4HAua mAcoCuNTANT * ~ hI0is oe.a% a aa 107 Marini St Tephone MOMMt Ont LOT 2R3 (418)08734M IPmrsanimdcoemI ega'8oeu Mt,.OL ML ena I Fl . o l m UalI Li Coup iecj JIM CAIRNSI IaUhIIGRNANC1LFUnm.aNSM 19I 1878-10961 &"»d lasaillîe, :magIuua i e DA eJ ks ua-,. kA PLLTMN .0mb M ~. *h*L~coraeuu a 111~I dnlàwofi .ry *mRUoMCMUvM Vft*mmofmwu , awUMOARU EU MwOU 4111;lm 870-0413 f RPLAEMET ý.IID0Vme KOSKI ~~~For PDêakb h.aâgpà .GLASS comi : VL- 878-9452 11b8831 6à:S 14- 0 - ~ w»I. $m M.GUUINUD 87840 or 878-383 1 MASONRY r,1A,ýnNPY r- HFA